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Releases: openzipkin/brave

Brave 5.11

08 Apr 04:45
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Brave 5.11 adds new Apis for tags, baggage (propagated fields) and correlation fields (MDC). These apis were designed over many weeks of hard effort, with a goal of availing features that would otherwise take a major release to accomplish. The result is you can ease into this with no code impact.

Brave 5.11 also adds MongoDB instrumentation, something requested for a long time and obviates custom code sites formerly used to fill the gaps.

As the bulk of the load is volunteer work, please thank people directly using any means you can, or chat on to say the same. If you rely on code here, make sure you star Brave.

Volunteers trade "couch time" to help make sure your tracing works. Stars are an easy way volunteers to see their efforts are impactful and appreciated.

Note: Do not use Brave 5.11.0 or 5.11.1 as there were problems in these distributions. Use 5.11.2 or higher.

Tag, Tags and HttpTags

Brave 5.11 adds a long overdue feature to ease support of tagging spans. Tag bakes in all logic needed to add a tag to a span, leaving the user left only to decide what the key is and how to parse it. Many thanks to volunteer @anuraaga for design and review work on this.

This not only works for both in-flight and already finished spans, but also takes care of null checking and error handling.

Here's an example of a potentially expensive tag:

SUMMARY_TAG = new Tag<Summarizer>("summary") {
  @Override protected String parseValue(Summarizer input, TraceContext context) {
    return input.computeSummary();

// This works for any variant of span
SUMMARY_TAG.tag(summarizer, span);

We also have constants in Tags and HttpTags you can make type-safe updates on standard fields.


httpTracing = httpTracing.toBuilder()
    .clientRequestParser((req, context, span) -> {
      HttpClientRequestParser.DEFAULT.parse(req, context, span);
      HttpTags.URL.tag(req, context, span); // add the url in addition to defaults

All these types have Javadoc and there are introductions in Markdown here:


We once had constants for tag names based on thrift definitions, but they were removed when Brave decoupled from the zipkin library.

The closest type we had recently is ErrorParser as that does a similar dispatch. Externally, the closest is OpenTracing Tag.

brave.Tag and OpenTracing's Tag share ability to set tags on Spans before they start and while they are in progress. However, there are some differences:

  • brave.Tag has Javadoc explaining how and why you would use it.
  • brave.Tag integrates with FinishedSpanHandler, so it can change tags regardless of instrumentation policy, even after they complete.
  • brave.Tag is sealed except how to parse the value, which means error handling can be built in.

BaggagePropagation and BaggageField

Sometimes you need to propagate additional fields, such as a request ID or an alternate trace context. Thanks to many weeks of design and review from @anuraaga as well input from site owner @jorgheymans, we now have formal support for "baggage".

For example, you need a specific request's country code, you can propagate it through the trace as an HTTP header with the same name:

import brave.baggage.BaggagePropagationConfig.SingleBaggageField;

// Configure your baggage field
COUNTRY_CODE = BaggageField.create("country-code");

// When you initialize the builder, add the baggage you want to propagate

// Later, you can retrieve that country code in any of the services handling the trace
// and add it as a span tag or do any other processing you want with it.
countryCode = COUNTRY_CODE.getValue(context);

This may look familiar to ExtraFieldPropagation, as it includes all the features it had and more. BaggagePropagation can also integrate with logging contexts and cleanly encapsulate field configuration.

Currently, BaggagePropagationConfig only supports predefined fields. However, dynamic fields will be supported in a future version, with no API break to you. Dynamic fields must either be in-process only, or use single header encoding. We will likely default to W3C encoding once they decide on a header name that works with JMS.

All these types have Javadoc and there is an introduction in Markdown here:


The name Baggage was first introduced by Brown University in Pivot Tracing as maps, sets and tuples. They then spun baggage out as a standalone component, BaggageContext and considered some of the nuances of making it general purpose. The implementations proposed in these papers are different to the implementation here, but conceptually the goal is the same: to propagate "arbitrary stuff" with a request.

