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Erkan Erbay erkanerbay

RAVERTAN Cognitive Technology Solutions Turkey

Mikołaj Roszak mikolajroszak
Me - CEO of a company providing marine engineering services. Founder of Cyfrowe ID' startup. I'm the owner of Krabowe Skorupki' eshop.

Mikołaj Roszak Stargard Poland

Sertaç Akdoğan sertacakdogan
Full-stack Product Builder // Founder at Rexahub

Rexahub Istanbul

Sarah Schopick sarahschopick
Technology lover, amateur coder

California, U.S.

Senior 🌏Web / 📱Mobile Developer Proficient in React and React Native.
Let me do it!


Avi Barbour, MSGL, SCRUM, Agile avibarbour
GM/CIO of a Private Equity firm that leverages high-quality business intelligence data to invest in InfoTech, FinTech SaaS projects and companies.

Siobahn Visconti, LP / SaaS Fort Worth, Texas

Samuell Dantas Matoso Samuelldm
👩‍💻 Analista de Dados. 📊 Consultor de negócios. 📚 Pesquisador. 👩‍🎓 Bacharel em Análise de Sistemas 🎓 Pós em Engenharia de Dados
Raymond Brady thewizster
I love to make stuff. I have a creative mind and am not afraid to experiment in order to find a better way to do something. However, I do love simple solutions.

Webextant Texas

Shane O'Neal 3Ts4Tech
- I'm a Programmer/Developer/Machine Learning Engineer/AI Prompt Engineer. I also work with Linux in the form of TERMUX, learning the ins and outs of Pentesting
Lucas Nguyen LucasoDevDotTk
Living life one commit at a time. Love-hate relationship with bugs. ❤️

Drammen, Norway

Nimra syeda SyedaNimra11
UI UX Designer / Front end Developer


Mike Peiman mikepeiman
Father and independent developer. primarily frontend. Love Svelte. Building apps for knowledge management, learning, productivity, games, and more. Kitchener, ON

João Paulo joaopaulomirandamatias
Policial Militar e desenvolvedor de software na Polícia Militar do Amapá. Adoro programar para web e mobile.

Polícia Militar do Amapá Macapá - AP

Remal Mahmud mahmudremal
Am an expert WordPress developer, I do and am driven by the desire to present the highest quality possible...

WeTechPro Dhaka, Bangladesh

Felipe Albuquerque de Almeida felipealbuquerq

Think A.M. Presidente Prudente - SP

CharlesLee CharlesLee1120

unknown Geneva, Swiss

Muhammed Adnan muhammedadnanv
👋 Hello world! I'm Muhammed Adnan a passionate F Developer based in Kozikode 🚀 I specialize in Front end developer

ad-comic-Agnecy calicut

Rasamoelina, Haja Onjatiana rhahao
Do not give up in doing good.

@sws2apps Madagascar

Front-end Developer


Science_Wolf ScienceWolf666
S.Wolf – Science_Wolf – ScienceWolf Science_Wolf#6666 – ScienceWolf666

Magic Players© ❖ Freelancer Poland ❖ Pomerania ❖ Gdansk

Space.junkie radday5
From Alabama! 🌟 A tech enthusiast, tinkering with code and unraveling the mysteries of the digital universe


arvind arya arvind-arya32
I am a student of batchlor's of computer application at (D.S.B) Compus nainital uttarakhand
