If you have not before, install the Angular CLI globally on your machine with
npm install -g @angular/cli
Navigate to the Seller Directory with
cd src/UI/Seller
Install dependencies with
npm install
Enter your seller organization's
in environment.ts (src/UI/Seller/src/environments/environment.ts) -
ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate tohttp://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
ng test --sourceMap="false"
from the root of the buyer or seller app to run unit tests. -
ng build
from the root of the buyer or seller app to compile the project without serving. -
ng generate component component-name
from any directory to generate code scafolding for a new component. You can also useng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module
Be sure to check out the Angular CLI docs for a full list of commands
We use a tool to auto-format code before each commit, which lets us enforce consistency in formatting. Check out the configuration file for more info on which files are formatted and formatting options.
If you use vscode we recommend installing the vscode extensions for prettier, beautify, and tslint so that you can enable the same auto-formatting on save instead of on commit.
If you want to turn this feature off completely please refer to this commit (which introduces auto-formatting) for insight on what to undo.
We welcomes all contributions from anyone willing to work in good faith with other contributors and the community. No contribution is too small and all contributions are valued.
Writing code may be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of contributing but there are so many different ways you can contribute even if you can't write a single line of code! Here are just a few:
- create an issue for bugs you find
- create an issue for possible enhancements
- write documentation
- improve current documentation
Issues are the primary means by which bug reports and general discussion are made. Please be sure to open an issue before you write any code with a detailed description of your problem or proposed enhancement. We may already be on our way to delivering what you want!
After you've opened an issue, received the green light to start coding, and have some code you'd like to contribute then you're ready to submit a pull request. We follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow.
- Fork the repo on GitHub
- Clone the project to your own machine
- Commit changes to your own branch
- Push your work back up to your fork
- Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes
Happy contributing!
If you need any assistance getting set up please create a detailed github issue of what you are having trouble with and what you've tried to fix it.