Even though OpenTracing named propagated fields Baggage initially, we decided not to, as the Apis were not safe for arbitrary usage. For example, there was no implementation which could allow control over which fields to propagate, set limits or how to redact them. We didn't want to call anything Baggage until we could do that safely.

Instead, Brave 4.9 introduced ExtraFieldPropagation as a way to push other fields, such as a country code or request ID, alongside the trace context. It had get() and set() methods to retrieve values anywhere a span is active, but the above issues remained.. hard issues described here #577

The current baggage apis resolve the design problems that limited us in the past. It took many weeks of full-time effort from volunteer co-designer @anuraaga as well site input from @jorgheymans to surmount these hurdles.

CorrelationScopeDecorator (MDC integration)

CorrelationScopeDecorator is an advanced implementation of correlation shared by all implementations (like log4j, log4j2, slf4j). It can map field names, even allow you to flush updates of baggage synchronously to the underlying context. This integrates seamlessly with BaggagePropagation thanks to many volunteered weeks of design and review from @anuraaga as well input from site owner @jorgheymans.

All context integrations extend CorrelationScopeDecorator.Builder which means you can make portable configuration.

Ex. this is the only part that has to do with the implementation:

CorrelationScopeDecorator.Builder builder = MDCScopeDecorator.newBuilder();

By default, if you call build(), only traceId and spanId integrate with the underlying context. This is great for performance( only better if you customize to only include traceId!).

A common configuration would be to integrate a BaggageField as a correlation field in logs.

Assuming the above setup for COUNTRY_CODE, you can integrate like this:

import brave.baggage.CorrelationScopeConfig.SingleCorrelationField;

decorator = MDCScopeDecorator.newBuilder()


// Any scope operations (updates to the current span) apply the fields defined by the decorator.
ScopedSpan span = tracing.tracer().startScopedSpan("encode");
try {
  // The below log message will have %X{country-code} in the context!"Encoding the span, hope it works");

All these types have Javadoc and there is an introduction in Markdown here:


Before, we had types like MDCScopeDecorator for integrating extra fields as correlation fields in logging contexts. However, they were not customizable. In order to satisfy any user that needs "parentId", all scope decorators set this. This meant overhead in all cases, which adds up especially in reactive code.

MongoDB instrumentation

brave-instrumentation-mongodb includes a TraceMongoCommandListener, a CommandListener for the Mongo Java driver that will report via Brave how long each command takes, along with relevant tags like the collection/view name, the command's name (insert, update, find, etc.).

Volunteer @csabakos spent a month developing this for you and is owed a lot of thanks, also to volunteers @anuraaga and @kojilin for review and advice

An application registers command listeners with a MongoClient by configuring MongoClientSettings as follows:

CommandListener listener = MongoDBTracing.create(Tracing.current())
MongoClientSettings settings = MongoClientSettings.builder()
MongoClient client = MongoClients.create(settings);

Support for asynchronous clients is unimplemented. To re...

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03 Apr 05:20
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DO NOT USE Pre-release

This was a bad release, please use 5.11.2 or higher

Brave 5.10

28 Feb 05:53
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Brave 5.10 completes migration to our new HTTP instrumentation types: HttpRequest and HttpResponse by introducing new parsers. It also makes it easier to access request and error details from a response. Finally, we lower overhead relating to scoping across the board.

This release was the sum of many contributors, but a special shout-out is given to @anuraaga who reviewed all change and provided a lot of excellent feedback we need to keep documentation and design as clean and understandable as possible.

Let's get to it!

Introducing HttpRequestParser and HttpResponseParser

Those of you doing custom data policy are familiar with the HttpAdapter type introduced in Brave v4. This type allowed you to take a raw request, such as HttpServletRequest and pull something portable out of it, such as the HTTP url adapter.url(request). In Brave 5.7, we replaced this with wrapper types to do the same thing. For example request.url() would dispatch to the corresponding framework-specific implementation.

