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Paul inkenbrandt

Utah Geological Survey United States

Niels S. Hvidberg nsh-envs
PhD in Atmospheric Modelling of CO2 @aarhus University Institute of Environmental Science.

Aarhus University Roskilde

Ginsky eugene254-ship-it Suspended
Lead Engineer : AI | Backend | System Design | Architect | Go | NodeJs | NestJS | Typescript | ES6 | GraphQL | Microservice | AWS | GCP | Serverless | K8S | IAC

Paycoo Nairobi

Raissa L Gill RLGill
PhD Candidate & Research Associate in microbes and extreme events 🔥

Climate Change Cluster (C3) University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Australia

Dr. Andrew SONG andrewsoong

Inner Mongolia Meteorological Service/China Meteorological Administration Hohhot,China

James Mineau jmineau
Land-Atmosphere Interactions Researcher

@uataq Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Sergio Ibarra Espinosa ibarraespinosa
Post-Doctoral Associate, GML NOAA

NOAA Boulder, Colorado

moabgal MoabGal

Salt Lake City