diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/__init__.py b/ads/llm/autogen/__init__.py
index e69de29bb..72e03c615 100644
--- a/ads/llm/autogen/__init__.py
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/constants.py b/ads/llm/autogen/constants.py
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
+class Events:
+ KEY = "event_name"
+ EXCEPTION = "exception"
+ LLM_CALL = "llm_call"
+ TOOL_CALL = "tool_call"
+ NEW_AGENT = "new_agent"
+ NEW_CLIENT = "new_client"
+ RECEIVED_MESSAGE = "received_message"
+ SESSION_START = "logging_session_start"
+ SESSION_STOP = "logging_session_stop"
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/reports/__init__.py b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72e03c615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/reports/base.py b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f081eb76
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+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/base.py
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+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class BaseReport:
+ """Base class containing utilities for generating reports."""
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_json_string(s) -> str:
+ """Formats the JSON string in markdown."""
+ return f"```json\n{json.dumps(json.loads(s), indent=2)}\n```"
+ @staticmethod
+ def _parse_date_time(datetime_string: str):
+ """Parses a datetime string in the logs into date and time.
+ Keeps only the seconds in the time.
+ """
+ date_str, time_str = datetime_string.split(" ", 1)
+ time_str = time_str.split(".", 1)[0]
+ return date_str, time_str
+ @staticmethod
+ def _preview_message(message: str, max_length=30) -> str:
+ """Shows the beginning part of a string message."""
+ # Return the entire string if it is less than the max_length
+ if len(message) <= max_length:
+ return message
+ # Go backward until we find the first whitespace
+ idx = 30
+ while not message[idx].isspace() and idx > 0:
+ idx -= 1
+ # If we found a whitespace
+ if idx > 0:
+ return message[:idx] + "..."
+ # If we didn't find a whitespace
+ return message[:30] + "..."
+ @classmethod
+ def _render_template(cls, template_path, **kwargs) -> str:
+ """Render Jinja template with kwargs."""
+ template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates")
+ environment = Environment(
+ loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir), autoescape=True
+ )
+ template = environment.get_template(template_path)
+ try:
+ html = template.render(**kwargs)
+ except Exception:
+ logger.error(
+ "Unable to render template %s with data:\n%s",
+ template_path,
+ str(kwargs),
+ )
+ return cls._render_template(
+ template_path=template_path,
+ sender=kwargs.get("sender", "N/A"),
+ timestamp=kwargs.get("timestamp", ""),
+ )
+ return html
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/reports/data.py b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/data.py
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+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/data.py
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
+"""Contains the data structure for logging and reporting."""
+import copy
+import json
+from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
+from typing import Optional, Union
+from ads.llm.autogen.constants import Events
+class LogData:
+ """Base class for the data field of LogRecord."""
+ def to_dict(self):
+ """Convert the log data to dictionary."""
+ return asdict(self)
+class LogRecord:
+ """Represents a log record.
+ The `data` field is for pre-defined structured data, which should be an instance of LogData.
+ The `kwargs` field is for freeform key value pairs.
+ """
+ session_id: str
+ thread_id: int
+ timestamp: str
+ event_name: str
+ source_id: Optional[int] = None
+ source_name: Optional[str] = None
+ # Structured data for specific type of logs
+ data: Optional[LogData] = None
+ # Freeform data
+ kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
+ def to_dict(self):
+ """Convert the log record to dictionary."""
+ return asdict(self)
+ def to_string(self):
+ """Serialize the log record to JSON string."""
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), default=str)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, data: dict) -> "LogRecord":
+ """Initializes a LogRecord object from dictionary."""
+ event_mapping = {
+ Events.NEW_AGENT: AgentData,
+ Events.TOOL_CALL: ToolCallData,
+ Events.LLM_CALL: LLMCompletionData,
+ }
+ if Events.KEY not in data:
+ raise KeyError("event_name not found in data.")
+ data = copy.deepcopy(data)
+ event_name = data["event_name"]
+ if event_name in event_mapping and data.get("data"):
+ data["data"] = event_mapping[event_name](**data.pop("data"))
+ return cls(**data)
+class AgentData(LogData):
+ """Represents agent log Data."""
+ agent_name: str
+ agent_class: str
+ agent_module: Optional[str] = None
+ is_manager: Optional[bool] = None
+class LLMCompletionData(LogData):
+ """Represents LLM completion log data."""
+ invocation_id: str
+ request: dict
+ response: dict
+ start_time: str
+ end_time: str
+ cost: Optional[float] = None
+ is_cached: Optional[bool] = None
+class ToolCallData(LogData):
+ """Represents tool call log data."""
+ tool_name: str
+ start_time: str
+ end_time: str
+ agent_name: str
+ agent_class: str
+ agent_module: Optional[str] = None
+ input_args: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
+ returns: Optional[Union[str, list, dict, tuple]] = None
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/reports/session.py b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/session.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8992f7c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/session.py
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
+"""Module for building session report."""
+import copy
+import json
+import logging
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import List, Optional
+import fsspec
+import pandas as pd
+import plotly.express as px
+import report_creator as rc
+from ads.common.auth import default_signer
+from ads.llm.autogen.constants import Events
+from ads.llm.autogen.reports.base import BaseReport
+from ads.llm.autogen.reports.data import (
+ AgentData,
+ LLMCompletionData,
+ LogRecord,
+ ToolCallData,
+from ads.llm.autogen.reports.utils import escape_html, get_duration, is_json_string
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class AgentInvocation:
+ """Represents an agent invocation."""
+ log: LogRecord
+ header: str = ""
+ description: str = ""
+ duration: Optional[float] = None
+class SessionReport(BaseReport):
+ """Class for building session report from session log file."""
+ def __init__(self, log_file: str, auth: Optional[dict] = None) -> None:
+ """Initialize the session report with log file.
+ It is assumed that the file contains logs for a single session.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ log_file : str
+ Path or URI of the log file.
+ auth : dict, optional
+ Authentication signer/config for OCI, by default None
+ """
+ self.log_file: str = log_file
+ if self.log_file.startswith("oci://"):
+ auth = auth or default_signer()
+ with fsspec.open(self.log_file, mode="r", **auth) as f:
+ self.log_lines = f.readlines()
+ else:
+ with open(self.log_file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ self.log_lines = f.readlines()
+ self.logs: List[LogRecord] = self._parse_logs()
+ # Parse logs to get entities for building the report
+ # Agents
+ self.agents: List[AgentData] = self._parse_agents()
+ self.managers: List[AgentData] = self._parse_managers()
+ # Events
+ self.start_event: LogRecord = self._parse_start_event()
+ self.session_id: str = self.start_event.session_id
+ self.llm_calls: List[AgentInvocation] = self._parse_llm_calls()
+ self.tool_calls: List[AgentInvocation] = self._parse_tool_calls()
+ self.invocations: List[AgentInvocation] = self._parse_invocations()
+ self.received_message_logs = self._parse_received_messages()
+ def _parse_logs(self) -> List[LogRecord]:
+ """Parses the logs form strings into LogRecord objects."""
+ logs = []
+ for i, log in enumerate(self.log_lines):
+ try:
+ logs.append(LogRecord.from_dict(json.loads(log)))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(
+ "Error when parsing log record at line %s:\n%s", str(i + 1), str(e)
+ )
+ continue
+ # Sort the logs by timestamp
+ logs = sorted(logs, key=lambda x: x.timestamp)
+ return logs
+ def _parse_agents(self) -> List[AgentData]:
+ """Parses the logs to identify unique agents.
+ AutoGen may have new_agent multiple times.
+ Here we identify the agents by the unique tuple of (name, module, class).
+ """
+ new_agent_logs = self.filter_by_event(Events.NEW_AGENT)
+ agents = {}
+ for log in new_agent_logs:
+ agent: AgentData = log.data
+ agents[(agent.agent_name, agent.agent_module, agent.agent_class)] = agent
+ return list(agents.values())
+ def _parse_managers(self) -> List[AgentData]:
+ """Parses the logs to get chat managers."""