We decided to do wrappers as even if there is an extra allocation to instantiate one (performance hit), in practice we often needed to combine multiple types to achieve a single goal. Let's take the URL example. Sometimes, you need to access a route object and also an HTTP request object in order to build the actual URL called. In other words, the assumption that a single type could work as a raw request was faulty. We decided in Brave 5.7 to fix that, starting with sampling. Brave 5.10 completes the task by migrating all work to the new types, including data policy.

It was not easy to migrate while still keeping compatible with old code. The way we did it was introducing new parsers which should be used instead of the former HttpParser: HttpRequestParser and HttpResponseParser. Those who made custom policy should be able to migrate easily.

Ex. To add the URL tag in addition to defaults:

 httpTracing = httpTracing.toBuilder()
-    .clientParser(new HttpClientParser() {
-      @Override
-      public <Req> void request(HttpAdapter<Req, ?> adapter, Req req, SpanCustomizer span) {
-        super.request(adapter, req, span);
-        span.tag("http.url", adapter.url(req)); // add the url in addition to defaults
-      }
+    .clientRequestParser((req, context, span) -> {
+      HttpClientRequestParser.DEFAULT.parse(req, context, span);
+      span.tag("http.url", req.url()); // add the url in addition to defaults

What's subtle about the design is that it is splitting request and response allowed us to use lambdas. Future functionality, such as composable units can be built easier with functional code such as above.

The other subtlety is that we pass the context argument explicitly now. This was a choice due to performance overhead of the prior design. "Scoping" is when you use thread-locals (and anything hung off them) to make something implicit. We found users are doing a lot in scope functions, and that has a cost to it. This design moves implicit to explicit, reducing scope operations 2x per HTTP call.

Meanwhile, commands such as tagging extra fields are still possible, using explicit parameters, like so:

httpTracing = httpTracing.toBuilder()
    .clientRequestParser((req, context, span) -> {
      HttpClientRequestParser.DEFAULT.parse(req, context, span);
      String userName = ExtraFieldPropagation.get(context, "user-name");
      if (userName != null) span.tag("user-name", userName);

Introducing Response.request() and Response.error()

A great idea @anuraaga had was to avail more properties at response time than we currently do. We first felt this tension about the "http.route" tag. A matched route is usually unknown until late in processing. Hence, we formerly had HttpResponse.route() to avail this property late in the cycle. Over time, you could imagine other request properties useful at response time. Instead of adding these, piece by piece, we now have an optional Response.request() accessor. Building off that, we realised that the error associated with a response could be more convenient if available directly as Response.error(). This helps in functional code as it allows a single-argument: Response to reach all parseable data.

Other change

Brave 5.10 includes a lot of other work, less Api impacting, but still critical to things becoming better each time. We are lucky to have so much feedback and help continuing Brave's nearly 7 years service to users.

  • Add Tracer.nextSpanWithParent() for explicit propagation
  • Lowers the minimum version of Apache HttpClient instrumentation from 4.4 to 4.3
  • Enforces sampled propagation field must be well formed
  • Handles special case when a JMS destination is both queue and topic. Thanks @nomeez for the investigation
  • Stops writing the gRPC "method" propagated tag
  • Ensures gRPC client response callbacks happen in invocation context
  • Makes HTTP request method mandatory when parsing

Brave 5.9.5

13 Feb 19:32
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Brave 5.9.5 notably preserves case of local and remote service names. This allows non-Zipkin destination, such as cloud service providers, to see the raw data in their FinishedSpanHandler exporters.

Thanks @csabakos for the investigation and code to fix this!

Brave 5.9.2

30 Jan 02:32
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Brave 5.9.2 is our first release in the year 2020, brought to you by the direct efforts of ten volunteers. Notably, @anuraaga reviewed nearly all changes in this release and deserves credit for keeping the fire burning. If you are happy with the teamwork, please star this repo or say hi on There's plenty to do and we appreciate help if you can spare time.

Without further adieu, here are the release notes:


  • Async HTTP client callbacks should be invoked in invocation context of the caller (ex the callsite of the initial http client request). Otherwise, HTTP client spans can appear nested, which are confusing and effect statistics. Formerly, we were inconsistent on this, but now it is enforced across the board with integration tests. Thanks for the analysis and help by @simontoens (#1055, #1067)
  • kafka-clients users can now control whether or not to continue a trace or fork a new one with the flag singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch. (#1033) thanks @jeqo for leading this and @jorgheymans, @anuraaga for the detailed review


  • accidental inheritance of shared flag (#1071) Thanks @narayaruna and @devinsba for the investigation!
  • workaround JAX-RS in-compliant client libraries which return immutable views of headers when they shouldn't (#1046) Thanks @SimY4 for the analysis and code.
  • accidental wrapping of null JMS message listeners (#1065) Thanks @ohr for the fix!
  • spring-rabbit interceptor order was incorrect, so other interceptors couldn't see the trace context (#1051) Thanks @kubamarchwicki for getting to the bottom of this and volunteering to fix it
  • certain interceptor usage patterns could lead to a leaked scope in httpasyncclient. (#1050) thanks @andylintner for tracking this down and correcting the code
  • a fragment of code modified from guava was not properly attributed. It is now in the NOTICE file in brave's jar (#1056)


  • Our gRPC instrumentation was written to be compatible with the Census project. Starting with gRPC v1.22, the Census integration stopped propagating the tag "method". While we still propagate this, the next minor version of Brave will also stop, and save needless in-process and wire overhead. As gRPC dropped Census as a core dependency in v1.27, we will similarly also de-prioritize interop with Census.

Brave 5.9.1

21 Nov 22:47
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Brave 5.9.1. adds some minor fixes and additional features:


  • Kafka Streams Tracing flatMap operator (#1041)
  • Update Zipkin Reporter to 2.11.1 (#1038)


  • Fix path parsing of HttpClient to return the whole path (#1036)
  • Catch Throwable instead of RuntimeException or Error on Kafka Streams (#1030)
  • Remove duplicate mockito dependency (#1027)

Thanks to @jcchavezs, @anuraaga, @jorgheymans and @worldtiki for your contributions!

Brave 5.9

01 Nov 01:06
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Brave 5.9 notably begins a messaging abstraction. It also allows customizing of which B3 format is used based on Span kinds (CLIENT, SERVER, etc.). If you enjoy this work, please star our repo or join gitter to thank folks!

New Messaging abstraction

In Brave's main repository, we have three messaging instrumentation libraries: Kafka, JMS, and RabbitMQ. We've started a messaging abstraction with sampling.

Ex. Here's a sampler that traces 100 consumer requests per second, except for the "alerts" channel. Other requests will use a global rate provided by the Tracing component.

import brave.sampler.Matchers;

import static brave.messaging.MessagingRequestMatchers.channelNameEquals;

  .putRule(channelNameEquals("alerts"), Sampler.NEVER_SAMPLE)
  .putRule(Matchers.alwaysMatch(), RateLimitingSampler.create(100))

This code is 100% portable across traced libraries. In other words, JMS tracing uses exactly the same MessagingTracing component as Spring Rabbit: Rules can be mixed in the same way as they can with our HttpTracing component. We hope this can help you prune traces to the most impactful!

Thanks very much to @anuraaga and @jeqo for design and code review.

Propagation customization

It is already the case that folks can make custom propagation components to address different header formats, such as Amazon's. One repeated concern was to control which of the B3 formats should be used when sending headers down. For example, in a transition, you may want to send both our single and multi-header formats. However, new sites may choose to only send the single format as it is cheaper.

In a pragmatic move, we've retro-fitted the default B3Propagation implementation to consider the kind of span when choosing formats to write. This inherits the default formats used prior: "x-b3-" prefixed for client/server spans and the single "b3" format for producer/consumer spans.

