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Tracy Stoner tracy2518
Full stack developer

CCPA Florida

Tim tas-1

none really Home

Levels ngeodiehl
Software Engineer. Wilderness Lover. Writer. GymRat. DIYer. Angular and .NET. Apps as appendages. We're beyond bipedal.

Arlington Family Offices Birmingham

Charlton Trezevant chtzvt
Voted "huge birds guy". Jazz man. Software therapist. Co-founder @TampaDevs, @packfiles.

@Packfiles Tampa, Florida

André Geuze andregeuze
Cloud Native Developer - Doing Epic Shit! - DevOps Evangelist

@Xebia The Netherlands

Alex Campbell WAlex2469
All things software development.

Bastian Solutions Louisville, Kentucky

barkha shah shahbarkha
Cloud engineer with good knowledge base on Azure space and cloud technology. Passion is to learn blockchain technology and follow stock market.

Williams Song wfsong
Software engineer passionate about AI/ML and defense tech

Washington, D.C.