+ managers = []
+ for agent in self.agents:
+ if agent.is_manager:
+ managers.append(agent)
+ return managers
+ def _parse_start_event(self) -> LogRecord:
+ """Parses the logs to get the first logging_session_start event log."""
+ records = self.filter_by_event(event_name=Events.SESSION_START)
+ if not records:
+ raise ValueError("logging_session_start event is not found in the logs.")
+ records = sorted(records, key=lambda x: x.timestamp)
+ return records[0]
+ def _parse_llm_calls(self) -> List[AgentInvocation]:
+ """Parses the logs to get the LLM calls."""
+ records = self.filter_by_event(Events.LLM_CALL)
+ invocations = []
+ for record in records:
+ log_data: LLMCompletionData = record.data
+ source_name = record.source_name
+ request = log_data.request
+ # If there is no request, the log is invalid.
+ if not request:
+ continue
+ header = f"{source_name} invoking {request.get('model')}"
+ if log_data.is_cached:
+ header += " (Cached)"
+ invocations.append(
+ AgentInvocation(
+ header=header,
+ log=record,
+ duration=get_duration(log_data.start_time, log_data.end_time),
+ )
+ )
+ return invocations
+ def _parse_tool_calls(self) -> List[AgentInvocation]:
+ """Parses the logs to get the tool calls."""
+ records = self.filter_by_event(Events.TOOL_CALL)
+ invocations = []
+ for record in records:
+ log_data: ToolCallData = record.data
+ source_name = record.source_name
+ invocations.append(
+ AgentInvocation(
+ log=record,
+ header=f"{source_name} invoking {log_data.tool_name}",
+ duration=get_duration(log_data.start_time, log_data.end_time),
+ )
+ )
+ return invocations
+ def _parse_invocations(self) -> List[AgentInvocation]:
+ """Add numbering to the combined list of LLM and tool calls."""
+ invocations = self.llm_calls + self.tool_calls
+ invocations = sorted(invocations, key=lambda x: x.log.data.start_time)
+ for i, invocation in enumerate(invocations):
+ invocation.header = f"{str(i + 1)} {invocation.header}"
+ return invocations
+ def _parse_received_messages(self) -> List[LogRecord]:
+ """Parses the logs to get the received_message events."""
+ managers = [manager.agent_name for manager in self.managers]
+ logs = self.filter_by_event(Events.RECEIVED_MESSAGE)
+ if not logs:
+ return []
+ logs = sorted(logs, key=lambda x: x.timestamp)
+ logs = [log for log in logs if log.kwargs.get("sender") not in managers]
+ return logs
+ def filter_by_event(self, event_name: str) -> List[LogRecord]:
+ """Filters the logs by event name.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ event_name : str
+ Name of the event.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ List[LogRecord]
+ A list of LogRecord objects for the event.
+ """
+ filtered_logs = []
+ for log in self.logs:
+ if log.event_name == event_name:
+ filtered_logs.append(log)
+ return filtered_logs
+ def _build_flowchart(self):
+ """Builds the flowchart of agent chats."""
+ senders = []
+ for log in self.received_message_logs:
+ sender = log.kwargs.get("sender")
+ senders.append(sender)
+ diagram_src = "graph LR\n"
+ prev_sender = None
+ links = []
+ # Conversation Flow
+ for sender in senders:
+ if prev_sender is None:
+ link = f"START([START]) --> {sender}"
+ else:
+ link = f"{prev_sender} --> {sender}"
+ if link not in links:
+ links.append(link)
+ prev_sender = sender
+ links.append(f"{prev_sender} --> END([END])")
+ # Tool Calls
+ for invocation in self.tool_calls:
+ tool = invocation.log.data.tool_name
+ agent = invocation.log.data.agent_name
+ if tool and agent:
+ link = f"{agent} <--> {tool}[[{tool}]]"
+ if link not in links:
+ links.append(link)
+ diagram_src += "\n".join(links)
+ return rc.Diagram(src=diagram_src, label="Flowchart")
+ def _build_timeline_tab(self):
+ """Builds the plotly timeline chart."""
+ if not self.invocations:
+ return rc.Text("No LLM or Tool Calls.", label="Timeline")
+ invocations = []
+ for invocation in self.invocations:
+ invocations.append(
+ {
+ "start_time": invocation.log.data.start_time,
+ "end_time": invocation.log.data.end_time,
+ "header": invocation.header,
+ "duration": invocation.duration,
+ }
+ )
+ df = pd.DataFrame(invocations)
+ fig = px.timeline(
+ df,
+ x_start="start_time",
+ x_end="end_time",
+ y="header",
+ labels={"header": "Invocation"},
+ color="duration",
+ color_continuous_scale="rdylgn_r",
+ height=max(len(df.index) * 50, 500),
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(showlegend=False)
+ fig.update_yaxes(autorange="reversed")
+ return rc.Block(
+ rc.Widget(fig, label="Timeline"), self._build_flowchart(), label="Timeline"
+ )
+ def _format_messages(self, messages: List[dict]):
+ """Formats the LLM call messages to be displayed in the report."""
+ text = ""
+ for message in messages:
+ text += f"**{message.get('role')}**:\n{message.get('content')}\n\n"
+ return text
+ def _build_llm_call(self, invocation: AgentInvocation):
+ """Builds the LLM call details."""
+ log_data: LLMCompletionData = invocation.log.data
+ request = log_data.request
+ response = log_data.response
+ start_date, start_time = self._parse_date_time(log_data.start_time)
+ request_value = f"{str(len(request.get('messages')))} messages"
+ tools = request.get("tools", [])
+ if tools:
+ request_value += f", {str(len(tools))} tools"
+ response_message = response.get("choices")[0].get("message")
+ response_text = response_message.get("content") or ""
+ tool_calls = response_message.get("tool_calls")
+ if tool_calls:
+ response_text += "\n\n**Tool Calls**:"
+ for tool_call in tool_calls:
+ func = tool_call.get("function")
+ response_text += f"\n\n`{func.get('name')}(**{func.get('arguments')})`"
+ metrics = [
+ rc.Metric(heading="Time", value=start_time, label=start_date),
+ rc.Metric(
+ heading="Messages",
+ value=len(request.get("messages", [])),
+ ),
+ rc.Metric(heading="Tools", value=len(tools)),
+ rc.Metric(heading="Duration", value=invocation.duration, unit="s"),
+ rc.Metric(
+ heading="Cached",
+ value="Yes" if log_data.is_cached else "No",
+ ),
+ rc.Metric(heading="Cost", value=log_data.cost),
+ ]
+ usage = response.get("usage")
+ if isinstance(usage, dict):
+ for k, v in usage.items():
+ if not v:
+ continue
+ metrics.append(
+ rc.Metric(heading=str(k).replace("_", " ").title(), value=v)
+ )
+ return rc.Block(
+ rc.Block(rc.Group(*metrics, label=invocation.header)),
+ rc.Group(
+ rc.Block(
+ rc.Markdown(
+ self._format_messages(request.get("messages")), label="Request"
+ ),
+ rc.Collapse(
+ rc.Json(request),
+ label="JSON",
+ ),
+ ),
+ rc.Block(
+ rc.Markdown(response_text, label="Response"),
+ rc.Collapse(
+ rc.Json(response),
+ label="JSON",
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ def _build_tool_call(self, invocation: AgentInvocation):
+ """Builds the tool call details."""
+ log_data: ToolCallData = invocation.log.data
+ request = log_data.to_dict()
+ response = request.pop("returns", {})
+ start_date, start_time = self._parse_date_time(log_data.start_time)
+ tool_call_args = log_data.input_args
+ if is_json_string(tool_call_args):
+ tool_call_args = self.format_json_string(tool_call_args)
+ if is_json_string(response):
+ response = self.format_json_string(response)
+ metrics = [
+ rc.Metric(heading="Time", value=start_time, label=start_date),
+ rc.Metric(heading="Duration", value=invocation.duration, unit="s"),
+ ]
+ return rc.Block(
+ rc.Block(rc.Group(*metrics, label=invocation.header)),
+ rc.Group(
+ rc.Block(
+ rc.Markdown(
+ (log_data.tool_name or "") + "\n\n" + tool_call_args,
+ label="Request",
+ ),
+ rc.Collapse(
+ rc.Json(request),
+ label="JSON",
+ ),
+ ),
+ rc.Block(rc.Text("", label="Response"), rc.Markdown(response)),
+ ),
+ )
+ def _build_invocations_tab(self) -> rc.Block:
+ """Builds the invocations tab."""
