eslint-config 2.27.114
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @ridedott/eslint-config@2.27.114
Install via package.json:
"@ridedott/eslint-config": "2.27.114"
About this version
Safety-oriented, fp-first configuration of ESLint.
To use this configuration, install it as a devDependency
first, alongside
ESLint itself:
npm install --save-dev @ridedott/eslint-config eslint
Once it is finished, add an ESLint configuration to your project in a top-level
file. An example configuration:
es6: true
node: true
extends: '@ridedott/eslint-config'
- env:
jest: true
- __mocks__/**/*.ts
- src/**/*.spec.ts
- test/**/*.ts
'@typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers': off
max-lines-per-function: off
max-statements: off
no-magic-numbers: off
unicorn/no-unsafe-regex: off
- files:
- scripts/**/*.ts
no-console: off
- files:
- __mocks__/**/*.ts
unicorn/filename-case: off
ecmaVersion: 2020
project: tsconfig.json
sourceType: module
and a script in your package.json
which will help you run ESLint with correct
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint '**/*.ts'",
"lint:fix": "eslint --fix '**/*.ts'"
If you would like to add a Visual Studio Code integration too, consider starting with the following configuration.
Add an extension to the list of suggested ones in .vscode/extensions.json
"recommendations": ["dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"]
Add ESLint settings to the workspace settings in .vscode/settings.json
"eslint.codeAction.disableRuleComment": {
"enable": true,
"location": "separateLine"
"eslint.codeAction.showDocumentation": {
"enable": true
"eslint.enable": true,
"eslint.lintTask.enable": true,
"": "onType"
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See usage notes on how to consume this package in your project.
Minimal requirements to set up the project:
- Node.js v10, installation instructions can be found on the official website, a recommended installation option is to use Node Version Manager. It can be installed in a few commands.
- A package manager like Yarn or npm. All instructions in the documentation will follow the npm syntax.
- Optionally a Git client.
Start by cloning the repository:
git clone [email protected]:ridedott/eslint-config.git
In case you don't have a git client, you can get the latest version directly by using this link and extracting the downloaded archive.
Go the the right directory and install dependencies:
cd eslint-config
npm install
npx husky install
That's it! You can now go to the next step.
This repository does not contain any source code, just the configuration, so no tests are present.
This project uses Prettier to automate formatting. All supported files are being reformatted in a precommit hook. You can also use one of the two scripts to validate and optionally fix all of the files:
npm run format
npm run format:fix
Publishing is handled in an automated way and must not be performed manually.
Each commit to the master branch is automatically deployed to both npm and
GitHub Packages registries with a version specified in package.json
. All other
commits are published as pre-releases by the integration pipeline.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning v2.
IMPORTANT Changes and additions of linting rules are not considered breaking changes.