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Misty Misty-42
The answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything doesn't solve problems so humans must help each other. I do my part as an IT Professional.

Tulsa, OK

Perichdey Weslley Perichdey
Hi! my name is Perichdey.


Luis Rojas lrjsec
Self-taught cybersecurity enthusiast aspiring to join the red team ranks.
Daniel Millier danjmillier
Hi! I'm Daniel, a Junior Cyber Security Analyst based in Ontario.

Kingston, Ontario

TechSquad Inc. TcchSquad

TechSquad Inc. Valdosta, GA

Zorp HugoCls
I create applications that optimizes your life.


Steven stimpie007
I love to meet new people, love to code/hack, snowboarding, cooking, playing drums, gaming, scuba diving, kickboxing and more.
Simar Simardeep1098
umeployed tech enthusiast, continually learning and exploring new technologies one day at a time


BallenJaza Ballen-jaza

Suleimani, As Sulaymaniyah, Iraq

Ilias Bezzaz iliasbezzaz
telecom and network technician
Ziyi Liu Ziyi-star

Student at the University of Kassel Kassel, Germany

Jonmar Corpuz JonmarCorpuz
Systems Analyst @ TELUS | Google Cloud Infrastructure & Security
| gad_E | hgaddy2
Just recently graduated from Linux kindergarten. Tuscaloosa, AL

Boyd Fields boydfields

Hertfordshire, England

SourceAura SourceAura
تمنى لي الحظ 🫀 • 🫁 • 🧠


伊诺 enomothem
[ Square Brackets ]

huasheng China Universe

Gary Reed GaryCReed
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. Studying CISMP and Solutions Architect Associate. Former nurse and IT freak, dabbling with code too

Birmingham UK

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Merlin von der Weide CarIos-Matos
if you're in doubt // it out

Cicero cicero343

United Kingdom