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Alice Hannah alice-hannah
RAP Developer at the Scottish Government (@ScotGovAnalysis)

Scottish Government (@ScotGovAnalysis) Glasgow, Scotland

Cédric Mondy CedricMondy

Office Français de la Biodiversité Vincennes

Stéphane Trainel strainel

@economie_gouv France, Paris

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Marylène Henry MaryleneH
Statistician - Project Manager

Bordeaux and Paris, France

Guillaume Costeseque gcostese
Traffic flow engineer and applied maths researcher // traffic flow modeling, simulation and optimization

Cerema Ouest Nantes

María Paula Caldas mpaulacaldas
Mostly #rstats

OECD Paris, France

chinon123 chinon123
Open-minded, versatile, team player
