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Jake Hash jhash
No-code enthusiast focused on building SaaS applications using Javascript

WorkHands New York, NY

Anton Lagergren alagergren
Discord: antonlagergren
Carrie Moore carrie-moore
Software Engineer @ Nike 🌲🏕 🤠🌲
Steve Gessling DaboLeMec
- DAX advanced Scripting - Power BI - BI Requirements

Tigard, OR

Kenneth Blake Vernon kbvernon
"[A hamburger] is an engineering and structural problem as much as it is a flavor experience." -Anthony Bourdain

Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology

Mateus Adriano Teliteu
🖖Hieeeee 🌳 Forest


Aleksandra Zaforemska alekszaf
PhD researcher at @Geospatial-Systems-CDT Newcastle University

Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Eric R. Scott Aariq
Scientific Programmer & Educator at University of Arizona

University of Arizona, @cct-datascience

Liz Roten eroten
Data Scientist & Cartographer

@Metropolitan-Council St. Paul, Minnesota

Felipe Bravo Felipe-Bravo
Integro métodos cuantitativos en la Ingeniería Forestal para un mundo mejor | máster DATAFOREST Catedrático de Planificación Forestal

iuFOR-Universidad de Valladolid Palencia, España | Spain

Chris Toney ctoney

USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station Missoula, Montana

Lucas Johnson lucas-johnson
R and Python; Spatial data wrangling 🌎 🤠 📊

Oregon State University Salt Lake City, UT

Alexander Quevedo alequech
Remote sensing, spatial statistics, GIS, R.
Paul Carteron paul-carteron
Spatial Data Science Enthusiast || R


Andrew Gene Brown brownag
let the beauty we love be what we do. there are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.