This is a pinball game based on a CC-1350 launchpad that is connected to 2 servos that function as flippers and a force sensor that is used to encounter that the ball fall into the drain. The game is controlled through a dedicated Android and TI-RTOS applications that communicate over BLE. The Android app transmit the flippers' state to the board using the TI-RTOS application and gets notifications from the TI-RTOS application with regard to the number of lives left.
- Java 8 (or above).
- Android Studio
- Android SDK 27.
- Android Build tools v27.0.2.
- Code Composer Studio.
- Clone the project from our repository
- Connect your Android device to the computer and enable the developer'sdebug mode in your Android device.
- Download the app to your android device by running the application in Android studio.
- Open the board apps simple_peripheral_cc1350lp_stack_FlashROM and simple_peripheral_cc1350lp_app_FlashROM projects in Code Composer Studio.
- Connect the TI CC-1350 to your computer using the dedicated cable.
- Run simple_peripheral_cc1350lp_stack_FlashROM (this step should be done only once).
- Run simple_peripheral_cc1350lp_app_FlashROM and start controlling the launchpad using the Android app.