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Harsh Tibrewal htibrewal
Budding AI Engineer | Experienced Full-stack Developer

NUS, Singapore

Working on interesting projects related to enterprise AI/ML (agentic workflows, RAG, fine-tuning)
klob | various ramblings xklob

@SegfaultSecurity San Francisco, CA

Vu, Truong InNoobWeTrust
Unhealable trauma and hatred toward humanity...😔 I only love robots, no affection for humans...🥹 Human, bad; robot, good! 👽
Akshata Bhat AkshataABhat
Final year CSE @ VIT, Vellore.

Vellore Institute of Technology Bengaluru, India

Jianxing Zhang xingole

WuHu City in China

Sahajpreet Singh sahajps
Research Assistant at LCS2, IIT Delhi

IIT Delhi India

dopper dopper
Exploring the edges of reality, hoping to collapse cosmic mysteries… but primarily focused on optimizing my code and reducing its computational requirements.
Facundo Cabrera facundocabrera

Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina

M. Cole Baker H3rm0g3n35
I have a B.A. in Applied Linguistics and 4 years of experience in the IT industry. Currently seeking to transition into the field of Computational Linguistics.
wangyandong wangyd1005sy
elasticsearch、kafka、flink、skywalking、druid MobaXterm google play安装应用


Zhe Ren wtbxsjy
Bioinformatics/Data Analyst

BGI-Shenzhen China

Emine Şener EmineSener
Computer Engineering Student at Bursa Technical University
Abhishek Ranjan AbhishekRP2002
All you need is a little push (git push ) :).


Hiroyuki Kuromiya kromiii

GMO Pepabo, Inc. Tokyo

Abidoye Anuoluwapo Anuoluwapo65
An undegraduate student with a research focus and interest in deep learning and clinical natural language processing

obafemi awolowo university ile ife

Mati matiasvillaverde
I have code for breakfast!

Berlin, Germany

xzl666 XieZilongAI
I will carry you.


ZY (Jerry) mathsrocks
Less is more.

The NRMA Sydney, Australia

Xiangrui Zhang nano-ZhangXr
An AI engineer from China...
weiditang 2364058719
本科:哈尔滨工业大学 软件工程
Tech Aficionado | Software Architect | Open Source Contributor | AGI Entrepreneur
ABIMS mr-abims
Blockchain Developer

Lagos, Nigeria

Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

Kun-Lin Lee LeeKLTW
NLP Engineer

Taipei, Taiwan

Anirban Basu anirbanbasu
Researcher in Computational Trust, Privacy, Security and AI. GitHub repositories are personal or academic research projects, unless otherwise mentioned.

University of Sussex Tokyo, Japan