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akshita bhasin AKS380
Hi there! I'm Akshita🙋‍♀ , a passionate and ambitious developer with a deep-seated enthusiasm📈 for Web Dev, App Dev, and the fascinating world of ML/AI 💻.

[email protected] Mumbai

Jun Hyeok Lee bluehyena
At the forefront of technology
Martin E. Johansson mejoh
Researches the neural mechanisms underlying clinical progression of Parkinson's disease, focusing particularly on the role of cortical compensatory mechanisms

Nijmegen, the Netherlands

i like trains and brains
Reema Gupta ree-gupta

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Germany

Jonny Saunders sneakers-the-rat
Bad at programming in sunny southern california <3
Lyuba Zehl lzehl

EBRAINS AISBL Brussels, Belgium

Eric Earl ericearl
Neuroinformaticist acting as a Data Scientist in the NIMH Data Science & Sharing Team

NIMH Data Science & Sharing Team Portland, Oregon

Nick Guenther kousu

Asymmetric Research Canada

Gabriel A. Devenyi gdevenyi
Research Computing Associate at Cerebral Imaging Centre, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, McGill University

Cerebral Imaging Center, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, @CobraLab Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Remi Gau Remi-Gau
I wanted to understand the brain, now I tell people how to name files, folders and variables.

Origami lab - McGill University Montreal, Québec, Canada

Katie Lavigne katielavigne
Cognitive tasks, neuroimaging pipelines, platforms, and analysis techniques

McGill University Montreal, Quebec

Alyssa Dai alyssadai
Research Software Developer @ The Neuro. MSc Neuroscience.

Montreal, Canada

Leonardo Muller-Rodriguez Manukapp
Research Asistant at Cambridge Instute for Music Therapy Research. Interned at @psychoinformatics-de Studied a Neuroscience in Neuroimaging MSc at KCL, UK.
Niklas Wulms wulms

Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine University Clinics Münster

Wang Qing Vincent-wq
Assistant researcher, love #neuro data science🧠, #photography📸 and cat person😸!

SMHC, MNI, McGill University Montreal, Canada