+ blocks = []
+ for invocation in self.invocations:
+ event_name = invocation.log.event_name
+ if event_name == Events.LLM_CALL:
+ blocks.append(self._build_llm_call(invocation))
+ elif event_name == Events.TOOL_CALL:
+ blocks.append(self._build_tool_call(invocation))
+ return rc.Block(
+ *blocks,
+ label="Invocations",
+ )
+ def _build_chat_tab(self) -> rc.Block:
+ """Builds the chat tab."""
+ if not self.received_message_logs:
+ return rc.Text("No messages received in this session.", label="Chats")
+ # The agent sending the first message will be placed on the right.
+ # All other agents will be placed on the left
+ host = self.received_message_logs[0].kwargs.get("sender")
+ blocks = []
+ for log in self.received_message_logs:
+ context = copy.deepcopy(log.kwargs)
+ context.update(log.to_dict())
+ sender = context.get("sender")
+ message = context.get("message", "")
+ # Content
+ if isinstance(message, dict) and "content" in message:
+ content = message.get("content", "")
+ if is_json_string(content):
+ context["json_content"] = json.dumps(json.loads(content), indent=2)
+ context["content"] = content
+ else:
+ context["content"] = message
+ if context["content"] is None:
+ context["content"] = ""
+ # Tool call
+ if isinstance(message, dict) and "tool_calls" in message:
+ tool_calls = message.get("tool_calls")
+ if tool_calls:
+ tool_call_signatures = []
+ for tool_call in tool_calls:
+ func = tool_call.get("function")
+ if not func:
+ continue
+ tool_call_signatures.append(
+ f'{func.get("name")}(**{func.get("arguments", "{}")})'
+ )
+ context["tool_calls"] = tool_call_signatures
+ if sender == host:
+ html = self._render_template("chat_box_rt.html", **context)
+ else:
+ html = self._render_template("chat_box_lt.html", **context)
+ blocks.append(rc.Html(html))
+ return rc.Block(
+ *blocks,
+ label="Chats",
+ )
+ def _build_logs_tab(self) -> rc.Block:
+ """Builds the logs tab."""
+ blocks = []
+ for log_line in self.log_lines:
+ if is_json_string(log_line):
+ log = json.loads(log_line)
+ label = log.get(
+ "event_name", self._preview_message(log.get("message", ""))
+ )
+ blocks.append(rc.Collapse(rc.Json(escape_html(log)), label=label))
+ else:
+ log = log_line
+ blocks.append(
+ rc.Collapse(rc.Text(log), label=self._preview_message(log_line))
+ )
+ return rc.Block(
+ *blocks,
+ label="Logs",
+ )
+ def _build_errors_tab(self) -> Optional[rc.Block]:
+ """Builds the error tab to show exception."""
+ errors = self.filter_by_event(Events.EXCEPTION)
+ if not errors:
+ return None
+ blocks = []
+ for error in errors:
+ label = f'{error.kwargs.get("exc_type", "")} - {error.kwargs.get("exc_value", "")}'
+ variables: dict = error.kwargs.get("locals", {})
+ table = "| Variable | Value |\n|---|---|\n"
+ table += "\n".join([f"| {k} | {v} |" for k, v in variables.items()])
+ blocks += [
+ rc.Unformatted(text=error.kwargs.get("traceback", ""), label=label),
+ rc.Markdown(table),
+ ]
+ return rc.Block(*blocks, label="Error")
+ def build(self, output_file: str):
+ """Builds the session report.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ output_file : str
+ Local path or OCI object storage URI to save the report HTML file.
+ """
+ if not self.managers:
+ agent_label = ""
+ elif len(self.managers) == 1:
+ agent_label = "+1 chat manager"
+ else:
+ agent_label = f"+{str(len(self.managers))} chat managers"
+ blocks = [
+ self._build_timeline_tab(),
+ self._build_invocations_tab(),
+ self._build_chat_tab(),
+ self._build_logs_tab(),
+ ]
+ error_block = self._build_errors_tab()
+ if error_block:
+ blocks.append(error_block)
+ with rc.ReportCreator(
+ title=f"AutoGen Session: {self.session_id}",
+ description=f"Started at {self.start_event.timestamp}",
+ footer="Created with ❤️ by Oracle ADS",
+ ) as report:
+ view = rc.Block(
+ rc.Group(
+ rc.Metric(
+ heading="Agents",
+ value=len(self.agents) - len(self.managers),
+ label=agent_label,
+ ),
+ rc.Metric(
+ heading="Events",
+ value=len(self.logs),
+ ),
+ rc.Metric(
+ heading="LLM Calls",
+ value=len(self.llm_calls),
+ ),
+ rc.Metric(
+ heading="Tool Calls",
+ value=len(self.tool_calls),
+ ),
+ ),
+ rc.Select(blocks=blocks),
+ )
+ report.save(view, output_file)
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/reports/templates/chat_box.html b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/templates/chat_box.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62d792888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/templates/chat_box.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
{{ sender }}
to {{ source_name }}
+{{ timestamp }}
+{% if json_content %}
+{{ json_content }}
+{% else%}
+{{ content }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if tool_calls %}
+{% for tool_call in tool_calls %}
+{{ tool_call }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/reports/templates/chat_box_lt.html b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/templates/chat_box_lt.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da766bb1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/templates/chat_box_lt.html
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ {% include "chat_box.html" %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/reports/templates/chat_box_rt.html b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/templates/chat_box_rt.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..126c903a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/templates/chat_box_rt.html
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ {% include "chat_box.html" %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/reports/utils.py b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..baaacc315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/reports/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
+import html
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+def parse_datetime(s):
+ return datetime.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
+def get_duration(start_time: str, end_time: str) -> float:
+ """Gets the duration in seconds between `start_time` and `end_time`.
+ Each of the value should be a time in string format of
+ `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f`
+ The duration is calculated by parsing the two strings,
+ then subtracting the `end_time` from `start_time`.
+ If either `start_time` or `end_time` is not presented,
+ 0 will be returned.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ start_time : str
+ The start time.
+ end_time : str
+ The end time.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ float
+ Duration in seconds.
+ """
+ if not start_time or not end_time:
+ return 0
+ return (parse_datetime(end_time) - parse_datetime(start_time)).total_seconds()
+def is_json_string(s):
+ """Checks if a string contains valid JSON."""
+ try:
+ json.loads(s)
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+ return True
+def escape_html(obj):
+ if isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return {k: escape_html(v) for k, v in obj.items()}
+ elif isinstance(obj, list):
+ return [escape_html(v) for v in obj]
+ elif isinstance(obj, str):
+ return html.escape(obj)
+ return html.escape(str(obj))
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/v02/__init__.py b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83f271279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
+from ads.llm.autogen.v02.client import LangChainModelClient, register_custom_client
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/client_v02.py b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/client.py
similarity index 92%
rename from ads/llm/autogen/client_v02.py
rename to ads/llm/autogen/v02/client.py
index 8dd9b6c9e..10e7b02ab 100644
--- a/ads/llm/autogen/client_v02.py
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/client.py
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-# Copyright (c) 2016, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-# This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License (UPL) 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl or Apache License 2.0 as shown at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. You may choose either license.
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
"""This module contains the custom LLM client for AutoGen v0.2 to use LangChain chat models.
@@ -72,14 +71,14 @@
import importlib
import json
import logging
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
+from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from types import SimpleNamespace
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
from autogen import ModelClient
from autogen.oai.client import OpenAIWrapper, PlaceHolderClient
from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# custom_clients is a dictionary mapping the name of the class to the actual class
@@ -177,6 +176,13 @@ def function_call(self):
return self.tool_calls
+class Usage:
+ prompt_tokens: int = 0
+ completion_tokens: int = 0
+ total_tokens: int = 0
class LangChainModelClient(ModelClient):
"""Represents a model client wrapping a LangChain chat model."""
@@ -202,8 +208,8 @@ def __init__(self, config: dict, **kwargs) -> None:
# Import the LangChain class
if "langchain_cls" not in config:
raise ValueError("Missing langchain_cls in LangChain Model Client config.")
- module_cls = config.pop("langchain_cls")
- module_name, cls_name = str(module_cls).rsplit(".", 1)
+ self.langchain_cls = config.pop("langchain_cls")
+ module_name, cls_name = str(self.langchain_cls).rsplit(".", 1)
langchain_module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
langchain_cls = getattr(langchain_module, cls_name)
@@ -232,7 +238,14 @@ def create(self, params) -> ModelClient.ModelClientResponseProtocol:
streaming = params.get("stream", False)
# TODO: num_of_responses
num_of_responses = params.get("n", 1)
- messages = params.pop("messages", [])
+ messages = copy.deepcopy(params.get("messages", []))
+ # OCI Gen AI does not allow empty message.
+ if str(self.langchain_cls).endswith("oci_generative_ai.ChatOCIGenAI"):
+ for message in messages:
+ if len(message.get("content", "")) == 0:
+ message["content"] = " "
invoke_params = copy.deepcopy(self.invoke_params)
@@ -241,7 +254,6 @@ def create(self, params) -> ModelClient.ModelClientResponseProtocol:
model = self.model.bind_tools(
[_convert_to_langchain_tool(tool) for tool in tools]
- # invoke_params["tools"] = tools
model = self.model
@@ -249,6 +261,7 @@ def create(self, params) -> ModelClient.ModelClientResponseProtocol:
response = SimpleNamespace()
response.choices = []
response.model = self.model_name
+ response.usage = Usage()
if streaming and messages:
# If streaming is enabled and has messages, then iterate over the chunks of the response.
@@ -279,4 +292,4 @@ def cost(self, response: ModelClient.ModelClientResponseProtocol) -> float:
def get_usage(response: ModelClient.ModelClientResponseProtocol) -> Dict:
"""Return usage summary of the response using RESPONSE_USAGE_KEYS."""
- return {}
+ return asdict(response.usage)
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/v02/log_handlers/__init__.py b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/log_handlers/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72e03c615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/log_handlers/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/v02/log_handlers/oci_file_handler.py b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/log_handlers/oci_file_handler.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a1713749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/log_handlers/oci_file_handler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
+import io
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import threading
+import fsspec
+from ads.common.auth import default_signer
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class OCIFileHandler(logging.FileHandler):
+ """Log handler for saving log file to OCI object storage."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ filename: str,
+ session_id: str,
+ mode: str = "a",
+ encoding: str | None = None,
+ delay: bool = False,
+ errors: str | None = None,
+ auth: dict | None = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ self.session_id = session_id
+ self.auth = auth
+ if filename.startswith("oci://"):
+ self.baseFilename = filename
+ else:
+ self.baseFilename = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(filename))
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.baseFilename), exist_ok=True)
+ # The following code are from the `FileHandler.__init__()`
+ self.mode = mode
+ self.encoding = encoding
+ if "b" not in mode:
+ self.encoding = io.text_encoding(encoding)
+ self.errors = errors
+ self.delay = delay
+ if delay:
+ # We don't open the stream, but we still need to call the
+ # Handler constructor to set level, formatter, lock etc.
+ logging.Handler.__init__(self)
+ self.stream = None
+ else:
+ logging.StreamHandler.__init__(self, self._open())
+ def _open(self):
+ """
+ Open the current base file with the (original) mode and encoding.
+ Return the resulting stream.
+ """
+ auth = self.auth or default_signer()
+ return fsspec.open(
+ self.baseFilename,
+ self.mode,
+ encoding=self.encoding,
+ errors=self.errors,
+ **auth,
+ ).open()
+ def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord):
+ """Formats the log record as JSON payload and add session_id."""
+ msg = record.getMessage()
+ try:
+ data = json.loads(msg)
+ except Exception as e:
+ data = {"message": msg}
+ if "session_id" not in data:
+ data["session_id"] = self.session_id
+ if "thread_id" not in data:
+ data["thread_id"] = threading.get_ident()
+ record.msg = json.dumps(data)
+ return super().format(record)
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/v02/loggers/__init__.py b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/loggers/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15635dc09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/loggers/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
+from ads.llm.autogen.v02.loggers.metric_logger import MetricLogger
+from ads.llm.autogen.v02.loggers.session_logger import SessionLogger
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/v02/loggers/metric_logger.py b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/loggers/metric_logger.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..886089568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/loggers/metric_logger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
+import logging
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from uuid import UUID
+import oci
+from autogen import Agent, ConversableAgent, OpenAIWrapper
+from autogen.logger.base_logger import BaseLogger, LLMConfig
+from autogen.logger.logger_utils import get_current_ts
+from oci.monitoring import MonitoringClient
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+import ads
+import ads.config
+from ads.llm.autogen.v02.loggers.utils import serialize_response
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class MetricName:
+ """Constants for metric name."""
+ TOOL_CALL = "tool_call"
+ CHAT_COMPLETION = "chat_completion_count"
+ COST = "chat_completion_cost"
+ SESSION_START = "session_start"
+ SESSION_STOP = "session_stop"
+class MetricDimension:
+ """Constants for metric dimension."""
+ AGENT_NAME = "agent_name"
+ APP_NAME = "app_name"
+ MODEL = "model"
+ SESSION_ID = "session_id"
+ TOOL_NAME = "tool_name"
+class Metric(BaseModel):
+ """Represents the metric to be logged."""
+ name: str
+ value: float
+ timestamp: str
+ dimensions: dict = Field(default_factory=dict)
+class MetricLogger(BaseLogger):
+ """AutoGen logger for agent metrics."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ namespace: str,
+ app_name: Optional[str] = None,
+ compartment_id: Optional[str] = None,
+ session_id: Optional[str] = None,
+ region: Optional[str] = None,
+ resource_group: Optional[str] = None,
+ log_agent_name: bool = False,
+ log_tool_name: bool = False,
+ log_model_name: bool = False,
+ ):
+ """Initialize the metric logger.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ namespace : str
+ Namespace for posting the metric
+ app_name : str
+ Application name, which will be a metric dimension if specified.
+ compartment_id : str, optional
+ Compartment OCID for posting the metric.
+ If compartment_id is not specified,
+ ADS will try to fetch the compartment OCID from environment variable.
+ session_id : str, optional
+ Session ID to be saved as a metric dimension, by default None.
+ region : str, optional
+ OCI region for posting the metric, by default None.
+ If region is not specified, the region from the authentication signer will be used.
+ resource_group : str, optional
+ Resource group for the metric, by default None
+ log_agent_name : bool, optional
+ Whether to log agent name as a metric dimension, by default True.
+ log_tool_name : bool, optional
+ Whether to log tool name as a metric dimension, by default True.
+ log_model_name : bool, optional
+ Whether to log model name as a metric dimension, by default True.
+ """
+ self.app_name = app_name
+ self.session_id = session_id
+ self.compartment_id = compartment_id or ads.config.COMPARTMENT_OCID
+ if not self.compartment_id:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Unable to determine compartment OCID for metric logger."
+ "Please specify the compartment_id."
+ )
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ self.resource_group = resource_group
+ self.log_agent_name = log_agent_name
+ self.log_tool_name = log_tool_name
+ self.log_model_name = log_model_name
+ # Indicate if the logger has started.
+ self.started = False
+ auth = ads.auth.default_signer()
+ # Use the config/signer to determine the region if it not specified.
+ signer = auth.get("signer")
+ config = auth.get("config", {})
+ if not region:
+ if hasattr(signer, "region") and signer.region:
+ region = signer.region
+ elif config.get("region"):
+ region = config.get("region")
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Unable to determine the region for OCI monitoring service. "
+ "Please specify the region using the `region` argument."
