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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Ronaldo Medeiros RonaldoMPF

Federal University of Campina Grande

bonsai, code... early optimization is the root of all evil D. KNUTH
Mudit - devloprr
Founder of - A new age social media platform for Developers with some great features. #devloprr Worldwide

Mimi Flynn mimiflynn
Software engineer, ham radio operator, tinkerer. Creates interfaces during the day, and plays with hardware at night.

@morganstanley New York, NY

Mehboob Alam postgresnx

Postgres Startup New York, NY

Jon Velando rigzba21
SysAdmin and DevSecOps. OS development and network tinkerer. Software-defined radio (SDR) and RF Security enthusiast 📻
Edoardo Lanzini elanzini
Software engineer building things, fueled by pizza 🍕 (without the pepperoni)


Chasen Bettinger chasen-bettinger
Interested in what's next. Always trying to improve.

New York, NY

Hariharan E hariharanep4
R&D Engineer at Nokia

Nokia Bangalore, India

Batuhan Apaydın developer-guy
🚀CNCF Ambassador 23 🎖Best Sigstore Evangelist 23 🐳Docker Captain 23 ✍️ CDF Ambassador 23 📅 Organizer at DevOpsTr • @cloudnativetr

@trendyol compromised

j-k 06kellyjac

@controlplaneio UK