Cassandra release test plan Unit tests Templates to tests
Rendering technologies:
Test templates with bosh-template 2.0.0 Gem
replication mono datacenter
replication multi-datacenter (si possible)
SSL or not
Rac Aware or not
Acceptance tests
Write BOSH errand job. Common tests
These test will be run for both un seul noeud and avec Replication
Read/Write test
Before each:
connect as admin
create a keyspace
create user with admin or without role on the database ('SUPERUSER')
Test case:
connect as user
create table
write some data in the table
read the data back
update the data
delete data
verify data is absent
After each:
drop keyspace
drop user
Test case:
write some data
cassandra backup
drop keyspace
restore keyspace
read the data back
Replication factor (RF)= 3
Verify that the data is well replicated
by inserting some data into cassandra and verified that the correspoding token are also replicated on other nodes (2 if RF=3)
Soft Failover
Build a 3-nodes cassandra : 1 seed and 2 servers
Turn the resurrector off
Stop on off the server node gracefully (stopdaemon)
Verify that you still have the same result for the same CQL request ('select count(*) from keyspace_name.table_name')
Cluster re-join after graceful stop
Same begining as above
Start the node back
verify it joins the cluster in Up and Running mode
verify the data is here
Dirty Failover
Build a 3-nodes cassandra : 2 seeds and 2 servers
Turn the resurrector on
Kill one seed node
Verify that the last seed node takes and the rest of the cassandra cluster is always available
Cluster recovery
Same begining as above
Wait for the resurrector to recreate the killed node
Scale-in (general case)
Build 3-nodes cassandra : 1 seed and 2 servers
Scale in to 1 server node (decommission and removenode)
Verify that deleted nodes have properly left the cluster
Scale-in (involing a seed node)
Build 3-nodes cassandra : 2 seed and 2 servers
Scale in to 1 seed node (decommission and remove node)
Verify that deleted seed node have properly left the cluster nd the rest of the cassandra cluster is always available
Build 3-nodes cassandra : 1 seed and 2 servers
Scale out to 3 servers nodes
Verify that new nodes join the cluster properly
Verify SSL is properly implemented