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Connect an Agent to your Puppet Master |
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This post is about how to configure a Puppet agent to securely retrieve its configuration from its master.
You are going to :
- get your master's CA certificate and set it onto the agent
- connect the Puppet agent to your master
- sign its certificate
- run puppet agent
You will be needing a working master on the Puppet service, see the guide to deploy a master.
Since we will be calling Puppet as a Service API with curl
, we recommend to use these helpful aliases.
user@desk:~$ export PUPPET_LAB=
user@desk:~$ export MASTER_ID=change-me-to-master-id
user@desk:~$ alias auth_curl='curl --include --user YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_PASSWORD --header "Content-Type: application/json"'
To connect an agent securely it is recommended to first copy the master's CA on the agent. This mitigates MITM attacks between the agent and the master. Do a GET request on your master endpoint to get its certificate.
user@desk:~$ auth_curl -X GET ${PUPPET_LAB}/masters/${MASTER_ID}
"ca_certificate": "--My CA certificate--"
Log onto a server and copy the CA.
root@agent:~# ssl_dir=$(puppet config print ssldir)
root@agent:~# nano $ssl_dir/certs/ca.pem
root@agent:~# chown puppet:puppet $ssl_dir/certs/ca.pem
You can then run the agent safely
root@agent:~# puppet agent --test --server
Info: Creating a new SSL key for agent.localdomain
Info: csr_attributes file loading from /etc/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml
Info: Creating a new SSL certificate request for agent.localdomain
Info: Certificate Request fingerprint (SHA256): A7:DA:...:BE:17
At this point the agent is waiting for the master to sign its certificate.
Get the certificate signature requests associated to your master.
user@desk:~$ auth_curl -X GET ${PUPPET_LAB}/masters/${MASTER_ID}/certs
"certs": [{
"fingerprint": "A7:DA:[...]:BE:17",
"hostname": "agent.localdomain",
"status": {
"code": 0,
Check the fingerprint against the puppet run output and sign the certificate request from your agent.
user@desk:~$ curl -X POST ${PUPPET_LAB}/masters/${MASTER_ID}/certs/agent.localdomain/sign
Back to your agent output you will see that it has successfully fetched its certificate and its catalog.
root@agent:~# puppet agent --test --server
Info: Caching certificate for agent.localdomain
Info: Caching certificate_revocation_list for ca
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for agent.localdomain
Info: Applying configuration version '1448293643'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 15.18 seconds
Your agent is now ready to fetch its configuration from your master!
- Get started: deploy your master
- Documentation: Reference documentation, Guides
- Create your account: