This example shows how to deploy the PBS cluster (open source version) on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using Terraform.. This configuration generally implements this:
It creates a VCN with two route tables, Internet Gateway, NAT Gateway, Security Lists, a bastion subnet, and a private subnet for the PBS Pro cluster.
- Copy terraform.tfvars.template to terraform.tfvars and update terraform.tfvars with the required information
- To generate SSH key pair:
ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa
- Update with your instance options
Defines the compute resources
Defines the networking used in the configuration
Defines the outputs of the configuration
Defines the environmental variables used in the configuration
Defines the variables used in the configuration
Initialize Terraform:
$ terraform init
View what Terraform plans do before actually doing it:
$ terraform plan
Use Terraform to Provision resources and PBS Pro cluster:
$ terraform apply
Connect to the server using the sample SSH command from the outputs:
$ ssh -i ${ssh_private_key} -Ao ProxyCommand="ssh -i ${bastion_private_key} -W %h:%p opc@${bastion_public_ip}" opc@${server_private_ip}
Check the status of the server:
sudo systemctl status pbs
$ qstat -Bf
Check the execution nodes in the cluster:
$ pbsnodes -a
Run a simple python script:
$ touch
$ vim
$ cat
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=1gb
#PBS -N HelloJob
print "Hello"
$ qsub
Check the result of the job:
$ ls
HelloJob.e0 HelloJob.o0