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slange-dev slange-dev
Mainframe (z/OS, MVS Tur(n)key-4/5), Linux hardening/automation kickstart, Shell scripting, and more... Hack the planet!

Home Developments Hamburg, Germany

Mark Lawrence Mark-J-Lawrence
Software Engineer for @cicsdev at @IBM

@IBM Hursley, United Kingdom

Fabricio MSS fabriciodf
Fabricio, age = (currentYear - 1989). +++++ Skills +++++ MF: #mainframe #rexx #JCL #cobol FE: #frontend #django #js BE: #backend #python #nodejs

Banco do Brasil Brazil

Rishin Sengupta rishinz
System Programmer, IBM CICS, zSeries, Sports Enthusiast, Manchester United Fan, Cricket Lover, Photographer, Comics, Passionate Musician and Guitarist

New Jersey

Jose Rocha jsantosrocha
Systems analyst, mainframe lover, student and enthusiast of new technologies

São Paulo

Clinch Leatherwood AbdullahKazi500
I do favors for people, and in return, they give me gifts. So, what can I do for you?


Rick Lee liSong5713
fighting student guy Rick Lee study deep

AliJK BeiJing

James Taylor jt-nti

@IBM Hampshire, UK

Brian Lee brianleebrian
mainframe transformation technical lead

Google Cloud Sunnyvale

Brad Gorman brad-gorman

Perth, Western Australia

Mehedi Aziz mehedidevops
Java Developer | Software Engineer | Test Engineer | DevOps Engineer | Cloud Engineer | Automation Expert | Teacher | Editor | IT Expert | Learner | Mentor |
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Jack J. Woehr jwoehr
Four decades programming | 20 years contributing editor Dr. Dobb's Journal | Quantum Computing

SoftWoehr LLC Sol/3 Earth

Naomi Lin wdrdres3qew5ts21
Cloud Native & DevOps Chinese, Culture Philosophy, Secular Humanism - Taoism - Confucius, Buddhism. (☆`・ω・´)bグ

@ibm Bangkok, Thailand