+ )
+ self.monitoring_client = MonitoringClient(
+ config=config,
+ signer=signer,
+ # Metrics should be submitted with the "telemetry-ingestion" endpoint instead.
+ # See note here: https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/monitoring/20180401/MetricData/PostMetricData
+ service_endpoint=f"https://telemetry-ingestion.{region}.oraclecloud.com",
+ )
+ def _post_metric(self, metric: Metric):
+ """Posts metric to OCI monitoring."""
+ # Add app_name and session_id to dimensions
+ dimensions = metric.dimensions
+ if self.app_name:
+ dimensions[MetricDimension.APP_NAME] = self.app_name
+ if self.session_id:
+ dimensions[MetricDimension.SESSION_ID] = self.session_id
+ logger.debug("Posting metrics:\n%s", str(metric))
+ self.monitoring_client.post_metric_data(
+ post_metric_data_details=oci.monitoring.models.PostMetricDataDetails(
+ metric_data=[
+ oci.monitoring.models.MetricDataDetails(
+ namespace=self.namespace,
+ compartment_id=self.compartment_id,
+ name=metric.name,
+ dimensions=dimensions,
+ datapoints=[
+ oci.monitoring.models.Datapoint(
+ timestamp=datetime.strptime(
+ metric.timestamp.replace(" ", "T") + "Z",
+ "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ",
+ ),
+ value=metric.value,
+ count=1,
+ )
+ ],
+ resource_group=self.resource_group,
+ )
+ ],
+ batch_atomicity="ATOMIC",
+ ),
+ )
+ def start(self):
+ """Starts the logger."""
+ if self.session_id:
+ logger.info(f"Starting metric logging for session_id: {self.session_id}")
+ else:
+ logger.info("Starting metric logging.")
+ self.started = True
+ try:
+ metric = Metric(
+ name=MetricName.SESSION_START,
+ value=1,
+ timestamp=get_current_ts(),
+ )
+ self._post_metric(metric=metric)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"MetricLogger Failed to log session start: {str(e)}")
+ return self.session_id
+ def log_new_agent(
+ self, agent: ConversableAgent, init_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+ ) -> None:
+ """Metric logger does not log new agent."""
+ pass
+ def log_function_use(
+ self,
+ source: Union[str, Agent],
+ function: Any,
+ args: Dict[str, Any],
+ returns: Any,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Log a registered function(can be a tool) use from an agent or a string source.
+ """
+ if not self.started:
+ return
+ agent_name = str(source.name) if hasattr(source, "name") else source
+ dimensions = {}
+ if self.log_tool_name:
+ dimensions[MetricDimension.TOOL_NAME] = function.__name__
+ if self.log_agent_name:
+ dimensions[MetricDimension.AGENT_NAME] = agent_name
+ try:
+ self._post_metric(
+ Metric(
+ name=MetricName.TOOL_CALL,
+ value=1,
+ timestamp=get_current_ts(),
+ dimensions=dimensions,
+ )
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"MetricLogger Failed to log tool call: {str(e)}")
+ def log_chat_completion(
+ self,
+ invocation_id: UUID,
+ client_id: int,
+ wrapper_id: int,
+ source: Union[str, Agent],
+ request: Dict[str, Union[float, str, List[Dict[str, str]]]],
+ response: Union[str, Any],
+ is_cached: int,
+ cost: float,
+ start_time: str,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Log a chat completion.
+ """
+ if not self.started:
+ return
+ try:
+ response: dict = serialize_response(response)
+ if "usage" not in response or not isinstance(response["usage"], dict):
+ return
+ # Post usage metric
+ agent_name = str(source.name) if hasattr(source, "name") else source
+ model = response.get("model", "N/A")
+ dimensions = {}
+ if self.log_model_name:
+ dimensions[MetricDimension.MODEL] = model
+ if self.log_agent_name:
+ dimensions[MetricDimension.AGENT_NAME] = agent_name
+ # Chat completion count
+ self._post_metric(
+ Metric(
+ name=MetricName.CHAT_COMPLETION,
+ value=1,
+ timestamp=get_current_ts(),
+ dimensions=dimensions,
+ )
+ )
+ # Cost
+ if cost:
+ self._post_metric(
+ Metric(
+ name=MetricName.COST,
+ value=cost,
+ timestamp=get_current_ts(),
+ dimensions=dimensions,
+ )
+ )
+ # Usage
+ for key, val in response["usage"].items():
+ self._post_metric(
+ Metric(
+ name=key,
+ value=val,
+ timestamp=get_current_ts(),
+ dimensions=dimensions,
+ )
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"MetricLogger Failed to log chat completion: {str(e)}")
+ def log_new_wrapper(
+ self,
+ wrapper: OpenAIWrapper,
+ init_args: Dict[str, Union[LLMConfig, List[LLMConfig]]] = {},
+ ) -> None:
+ """Metric logger does not log new wrapper."""
+ pass
+ def log_new_client(self, client, wrapper, init_args):
+ """Metric logger does not log new client."""
+ pass
+ def log_event(self, source, name, **kwargs):
+ """Metric logger does not log events."""
+ pass
+ def get_connection(self):
+ pass
+ def stop(self):
+ """Stops the metric logger."""
+ if not self.started:
+ return
+ self.started = False
+ try:
+ metric = Metric(
+ name=MetricName.SESSION_STOP,
+ value=1,
+ timestamp=get_current_ts(),
+ )
+ self._post_metric(metric=metric)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"MetricLogger Failed to log session stop: {str(e)}")
+ logger.info("Metric logger stopped.")
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/v02/loggers/session_logger.py b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/loggers/session_logger.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ed21982f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/loggers/session_logger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
+import importlib
+import logging
+import os
+import tempfile
+import threading
+import traceback
+import uuid
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import autogen
+import fsspec
+import oci
+from autogen import Agent, ConversableAgent, GroupChatManager, OpenAIWrapper
+from autogen.logger.file_logger import (
+ ChatCompletion,
+ F,
+ FileLogger,
+ get_current_ts,
+ safe_serialize,
+from oci.object_storage import ObjectStorageClient
+from oci.object_storage.models import (
+ CreatePreauthenticatedRequestDetails,
+ PreauthenticatedRequest,
+import ads
+from ads.common.auth import default_signer
+from ads.llm.autogen.constants import Events
+from ads.llm.autogen.reports.data import (
+ AgentData,
+ LLMCompletionData,
+ LogRecord,
+ ToolCallData,
+from ads.llm.autogen.reports.session import SessionReport
+from ads.llm.autogen.v02 import runtime_logging
+from ads.llm.autogen.v02.log_handlers.oci_file_handler import OCIFileHandler
+from ads.llm.autogen.v02.loggers.utils import (
+ serialize,
+ serialize_response,
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CONST_REPLY_FUNC_NAME = "reply_func_name"
+class LoggingSession:
+ """Represents a logging session for a specific thread."""
+ session_id: str
+ log_dir: str
+ log_file: str
+ thread_id: int
+ pid: int
+ logger: logging.Logger
+ auth: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
+ report_file: Optional[str] = None
+ par_uri: Optional[str] = None
+ @property
+ def report(self) -> str:
+ """HTML report path of the logging session.
+ If the a pre-authenticated link is generated for the report,
+ the pre-authenticated link will be returned.
+ If the report is saved to OCI object storage, the URI will be return.
+ If the report is saved locally, the local path will be return.
+ If there is no report generated, `None` will be returned.
+ """
+ if self.par_uri:
+ return self.par_uri
+ elif self.report_file:
+ return self.report_file
+ return None
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ """Shows the link to report if it is available, otherwise shows the log file link."""
+ if self.report:
+ return self.report
+ return self.log_file
+ def create_par_uri(self, oci_file: str, **kwargs) -> str:
+ """Creates a pre-authenticated request URI for a file on OCI object storage.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ oci_file : str
+ OCI file URI in the format of oci://bucket@namespace/prefix/to/file
+ auth : dict, optional
+ Dictionary containing the OCI authentication config and signer.
