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The 2.0 series will introduce important changes in H2GIS syntax.
- The definition of the geometry datatype will be in line with PostGIS.
Therefore the new syntax to create a table with a geometry will be :
CREATE TABLE mygeomtable (the_geom GEOMETRY(POINT, 4326))
CREATE TABLE mygeomtable (the_geom GEOMETRY(POINTZM, 4326))
CREATE TABLE mygeomtable (the_geo…
The 2.0 series will introduce important changes in H2GIS syntax.
- The definition of the geometry datatype will be in line with PostGIS.
Therefore the new syntax to create a table with a geometry will be :
CREATE TABLE mygeomtable (the_geom GEOMETRY(POINT, 4326))
CREATE TABLE mygeomtable (the_geom GEOMETRY(POINTZM, 4326))
CREATE TABLE mygeomtable (the_geom GEOMETRY(POINTM, 4326))
H2GIS will support the EWKT format introduced in H2. POINT with NaN z value will not accepted any more.
The canonical forms will be POINT[Z][M], LINESTRING [Z][M], POLYGON [Z][M]... as PostGIS. -
Add support to WKTRaster data type. To reduce java.desktop dependency, we must think about some interfaces.
Update the network extensions to be inline with last JGrapht changes
These developments are linked to the H2 2. X features and the next release.