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The 2.0 series will introduce important changes in H2GIS syntax.

  • The definition of the geometry datatype will be in line with PostGIS.
    Therefore the new syntax to create a table with a geometry will be :
CREATE TABLE mygeomtable (the_geom GEOMETRY(POINT, 4326))
CREATE TABLE mygeomtable (the_geom GEOMETRY(POINTZM, 4326))
CREATE TABLE mygeomtable (the_geo…

The 2.0 series will introduce important changes in H2GIS syntax.

  • The definition of the geometry datatype will be in line with PostGIS.
    Therefore the new syntax to create a table with a geometry will be :
CREATE TABLE mygeomtable (the_geom GEOMETRY(POINT, 4326))
CREATE TABLE mygeomtable (the_geom GEOMETRY(POINTZM, 4326))
CREATE TABLE mygeomtable (the_geom GEOMETRY(POINTM, 4326))
  • H2GIS will support the EWKT format introduced in H2. POINT with NaN z value will not accepted any more.
    The canonical forms will be POINT[Z][M], LINESTRING [Z][M], POLYGON [Z][M]... as PostGIS.

  • Add support to WKTRaster data type. To reduce java.desktop dependency, we must think about some interfaces.

  • Update the network extensions to be inline with last JGrapht changes

These developments are linked to the H2 2. X features and the next release.
