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Ajay Zalavadia ajay1685
Light microscopy, Electron microscopy and Bioimage informatics.
Arunangshu Debnath arundebnath
Founder, Scientist Quantum physics | AI


Luka Radosevic luigirad

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Karlsruhe

Andrew Thompson thompsand
Neuroscience PhD student with the Bamji lab at The University of British Columbia-Vancouver studying palmitoylation, oligodendrocytes, and myelination.
Jacopo Abramo jacopoabramo
PhD student at the Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien.

Leibniz-IPHT Jena, Germany

Samuel Budoff sbudoff
Neuroscience PhD candidate researching both real and artificial neural computations in the context of vision

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center Colorado


California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA

Mario Bernardi Mariochem92
PhD student in Nanoscience