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Darik A O’Neil darikoneil

Rafael Yuste Lab, Columbia University New York, New York

Guijun Shu GuijunShu
student of HaiNan University

HaiNan University Sanya City, Hainan Province

Tom Chartrand tmchartrand

@AllenNeuralDynamics Seattle

juliefabre Julie-Fabre

Kenneth Harris & Matteo Carandini lab UCL, London

Jasmine Schoch jasmine-schoch
Computer Science Student at University of Washington
Kata kkoetter
PhD student in systems neuroscience @portugueslab

Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, TUM Munich

Axel abisi
PhD student in neuroscience @LSENS-BMI-EPFL

EPFL Switzerland

WenhaoLiu WenhaoLiu0218
PhD in City University of Hong Kong & Shenzhen-Hongkong Institute of Brain Sciences.

Brain Cognition and Brain Disease Institute Shenzhen

Kenneth Yang kjy5
Computer Science Student at the University of Washington, Student Research Assistant at the Virtual Brain Lab and PLSE group.

University of Washington