- machine learning with graphs by Stanford, from ML to GNN.
- Graph deep learning course - graphs, sets, groups, GNNs. youtube
- General purpose and community detection GIT karate club bene
- Connectivity
- Min-cut: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Louvain community
- Girwan newman gist, this worked, this is potentially good too, another, another, another
- Node2vec, paper, medium1, medium 2 - tutorial - code, git code, original py2 code, taboola code for their medium paper
- Evaluation metrics for community detection
- Review for community detection algorithms - paper
- Term: community structure
- Term: modularity of networks
- Unread paper
- Unread comparison of community detection algos
- Clustering adjacency matrices
- Spectral-clustering (is this suppose to be here?)
- Finding natural groups in undirected graphs
- Awesome community detection on github
- Various algorithms
- 5.1. The PageRank algorithm
- 5.2. The Betweenness Centrality algorithm
- 5.3. The Closeness Centrality algorithm
- 5.4. The Degree Centrality algorithm
6. Community detection algorithms
- 6.1. The Louvain algorithm
- 6.2. The Label Propagation algorithm
- 6.3. The Connected Components algorithm
- 7.1. Procedures
- 7.2. Centrality algorithms
- 7.3. Community detection algorithms
- 7.4. Path finding algorithms
- 7.5. Similarity algorithms
- 7.6. Link Prediction algorithms
- 7.7. Preprocessing functions and
- Graph-tool is an efficient Python module for manipulation and statistical analysis of graphs
- NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.\