To use this as a developer:
Clone it from git.
You will need to have node.js install.
cd Bounce npm install npm start
serialport usually needs a rebuild - to get this:
- npm install -g node-gyp
- On windows: npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
- On Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install build-essential
- Then do "npm run-script rebuil"
To create a package
npm run-script package
Where you can, please stick to and
Use jquery where possible - it is often simpler than the closure equivalent. Closure is what blockly is based upon - but can lead to very heavyweight code compared to the jquery alternative.
If you need to change the goog dependancies, or blockly version this is a bit trickier. You will need standard gnu loadout + a jre. Use GOW on windows.
- BounceConfig - Manage/update and store user config preferences - mostly related to serial.
- GeneratedCode - Manages the generated code tab
- Nodemcu - Managed communication with the NodeJS via Serial.
- OutputConsole - Component for the output tab showing serial output and allowing a user input.
- BlocklyManager - This manages the blockly workspace - some of the operations performed on it.
- BounceUI - This ties the UI into the app functions.
- blockly-nodemcu - Blockly (the language) with Lua generation.
- CustomNodeBlocks - Additional blocks specific to the NodeMCU system.