#Setting Up the iconpack
- Download this github project as a zip.
- Extract it.
- Start Android Studio and import this project as previous android studio project.
- Rename package name like this.
- Setup basic Strings about app and developer in strings.xml
- Set cards.xml for cards on Main App screen
- Put 4 images to be displayed on main screen in drawable-nodpi folder, named - ic_display_icon1, ic_display_icon2, ic_display_icon3, ic_display_icon4
- Now put icon names under right category in icon_pack.xml
- Fork the github project and edit wallpapers.json file in home directory. Now get the url of your wallpapers.json file by clicking Raw button and replace new url in strings.xml at line 26. Wallpaper section is ready now.
- And at last change changelog.xml
###Easy 10 steps to initialize this icon pack
####How to add dynamic icons for calender
- Instead of <item> tag in appfilter.xml use tag <calender> and instead of attribute drawable use prefix
- Suppose icon name for calender is calender_icon_1.png, calender_icon_2.png, calender_icon_3.png .... so on (where numbers are dates). So now in prefix use "calender_icon_".
That is it
You can see commented code in appfilter.xml for example