This document is a guideline for writing good standardized and readable code when working with os2display.
These are guidelines, and if you think its necessary to deviate feel free to do so, but please be sensible and only do this when necessary and make sure you don't break it for everyone else. And if you do, be sure to leave a comment with your reason so it won't stay inside your head only.
The guidelines should help achieve:
- A stable, secure and high quality foundation for building and maintaining websites
- Consistency across multiple developers participating in the project
- The best possible conditions for sharing modules between sites
- The best possible conditions for the individual website to customize configuration and appearance
Contributions to the core project will be reviewed by members of the core team. These guidelines should inform contributors about what to expect in such a review. If a review comment cannot be traced back to one of these guidelines it indicates that the guidelines should be updated to ensure transparency.
TODO: There must be som AngularJS and Symfony links needed here to?
TODO: Should we go for PHP7 compatibility, so we can slowly get there?
Code must be compatible with PHP 5.6. Compatibility can be checked using PHP_Codesniffer.
Code must conform to the Drupal Coding Standards. We know that this is not the standard for Symfony projects.
See the codesniffer document for information about setting up code sniffer.
It is recommended that JavaScript code is checked by JSHint with options:
- debug
- forin
- qnull
- noarg
- noempty
- eqeqeq
- boss
- loopfunc
- evil
- laxbreak
- bitwise
- strict
- undef
- nonew
- browser
- jquery
The os2display admin and screen frontends are built with AngularJS 1.5.x.
Guidelines for writing AngularJS code:
The js for the administration is located in web/.
The legacy app is located in web/app/. New additions to the administration frontend should define separate apps (located in web/apps/) instead of extending the legacy app. The goal is to move all functionality into separate apps and modules in apps/ and completely remove the legacy app in app/.
The legacy js is compiled with gulp
gulp js
And the js assets in assets/ are compiled with gulp
gulp assets
The difference between modules and apps is that modules are not bound in the DOM. The apps are included in the DOM and each have a ng-view bound to it.
To add a angular module or app:
Add a folder to web/apps/ suffixed by App or Module.
Add to app/config/apps.yml or app/config/modules.yml configuration for the module/app.
See CSS guidelines.
The sass for the legacy app is located in web/sass/ and is compiled with gulp:
gulp sass
New additions should be implemented in the styleguide.
When the styleguide css has been compiled (also with gulp) it should be copied to admin in place of admin/web/css/styles-new.css.
To build the sass:
gulp sass
To watch for changes in the scss ([@TODO: Consistency wise, should this be scss or sass which it is called in admin?]) folder:
gulp watch
[@TODO: Include gulp-help gulp file]
README: All modules/bundles must contain a file containing the following where applicable:
- A brief description of the module/bundle
- Configuration options
- Installation procedure
- Hidden variables
- Other requirements and how to obtain these such as API urls, versions, keys, library system and trimmings
- Any code which does not comply with these guidelines and a brief argument why
LICENSE.txt: All repositories must contain a LICENSE.txt file containing the license for the project: license.txt.
See the template-guidelines document.
Development should be conducted in the vagrant environment [vagrant link] to ensure consistency.
All naming must be in English.
All bundles must be prefixed with the organization that supplies the bundle. Eg. OS2/Display/MainBundle
Repositories should be named after the bundle contained within.
Os2display is developed for newer browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE > 9).