Updated required Opqua version to 1.0.0 (basically no changes, but aesthetically pleasing); modified plotting parameters on code of Fig. 2d to correspond to graphs on the paper.
Revisions incorporated!
Added Figure S7, vector selective pressure landscape, renamed Fig. S7 to S8.
Added Figure S7, vector selective pressure.
Added biorXiv links.
- added alone time plot to Fig. 2E
- moved time series ODE plots to a separate folder
- corrected Fig 5 recombination axes
- renumbered supplementary figures
Renamed files. Updated figures 4 and 5 to have a more consistent set of parameters throughout study. Added supplementary figures S1, S3, S4. This iteration runs on Opqua v0.9.5.
Removing timecourse LFS zip temporarily.
Got Git LFS to finally push correctly thanks to
git push -f --no-verify
obtained from here.
Initial commit. Upload all files used for current draft. Did not upload large timecourse data zip file (wrestling with Git LFS).