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Michael Paulino mi6paulino
Graphic designer , data analyst , observer scientist, Journalist

20R00mz Productions New York City

Huamin Wang HuaminWang
PhD Stu @HiLab-git at UESTC

UESTC Chengdu, China

GaoxingZheng GaoxingZheng

Fudan University China

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Ruairidh MacLeod rkm
Research Software Architect @EPCCed. Data engineering, medical imaging, and Safe Havens / TREs

@EPCCed Edinburgh, Scotland

Cescualito Cescualito
Paediatric neuroscientist at UCT, Cape Town, SA 🧠 | Health Data Scientist & Project Manager at ISGlobal, Barcelona

University of Cape Town Barcelona

Syed Hussain Ather HussainAther
“I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.” - Nietzsche
Daniel Borek danieltomasz
Data Analysis Psychology PhD Researcher @ UGent working on electrophysiological brain activity in relation to cognitive flexibility.

Ghent University Brussel

Juan GP juangpc
Magnetoencephalography Neuroscience Non-linear Systems Statistics and Statistical Learning Theory.

Martinos Center, Mass General Hospital, Harvard University Boston, MA

Sally Lee brain-ninja
👋 Hi, I’m @brain-ninja - 👀 I’m a PhD Candidate using Bioinformatic tools and Genomic Analysis's in Brain Cancer - 🌱 I’m learning Code, Git, Neurosciences,
渣渣叮 wjzzd

思影科技 中国北京

Leon Martin leon-k-martin

Berlin Institute of Health at Charité University Medicine Berlin Berlin

Hakan Emre Kartal AIntelligent
Software Eng., Pioneer, Researcher. "Hiç bilenlerle bilmeyenler bir olur mu (Are those who know and those who don't know the same?)"

NulaSoft, OMLET

Ehsan Aramide EhsanAramide

Theran, Iran

Desmond Agboada Agboada
Neuroscientist interested in NIBS and neuroimaging.


Lezlie Espana l-espana
Programmer Analyst III at MCW's Brain Injury Research Program.

Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI

Yang Jianhong YChienHung
I did it for me. I like it. I was alive.

Shandong University Jinan ,China

Djaafer Gueddou Guedd
nothing is impossible because u are true


Cong Zhang congzhangzh
Engaged in MRI-related software since 2011, Started coding at 13.


Yang Hu younghoo
I am working as a neuroimaging data analyst in China. In my part time, I do some simple research problems out of curiosity.


Roman Studer roman-studer
Research Assistant and Data Scientist @i4Ds

FHNW Switzerland

Bradley Howlett bhowl

UW Neurological Surgery Seattle, WA

Leonardo M Rothmann Lmrothmann
Master's student in Neuroscience focused on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying substance use disorders

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre, Brazil

Yansung Liu liuyongsheng-joshua

Shanghai ABC Solution Shanghai China

Alejandra López Castro Alejandra-LozC
Physician interested in cognitive neuroscience, imagenology and neuroethics. Music and physics enthusiast. MD, MS, PhD student at INB-UNAM


Fernanda Rohrsetzer Cunegatto Frohrsetzer

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

another_BunchOfAtoms anotherBunchOfAtoms
"Know how to solve every problem that has been solved"