A simple SDK to include in your plugins using the great License Manager for WooCommerce created by Drazen Bebic.
You could find more info about the plugin in its web page.
Pull requests to improve this SDK are greatly appreciated.
To configure the License SDK as a library:
- Include the License SDK codebase
- Load the library by including the License.php file
- Configure the system constants
- Set a WP Schedule action to check the license validity
Using a subtree in your plugin to include License SDK is the recommended method.
git remote add -f subtree-license-sdk https://github.com/otakupahp/sdk-license-manager-for-woocommerce.git
Adding the subtree as a remote allows us to refer to it in a short form via the name subtree-license-sdk, instead of the full GitHub URL.
git subtree add --prefix libraries/license-sdk subtree-license-sdk master --squash
This will add the master branch of License SDK to your repository in the folder libraries/license-sdk.
You can change the --prefix to point where the code is included.
To update License SDK to a new version, use the commands:
git fetch subtree-license-sdk master
git subtree pull --prefix libraries/license-sdk subtree-license-sdk master --squash
Regardless of how it is installed, to load License SDK, you only need to include the license-sdk.php file, e.g.
require_once( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/libraries/license-sdk/License.php
If you use autoloading, you could use LMFW\SDK\License
instead of requiring the file
Add the following constants definition in the root of your plugin:
# Create an instance of the License SDK
$sdk_license = new LMFW\SDK\License(
$plugin_name, // The plugin name is used to manage internationalization
'https://example.com', //Replace with the URL of your license server (without the trailing slash)
'ck_xxxxx', //Customer key created in the license server
'cs_yyyyy', //Customer secret created in the license server
[111,222], //Set an array of the products IDs on your license server (if no product validation is needed, send an empty array)
'plugin_license', //Set a unique value to avoid conflict with other plugins
'plugin-is-valid', //Set a unique value to avoid conflict with other plugins
5 //How many days the valid object will be used before calling the license server
If WP Setting API is used, plugin-license string can be replaced for an array containing the setting object and the license key like this:
'settings_key' => 'plugin_settings',
'option_key' => 'plugin_license'
The plugin-is-valid string is used to determine if the license is valid or not. An object is stored in the options table to avoid API calls overload to your license server.
# Schedule license validity check event (use a unique schedule name)
if( !wp_next_scheduled( 'unique_plugin_name_license_validity' ) ) {
wp_schedule_event( time(), 'daily', 'unique_plugin_name_license_validity' );
# Add validity function hook
add_action('unique_plugin_name_license_validity', 'unique_validation_function');
# Create the validity function called by the hook
function unique_validation_function() {
$valid_status = $sdk_license->validate_status();
return $valid_status['is_valid'];
You could modify the validation function as needed
The SDK contains many basic functions that use the v2 API routes
END POINT REQUIRED: GET - v2/licenses/{license_key}
To check if the last activated license is valid, you could invoke validate_status.
To check if a specific license is valid, you could send the license and force the validation
This function will return an array with 2 keys is_valid (boolean that indicates if the license is valid or not) and error (a string with the error message in case the license is invalid)
END POINT REQUIRED: GET - v2/licenses/activate/{license_key}
Activate the license provided. It is suggested to first validate the license since this will return an error if the license is invalid.
The function will create a valid object and store it on the database, then return the license object returned by the license server.
This function throws an Exception if anything fails.
END POINT REQUIRED: GET - v2/licenses/deactivate/{license_key}
Deactivate the license provided.
The function will delete the valid object stored on the database.
This function throws an Exception if anything fails.
This is an internal function to check the license validity if it exists.
This function returns a timestamp value.