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※ IP Saxophone ※ ipsax
🂡 kyphernet 🂱

graphowls cyberspace

Brian M Johnson Brian-M-J
Student. AI, Mojo and Python enthusiast.
DavideRedivaD DavideRedivaD
🌐Ethical Green Network community MGR 🎙️Greencast social media MGR 🎲Game Design enthusiast 🎓Programming student 🔗

Dev Student Italy

Giovanni Squillace Corvus-JSDev

United States of America

Vojtěch Fošnár vfosnar
Most of my public projects are just bodged to work. The private rest are too but they don't work.


lukymas lksmasin

Czech Republic

Hirad Rasoolinejad Hiiirad
DevSecOps Engineer | eBPF and XDP | Cyber Security Researcher | Telco Cloud | Rust | Open Source Contributor
Taha mt190502
Software & Linux Enthusiast


21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

Vít Fanta vtfanta

Czech Technical University in Prague Prague

KuRa KuRd GoRaN909

Kurdistan, Slemani

Hari Chalise harilvfs
Linux 🐧🎧 | Much Love for Open-source 🔓


Debashish Patra suvam0451

India 🇮🇳

Dead Josiaa301
Now I’m left with myself to deal with.
A big fan of Zorin, Vivaldi, Ferdium, VSCode, Bottles, Stellarium & Revolt ♥
fuggy nonetrix
Dumb "programmer" that doesn't do much besides report bugs and publish configs and scripts. I technically know Python, Nix the best, then a bit of C++, and Rust
Nic Weyand nicweyand

@nicsho Somerville, MA

As a kid, the little engineer in me enjoyed breaking things. As a grown kid, some things never change.

Milwaukee, WI, USA

Christian christian-fei

The Internet

Michal Fusatý fusaty
I got your distress call and came here as soon as I wanted to.
Chase Alexander 789it789
I do not maintain repos I no longer use, I do not have time.

Minnesota, USA