The Picker allows developers to add support for selecting files and folders from pCloud in their web applications. It's a small JavaScript component library that enables your app to get files and folders from pCloud without having to worry about the complexities of implementing a file browser, authentication, or managing uploads and storage.
Users can select file or folder and via callback the application receives the selected item.
The library provides easy way to upload file from URL to user's folder in pCloud via uploadToFolder method.
❗ Two-Factor Authentication is currently NOT supported
- Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer 11 and Edge
- Currently don't support mobile browsers
npm install picker --save
With the Picker you can get files or folders from pCloud into your web app.
Selecet file or folder from pCloud using the following method:
import PcloudPicker from "picker";
clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
container: document.getElementById("pcloud-select"),
isFolderSelectionOnly: true,
onSelect: item => {
onClose: () => {}
This method takes a single options parameter with the following fields:
options = {
// Required. Client id of your app.
clientId: string,
// Required. DOM element where the button will be rendered.
container: HTMLElement,
// Optional. A value of false (default) allows the user to select both folders and files,
// while true limits selection of files.
isFolderSelectionOnly: true | false,
// Required. Called when a user selects an item in the Picker.
onSelect: item => void,
// Optional. Called when the user closes the modal without selecting a item
// and does not include any parameters.
onCancel: () => void,
Handling the response
The item parameter in the above onSelect callback function will be an object, containing info about the selected item, whitch includes the following fields:
item = {
// Unique ID for the item.
id: "id:...",
// Name of the item.
name: "filename.txt" | "New Folder",
// Boolean, whether or not the item is folder
isFolder: true | false
Upload file to pCloud account using the following method:
import PcloudPicker from "picker";
clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
container: document.getElementById("pcloud-upload"),
fileUrl: "https://...",
onClose: () => {}
This method takes a single options parameter with the following fields:
options = {
// Required. Client id of your app.
clientId: string,
// Required. DOM element where the button will be rendered.
container: HTMLElement,
// Required. The url of the file to be uploaded.
fileUrl: string,
// Optional. Called when the user closes the modal without selecting a folder
// and does not include any parameters.
onCancel: () => void,