+ Defaults to `ads.common.auth.default_signer()`.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ The pre-authenticated URI
+ """
+ auth = self.auth or default_signer()
+ client = ObjectStorageClient(**auth)
+ parsed = urlparse(oci_file)
+ bucket = parsed.username
+ namespace = parsed.hostname
+ time_expires = kwargs.pop(
+ "time_expires", datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(weeks=1)
+ )
+ access_type = kwargs.pop("access_type", "ObjectRead")
+ response: PreauthenticatedRequest = client.create_preauthenticated_request(
+ bucket_name=bucket,
+ namespace_name=namespace,
+ create_preauthenticated_request_details=CreatePreauthenticatedRequestDetails(
+ name=os.path.basename(oci_file),
+ object_name=str(parsed.path).lstrip("/"),
+ access_type=access_type,
+ time_expires=time_expires,
+ **kwargs,
+ ),
+ ).data
+ return response.full_path
+ def create_report(
+ self, report_file: str, return_par_uri: bool = False, **kwargs
+ ) -> str:
+ """Creates a report in HTML format.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ report_file : str
+ The file path to save the report.
+ return_par_uri : bool, optional
+ If the report is saved in object storage,
+ whether to create a pre-authenticated link for the report, by default False.
+ This will be ignored if the report is not saved in object storage.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ The full path or pre-authenticated link of the report.
+ """
+ auth = self.auth or default_signer()
+ report = SessionReport(log_file=self.log_file, auth=auth)
+ if report_file.startswith("oci://"):
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+ # Save the report to local temp dir
+ temp_report = os.path.join(temp_dir, os.path.basename(report_file))
+ report.build(temp_report)
+ # Upload to OCI object storage
+ fs = fsspec.filesystem("oci", **auth)
+ fs.put(temp_report, report_file)
+ if return_par_uri:
+ par_uri = self.create_par_uri(oci_file=report_file, **kwargs)
+ self.report_file = report_file
+ self.par_uri = par_uri
+ return par_uri
+ else:
+ report_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(report_file))
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(report_file), exist_ok=True)
+ report.build(report_file)
+ self.report_file = report_file
+ return report_file
+class SessionLogger(FileLogger):
+ """Logger for saving log file to OCI object storage."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ log_dir: str,
+ report_dir: Optional[str] = None,
+ session_id: Optional[str] = None,
+ auth: Optional[dict] = None,
+ log_for_all_threads: str = False,
+ report_par_uri: bool = False,
+ par_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
+ ):
+ """Initialize a file logger for new session.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ log_dir : str
+ Directory for saving the log file.
+ session_id : str, optional
+ Session ID, by default None.
+ If the session ID is None, a new UUID4 will be generated.
+ The session ID will be used as the log filename.
+ auth: dict, optional
+ Dictionary containing the OCI authentication config and signer.
+ If auth is None, `ads.common.auth.default_signer()` will be used.
+ log_for_all_threads:
+ Indicate if the logger should handle logging for all threads.
+ Defaults to False, the logger will only log for the current thread.
+ """
+ self.report_dir = report_dir
+ self.report_par_uri = report_par_uri
+ self.par_kwargs = par_kwargs
+ self.log_for_all_threads = log_for_all_threads
+ self.session = self.new_session(
+ log_dir=log_dir, session_id=session_id, auth=auth
+ )
+ # Log only if started is True
+ self.started = False
+ # Keep track of last check_termination_and_human_reply for calculating tool call duration
+ # This will be a dictionary mapping the IDs of the agents to their last timestamp
+ # of check_termination_and_human_reply
+ self.last_agent_checks = {}
+ @property
+ def logger(self) -> Optional[logging.Logger]:
+ """Logger for the thread.
+ This property is used to determine whether the log should be saved.
+ No log will be saved if the logger is None.
+ """
+ if not self.started:
+ return None
+ thread_id = threading.get_ident()
+ if not self.log_for_all_threads and thread_id != self.session.thread_id:
+ return None
+ return self.session.logger
+ @property
+ def session_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Session ID for the current session."""
+ return self.session.session_id
+ @property
+ def log_file(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Log file path for the current session."""
+ return self.session.log_file
+ @property
+ def report(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Report path/link for the session."""
+ return self.session.report
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ """Name of the logger."""
+ return self.session_id or "oci_file_logger"
+ def new_session(
+ self,
+ log_dir: str,
+ session_id: Optional[str] = None,
+ auth: Optional[dict] = None,
+ ) -> LoggingSession:
+ """Creates a new logging session.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ log_dir : str
+ Directory for saving the log file.
+ session_id : str, optional
+ Session ID, by default None.
+ If the session ID is None, a new UUID4 will be generated.
+ The session ID will be used as the log filename.
+ auth: dict, optional
+ Dictionary containing the OCI authentication config and signer.
+ If auth is None, `ads.common.auth.default_signer()` will be used.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ LoggingSession
+ The new logging session
+ """
+ thread_id = threading.get_ident()
+ session_id = str(session_id or uuid.uuid4())
+ log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, f"{session_id}.log")
+ # Prepare the logger
+ session_logger = logging.getLogger(session_id)
+ session_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ file_handler = OCIFileHandler(log_file, session_id=session_id, auth=auth)
+ session_logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+ # Create logging session
+ session = LoggingSession(
+ session_id=session_id,
+ log_dir=log_dir,
+ log_file=log_file,
+ thread_id=thread_id,
+ pid=os.getpid(),
+ logger=session_logger,
+ auth=auth,
+ )
+ logger.info("Start logging session %s to file %s", session_id, log_file)
+ return session
+ def generate_report(
+ self,
+ report_dir: Optional[str] = None,
+ report_par_uri: Optional[bool] = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> str:
+ """Generates a report for the session.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ report_dir : str, optional
+ Directory for saving the report, by default None
+ report_par_uri : bool, optional
+ Whether to create a pre-authenticated link for the report, by default None.
+ If the `report_par_uri` is not set, the value of `self.report_par_uri` will be used.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ The link to the report.
+ If the `report_dir` is local, the local file path will be returned.
+ If a pre-authenticated link is created, the link will be returned.
+ """
+ report_dir = report_dir or self.report_dir
+ report_par_uri = (
+ report_par_uri if report_par_uri is not None else self.report_par_uri
+ )
+ kwargs = kwargs or self.par_kwargs or {}
+ report_file = os.path.join(self.report_dir, f"{self.session_id}.html")
+ report_link = self.session.create_report(
+ report_file=report_file, return_par_uri=self.report_par_uri, **kwargs
+ )
+ print(f"ADS AutoGen Session Report: {report_link}")
+ return report_link
+ def new_record(self, event_name: str, source: Any = None) -> LogRecord:
+ """Initialize a new log record.
+ The record is not logged until `self.log()` is called.
+ """
+ record = LogRecord(
+ session_id=self.session_id,
+ thread_id=threading.get_ident(),
+ timestamp=get_current_ts(),
+ event_name=event_name,
+ )
+ if source:
+ record.source_id = id(source)
+ record.source_name = str(source.name) if hasattr(source, "name") else source
+ return record
+ def log(self, record: LogRecord) -> None:
+ """Logs a record.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ data : dict
+ Data to be logged.
+ """
+ # Do nothing if there is no logger for the thread.
+ if not self.logger:
+ return
+ try:
+ self.logger.info(record.to_string())
+ except Exception:
+ self.logger.info("Failed to log %s", record.event_name)
+ def start(self) -> str:
+ """Start the logging session and return the session_id."""
+ envs = {
+ "oracle-ads": ads.__version__,
+ "oci": oci.__version__,
+ "autogen": autogen.__version__,
+ }
+ libraries = [
+ "langchain",
+ "langchain-core",
+ "langchain-community",
+ "langchain-openai",
+ "openai",
+ ]
+ for library in libraries:
+ try:
+ imported_library = importlib.import_module(library)
+ version = imported_library.__version__
+ envs[library] = version
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ self.started = True
+ self.log_event(source=self, name=Events.SESSION_START, environment=envs)
+ return self.session_id
+ def stop(self) -> None:
+ """Stops the logging session."""
