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libsecret_x64-linux 0.20.4-vcpkgec2aaf73968a497c173f7c0e978c037ba026d901c0934fb8e2ebce5b982682a7

Install from the command line:
Learn more about NuGet packages
$ dotnet add package libsecret_x64-linux --version 0.20.4-vcpkgec2aaf73968a497c173f7c0e978c037ba026d901c0934fb8e2ebce5b982682a7

About this version

NOT FOR DIRECT USE. Automatically generated cache package.

libsecret is a GObject-based library for accessing the Secret Service API of the project, a cross-desktop effort to access passwords, tokens and other types of secrets. libsecret provides a convenient wrapper for these methods so consumers do not have to call the low-level DBus methods.

Version: 0.20.4 Triplet: x64-linux CXX Compiler id: GNU CXX Compiler version: 11.3.0 Triplet/Compiler hash: 17f3cf83da6ba9cf6ec5e9be9bb21aec0f86b5fbb884700720007caa5f4c9e5c-8483608216601f5eb6d401f81f364008853b8e98a0ea3bebd6dc1e55e1e3edbb-1a68654db9e5e18051b0d3922861ed766122d339 Features: core Dependencies: glib libgcrypt vcpkg-tool-meson