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Development Process

jtlan edited this page Sep 18, 2015 · 8 revisions

Bugfixes / Enhancement Requests

  1. Pull latest develop
  2. Create a branch off of develop, usually named after the ticket (ex: "1791fix1", "1684ER", etc).
  3. Work and commit on branch.
  4. Be sure to write a test for your new feature or the bug you fixed!
  5. Push branch to remote.
  6. Create a pull request from your branch into develop.
  7. Assign a developer to review (probably one of @jtlan or @bluong).
  8. If you receive a [-1], back to step 3 to address concerns.

Larger Features

  1. Pull latest develop.
  2. Create a feature branch off of develop.
  3. Follow steps 2 through 8 above, but cutting off and merging into your feature branch instead of **develop. Tag any pull requests with the [Side Branch] tag.

Notes on Node and NPM

2015-09-18 We're still looking into this issue, but our setup doesn't appear to work correctly with newer versions of Node. Use v0.12.7 until we can get to the bottom of this.