+ self.log_event(source=self, name=Events.SESSION_STOP)
+ super().stop()
+ self.started = False
+ if self.report_dir:
+ try:
+ self.generate_report()
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(
+ "Failed to create session report for AutoGen session %s\n%s",
+ self.session_id,
+ str(e),
+ )
+ logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ def log_chat_completion(
+ self,
+ invocation_id: uuid.UUID,
+ client_id: int,
+ wrapper_id: int,
+ source: Union[str, Agent],
+ request: Dict[str, Union[float, str, List[Dict[str, str]]]],
+ response: Union[str, ChatCompletion],
+ is_cached: int,
+ cost: float,
+ start_time: str,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Logs a chat completion.
+ """
+ if not self.logger:
+ return
+ record = self.new_record(event_name=Events.LLM_CALL, source=source)
+ record.data = LLMCompletionData(
+ invocation_id=str(invocation_id),
+ request=serialize(request),
+ response=serialize_response(response),
+ start_time=start_time,
+ end_time=get_current_ts(),
+ cost=cost,
+ is_cached=is_cached,
+ )
+ record.kwargs = {
+ "client_id": client_id,
+ "wrapper_id": wrapper_id,
+ }
+ self.log(record)
+ def log_function_use(
+ self, source: Union[str, Agent], function: F, args: Dict[str, Any], returns: Any
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Logs a registered function(can be a tool) use from an agent or a string source.
+ """
+ if not self.logger:
+ return
+ source_id = id(source)
+ if source_id in self.last_agent_checks:
+ start_time = self.last_agent_checks[source_id]
+ else:
+ start_time = get_current_ts()
+ record = self.new_record(Events.TOOL_CALL, source=source)
+ record.data = ToolCallData(
+ tool_name=function.__name__,
+ start_time=start_time,
+ end_time=record.timestamp,
+ agent_name=str(source.name) if hasattr(source, "name") else source,
+ agent_module=source.__module__,
+ agent_class=source.__class__.__name__,
+ input_args=safe_serialize(args),
+ returns=safe_serialize(returns),
+ )
+ self.log(record)
+ def log_new_agent(
+ self, agent: ConversableAgent, init_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Logs a new agent instance.
+ """
+ if not self.logger:
+ return
+ record = self.new_record(event_name=Events.NEW_AGENT, source=agent)
+ record.data = AgentData(
+ agent_name=(
+ agent.name
+ if hasattr(agent, "name") and agent.name is not None
+ else str(agent)
+ ),
+ agent_module=agent.__module__,
+ agent_class=agent.__class__.__name__,
+ is_manager=isinstance(agent, GroupChatManager),
+ )
+ record.kwargs = {
+ "wrapper_id": serialize(
+ agent.client.wrapper_id
+ if hasattr(agent, "client") and agent.client is not None
+ else ""
+ ),
+ "args": serialize(init_args),
+ }
+ self.log(record)
+ def log_event(
+ self, source: Union[str, Agent], name: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Logs an event.
+ """
+ record = self.new_record(event_name=name)
+ record.source_id = id(source)
+ record.source_name = str(source.name) if hasattr(source, "name") else source
+ record.kwargs = kwargs
+ if isinstance(source, Agent):
+ if (
+ and kwargs[CONST_REPLY_FUNC_NAME] == "check_termination_and_human_reply"
+ ):
+ self.last_agent_checks[record.source_id] = record.timestamp
+ record.data = AgentData(
+ agent_name=record.source_name,
+ agent_module=source.__module__,
+ agent_class=source.__class__.__name__,
+ is_manager=isinstance(source, GroupChatManager),
+ )
+ self.log(record)
+ def log_new_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ # Do not log new wrapper.
+ # This is not used at the moment.
+ return
+ def log_new_client(
+ self,
+ client,
+ wrapper: OpenAIWrapper,
+ init_args: Dict[str, Any],
+ ) -> None:
+ if not self.logger:
+ return
+ record = self.new_record(event_name=Events.NEW_CLIENT)
+ # init_args may contain credentials like api_key
+ record.kwargs = {
+ "client_id": id(client),
+ "wrapper_id": id(wrapper),
+ "class": client.__class__.__name__,
+ "args": serialize(init_args),
+ }
+ self.log(record)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return self.session.__repr__()
+ def __enter__(self) -> "SessionLogger":
+ """Starts the session logger
+ Returns
+ -------
+ SessionLogger
+ The session logger
+ """
+ runtime_logging.start(self)
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
+ """Stops the session logger."""
+ if exc_type:
+ record = self.new_record(event_name=Events.EXCEPTION)
+ record.kwargs = {
+ "exc_type": exc_type.__name__,
+ "exc_value": str(exc_value),
+ "traceback": "".join(traceback.format_tb(tb)),
+ "locals": serialize(tb.tb_frame.f_locals),
+ }
+ self.log(record)
+ runtime_logging.stop(self)
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/v02/loggers/utils.py b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/loggers/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..247e11e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/loggers/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
+import inspect
+import json
+from types import SimpleNamespace
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
+def is_json_serializable(obj: Any) -> bool:
+ """Checks if an object is JSON serializable.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ obj : Any
+ Any object.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ bool
+ True if the object is JSON serializable, otherwise False.
+ """
+ try:
+ json.dumps(obj)
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+ return True
+def serialize_response(response) -> dict:
+ """Serializes the LLM response to dictionary."""
+ if isinstance(response, SimpleNamespace) or is_json_serializable(response):
+ # Convert simpleNamespace to dict
+ return json.loads(json.dumps(response, default=vars))
+ elif hasattr(response, "dict") and callable(response.dict):
+ return json.loads(json.dumps(response.dict(), default=str))
+ elif hasattr(response, "model") and hasattr(response, "choices"):
+ return {
+ "model": response.model,
+ "choices": [
+ {"message": {"content": choice.message.content}}
+ for choice in response.choices
+ ],
+ "response": str(response),
+ }
+ return {
+ "model": "",
+ "choices": [{"message": {"content": response}}],
+ "response": str(response),
+ }
+def serialize(
+ obj: Union[int, float, str, bool, Dict[Any, Any], List[Any], Tuple[Any, ...], Any],
+ exclude: Tuple[str, ...] = ("api_key", "__class__"),
+ no_recursive: Tuple[Any, ...] = (),
+) -> Any:
+ """Serializes an object for logging purpose."""
+ try:
+ if isinstance(obj, (int, float, str, bool)):
+ return obj
+ elif callable(obj):
+ return inspect.getsource(obj).strip()
+ elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return {
+ str(k): (
+ serialize(str(v))
+ if isinstance(v, no_recursive)
+ else serialize(v, exclude, no_recursive)
+ )
+ for k, v in obj.items()
+ if k not in exclude
+ }
+ elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+ return [
+ (
+ serialize(str(v))
+ if isinstance(v, no_recursive)
+ else serialize(v, exclude, no_recursive)
+ )
+ for v in obj
+ ]
+ else:
+ return str(obj)
+ except Exception:
+ return str(obj)
diff --git a/ads/llm/autogen/v02/runtime_logging.py b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/runtime_logging.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d65bdb12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ads/llm/autogen/v02/runtime_logging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/
+import logging
+import traceback
+from sqlite3 import Connection
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
+import autogen.runtime_logging
+from autogen.logger.base_logger import BaseLogger
+from autogen.logger.logger_factory import LoggerFactory
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class LoggerManager(BaseLogger):
+ """Manages multiple AutoGen loggers."""
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ self.loggers: List[BaseLogger] = []
+ super().__init__()
+ def add_logger(self, logger: BaseLogger) -> None:
+ """Adds a new AutoGen logger."""
+ self.loggers.append(logger)
+ def _call_loggers(self, method: str, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ """Calls the specific method on each AutoGen logger in self.loggers."""
