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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

Meat popsicle
linux crack, command line ninja C/C++, Arch Linux, fish
gentoober gentoober-one
“I'm nobody. I'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo. I'm a boxcar and a jug of wine... And a straight razor!... if you get too close to me.”

Linux Division Brazil


moroccan school of engineering sciences

Sergio Echaiz sergioechaiz
Network Programmability & Automation | Cybersecurity | Open Source Enthusiast | Linux Geek


Paulo Roberto Almeida-Paulo
Engenheiro e Cientista de Materiais | Cientista de Dados (...) | Desenvolvedor Web, Mobile (...) | DIO Campus Expert

UFPI Brazil