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argenx-ui / 0.0.12

argenx-ui 0.0.12

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @thinkcompany/argenx-ui@0.0.12
Install via package.json:
"@thinkcompany/argenx-ui": "0.0.12"

About this version

Think Company Design System Starter

A template for creating design systems with Storybook.

Built with the following:

πŸ“¦ Install

After downloading this repository, install all the package dependencies:

npm install

Most of the dependencies are only used to develop or compile code and will not be included in the final bundle.

πŸ›  Build

There are a few different build scripts included in this project.

Build the static files for distribution (potentially as an NPM package):

npm run build

Create the SVG icon sprite based on the icon files located in ./src/assets/svg:

npm run build-icons

Build the Storybook library as a static site deployable to a server:

npm run build-storybook

Generate the Sass variables and mixins based off the design token system:

npm run build-tokens

Generate template files for a new component using PlopJS

npm run generate component-name

🧰 Develop

Build components in the Storybook development environment:

npm start

This will open your browser at http://localhost:6006

🎨 Format

Lint and format code to standard conventions:

npm run lint

This runs the code through ESlint, Stylelint, and Prettier.

πŸ”– Prefix

The default "tsl-" classname prefix can be updated with a script:

npm run prefix <NEW_PREFIX>

Getting Started

To get a new project up and running, first install the Think Company Application Starter CLI.

Once you have the CLI tool installed, follow these steps to be up and running in under two minutes:

  1. think new-library
  2. cd <PROJECT_NAME>
  3. npm install
  4. npm run prefix <NEW_PREFIX>
  5. npm start

File Structure

File Purpose
.storybook/main.js Setup Storybook addons
.storybook/manager.js Configure custom Storybook theme
.storybook/preview.js Configure global decorators and parameters
.storybook/webpack.config.js Webpack overrides for Storybook
.eslintrc.js ESlint config settings
.gitignore Files and directories for Git to ignore
.prettierignore Files and directories for Prettier to ignore
.prettierrc.json Prettier config settings
.stylelintrc.json Stylelint config settings and rules
babel.config.json Babel presets and plugins
combine-svg.js Generate combined SVG sheet from SVG source files
LICENSE MIT license for source code
package-lock.json Keeps track of NPM dependency tree
package.json Contains list of NPM dependencies
postcss.config.js PostCSS config settings
plopfile.js PlopJS config settings
tokens.js Generate variable tokens from JSON files
webpack.config.babel.js Webpack config settings
webpack.optimization.js Minification and code splitting options
webpack.plugins.js Webpack plugins
webpack.rules.js Webpack rules



  • argenx-ui-0.0.12.tgz

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