+ for autogen_logger in self.loggers:
+ try:
+ getattr(autogen_logger, method)(*args, **kwargs)
+ except Exception as e:
+ # Catch the logging exception so that the program will not be interrupted.
+ logger.error(
+ "Failed to %s with %s: %s",
+ method,
+ autogen_logger.__class__.__name__,
+ str(e),
+ )
+ logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ def start(self) -> str:
+ """Starts all loggers."""
+ return self._call_loggers("start")
+ def stop(self) -> None:
+ self._call_loggers("stop")
+ # Remove the loggers once they are stopped.
+ self.loggers = []
+ def get_connection(self) -> None | Connection:
+ return self._call_loggers("get_connection")
+ def log_chat_completion(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ return self._call_loggers("log_chat_completion", *args, **kwargs)
+ def log_new_agent(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ return self._call_loggers("log_new_agent", *args, **kwargs)
+ def log_event(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ return self._call_loggers("log_event", *args, **kwargs)
+ def log_new_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ return self._call_loggers("log_new_wrapper", *args, **kwargs)
+ def log_new_client(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ return self._call_loggers("log_new_client", *args, **kwargs)
+ def log_function_use(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ return self._call_loggers("log_function_use", *args, **kwargs)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return "\n\n".join(
+ [
+ f"{str(logger.__class__)}:\n{logger.__repr__()}"
+ for logger in self.loggers
+ ]
+ )
+def start(
+ autogen_logger: Optional[BaseLogger] = None,
+ logger_type: str = None,
+ config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
+) -> str:
+ """Starts logging with AutoGen logger.
+ Specify your custom autogen_logger, or the logger_type and config to use a built-in logger.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ autogen_logger : BaseLogger, optional
+ An AutoGen logger, which should be a subclass of autogen.logger.base_logger.BaseLogger.
+ logger_type : str, optional
+ Logger type, which can be a built-in AutoGen logger type ("file", or "sqlite"), by default None.
+ config : dict, optional
+ Configurations for the built-in AutoGen logger, by default None
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ A unique session ID returned from starting the logger.
+ """
+ if autogen_logger and logger_type:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Please specify only autogen_logger(%s) or logger_type(%s).",
+ autogen_logger,
+ logger_type,
+ )
+ # Check if a logger is already configured
+ existing_logger = autogen.runtime_logging.autogen_logger
+ if not existing_logger:
+ # No logger is configured
+ logger_manager = LoggerManager()
+ elif isinstance(existing_logger, LoggerManager):
+ # Logger is already configured with ADS
+ logger_manager = existing_logger
+ else:
+ # Logger is configured but it is not via ADS
+ logger.warning("AutoGen is already configured with %s", str(existing_logger))
+ logger_manager = LoggerManager()
+ logger_manager.add_logger(existing_logger)
+ # Add AutoGen logger
+ if not autogen_logger:
+ autogen_logger = LoggerFactory.get_logger(
+ logger_type=logger_type, config=config
+ )
+ logger_manager.add_logger(autogen_logger)
+ try:
+ session_id = autogen_logger.start()
+ autogen.runtime_logging.is_logging = True
+ autogen.runtime_logging.autogen_logger = logger_manager
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Failed to start logging: {e}")
+ return session_id
+def stop(*loggers) -> BaseLogger:
+ """Stops AutoGen logger.
+ If loggers are managed by LoggerManager,
+ you may specify one or more loggers to be stopped.
+ If no logger is specified, all loggers will be stopped.
+ Stopped loggers will be removed from the LoggerManager.
+ """
+ autogen_logger = autogen.runtime_logging.autogen_logger
+ if isinstance(autogen_logger, LoggerManager) and loggers:
+ for logger in loggers:
+ logger.stop()
+ if logger in autogen_logger.loggers:
+ autogen_logger.loggers.remove(logger)
+ else:
+ autogen.runtime_logging.stop()
+ return autogen_logger
+def get_loggers() -> List[BaseLogger]:
+ """Gets a list of existing AutoGen loggers."""
+ autogen_logger = autogen.runtime_logging.autogen_logger
+ if isinstance(autogen_logger, LoggerManager):
+ return autogen_logger.loggers
+ return [autogen_logger]
diff --git a/docs/source/user_guide/large_language_model/autogen_integration.rst b/docs/source/user_guide/large_language_model/autogen_integration.rst
index e21a8bd3e..7c8c17055 100644
--- a/docs/source/user_guide/large_language_model/autogen_integration.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user_guide/large_language_model/autogen_integration.rst
@@ -104,3 +104,81 @@ Following is an example LLM config for the OCI Generative AI service:
+Logging And Reporting
+ADS offers enhanced utilities integrating with OCI to log data for debugging and analysis:
+* The ``SessionLogger`` saves events to a log file and generates report to for you to profile and debug the application.
+* The ``MetricLogger`` sends the metrics to OCI monitoring service, allowing you to build dashboards to gain more insights about the application usage.
+Session Logger and Report
+To use the session logger, you need to specify a local directory or an OCI object storage location for saving the log files.
+A unique session ID will be generated for each session. Each session will be logged into one file.
+Optionally, you can specify the ``report_dir`` to generate a report at the end of each session.
+If you are using an object storage location as ``report_dir``, you can also have a pre-authenticated link generated automatically for viewing and sharing the report.
+.. code-block:: python3
+ from ads.llm.autogen.v02.loggers import SessionLogger
+ session_logger = SessionLogger(
+ # log_dir can be local dir or OCI object storage location in the form of oci://bucket@namespace/prefix
+ log_dir="",
+ # Location for saving the report. Can be local path or object storage location.
+ report_dir="",
+ # Specify session ID if you would like to resume a previous session or use your own session ID.
+ session_id=session_id,
+ # Set report_par_uri to True when using object storage to auto-generate PAR link.
+ report_par_uri=True,
+ )
+ # You may get the auto-generated session id once the logger is initialized
+ print(session_logger.session_id)
+ # It is recommended to run your application with the context manager.
+ with session_logger:
+ # Create and run your AutoGen application
+ ...
+ # Access the log file path
+ print(session_logger.log_file)
+ # Report file path or pre-authenticated link
+ print(session_logger.report)
+The session report provides a comprehensive overview of the timeline, invocations, chat interactions, and logs in HTML format. It effectively visualizes the application's flow, facilitating efficient debugging and analysis.
+.. figure:: figures/autogen_report.png
+ :width: 800
+Metric Logger
+The agent metric logger emits agent metrics to `OCI Monitoring `_,
+allowing you to integrate AutoGen application with OCI monitoring service to `build queries `_ and `dashboards `_, as well as `managing alarms `_.
+.. code-block:: python3
+ from ads.llm.autogen.v02 import runtime_logging
+ from ads.llm.autogen.v02.loggers import MetricLogger
+ monitoring_logger = MetricLogger(
+ # Metric namespace required by OCI monitoring.
+ namespace="",
+ # Optional application name, which will be a metric dimension if specified.
+ app_name="order_support",
+ # Compartment OCID for posting the metric
+ compartment_id="",
+ # Optional session ID to be saved as a metric dimension.
+ session_id=""
+ # Whether to log agent name as a metric dimension.
+ log_agent_name=False,
+ # Whether to log tool name as a metric dimension.
+ log_model_name=False,
+ # Whether to log model name as a metric dimension.
+ log_tool_name=False,
+ )
+ # Start logging metrics
+ runtime_logging.start(monitoring_logger)
diff --git a/docs/source/user_guide/large_language_model/figures/autogen_report.png b/docs/source/user_guide/large_language_model/figures/autogen_report.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6100eee01
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/user_guide/large_language_model/figures/autogen_report.png differ
diff --git a/tests/unitary/with_extras/autogen/test_autogen_client.py b/tests/unitary/with_extras/autogen/test_autogen_client.py
index c8cce9121..57700ac9a 100644
--- a/tests/unitary/with_extras/autogen/test_autogen_client.py
+++ b/tests/unitary/with_extras/autogen/test_autogen_client.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
import autogen
from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, ToolCall
-from ads.llm.autogen.client_v02 import (
+from ads.llm.autogen.v02.client import (