All original work in this repository is licensed by its author, Garrett Guillotte, under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at
All other works are licensed by their respective copyright holders. See the files in the licensing directory of this repository, which should be the same directory in which this file is located, or at
This notice is included as required by the first-party publisher, which also requests that it not be attributed by name beyond this statement:
This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at
This work contains the following changes to the licensor's work:
- The source's text was converted to multiple digital formats, including formats designed for editing.
- Conversions added a table of contents generated by this conversion's headings, and accessibility information generated by tools used to convert this format to other formats.
- The reconversion to PDF used fully searchable text, unlike the source document, which incorrectly indexed each word or pair of words as separate lines, incorrectly combines text across the column gap, or didn't parse tabluar data, all of which prevents PDF readers from returning expected results for valid search terms.
- Terms listed in the "Generic Terms" section of the word list README replaced terms that the licensor deemed protected in the OGL-licensed version of this content, and other protected or trademarked terms were removed.
- Hyperlinks to sections and concepts, which were not present in the source document, were added.
- Text referring to print or PDF navigation, such as directives to go to a section or references to positionally relative text, were either removed as irrelevant to this medium or replaced with links.
- Some content, such as the source's "Conditions" appendix, were reorganized to associate it more closely with related concepts.
- Appendices as a document orgnization construct were discontinued as irrelevant to this medium and converted to sections.