To override this policy, you can use a builder like below. The following makes RPC and HTTP instrumentation write "b3" single format such as messaging spans do.

      .injectFormat(Format.SINGLE) // things that don't extend `brave.Request`
      .injectFormat(Span.Kind.CLIENT, Format.SINGLE)
      .injectFormat(Span.Kind.SERVER, Format.SINGLE)

Regardless of this policy, both "b3" and "x-b3-" headers are read, as if we changed that, it would break existing sites! Tolerant reads are best for compatibility and interop!

Note: Our HTTP, RPC, and Messaging abstractions employ these by default by extending brave.Request. If you are not using our abstractions, please consider updating to also use brave.Request for remote instrumentation so that users can easily tune header formats!

Minor changes

  • OSGi manifests are now present in all jars
  • @jeqo fixed where Kafka and JMS callbacks couldn't read no-op trace contexts
  • @simondean allowed kafka-streams to inherit policy from kafka-clients instrumentation
  • @rmichela fixed where SQS used with JMS could raise exceptions where it shouldn't

Brave 5.8

07 Oct 20:16
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Brave 5.8 significantly improves sampling infrastructure and begins an Rpc abstraction

Functional sampling with SamplerFunction

Over time, we've accumulated a number of sampling tools. For example, we have DeclarativeSampler, which can be used to process Java annotations, and HttpRuleSampler for path and method rules. We've consolidated all parameterized samplers under a functional interface: SamplerFunction, which allows better re-use as we journey into more models such as RPC and Messaging.

Here's an example using functional expressions to declare "/health" should never be sampled, while we want POST /api requests limited to 100 traces per second:

import static brave.http.HttpRequestMatchers.*;
import static brave.sampler.Matchers.and;

httpTracing = httpTracingBuilder.serverSampler(HttpRuleSampler.newBuilder()
  .putRule(pathStartsWith("/health"), Sampler.NEVER_SAMPLE)
  .putRule(and(methodEquals("POST"), pathStartsWith("/api")), RateLimitingSampler.create(100))

As a side effect, we've deprecated Tracer.withSampler in favor of lighter methods that accomplish the same:

  • Tracer.startScopedSpan(name, sampler, param)
  • Tracer.nextSpan(sampler, param)

New RPC abstraction

In Brave's main repository, we have two different RPC libraries: Dubbo and gRPC. We've started an RPC abstraction with sampling.

For example, here's a sampler that traces 100 "GetUserToken" requests per second. This doesn't start new traces for requests to the health check service. Other requests will use a global rate provided by the tracing component.

import static brave.rpc.RpcRequestMatchers.*;

rpcTracing = rpcTracingBuilder.serverSampler(RpcRuleSampler.newBuilder()
  .putRule(serviceEquals(""), Sampler.NEVER_SAMPLE)
  .putRule(methodEquals("GetUserToken"), RateLimitingSampler.create(100))

While the conventions above are gRPC centric, the code is 100% portable. In other words, Dubbo tracing uses exactly the same RpcTracing component and rules can be mixed in the same way as they can with our HttpTracing component.

Thanks very much to @trustin @anuraaga and @jeqo for design and code review.


Most users will want to use defaults, when deciding where to report trace data. Some advanced sites will have a trace forwarder, a proxy that sends data to one or more places. One open source example is In cases like this, one proxy may want all data, regardless of if it is B3 sampled or not. This change introduces Tracing.Builder.alwaysReportSpans(), primarily in support of the secondary sampling project.

Brave 5.7

07 Oct 19:57
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Brave 5.7 introduces configuration customizers and revamps our HTTP abstraction.


Users want to customize only certain parts of the tracing subsystem, letting frameworks configure the rest. For example, a user wants to override the sampler, but not affect the span reporter. This split of concerns works as long as it is possible to run multiple configuration before constructing a component.

Along with a dependency injection tool, customizers help decouple configuration and also ease testing of new features. Users provide XXXCustomizer instances, and frameworks like spring-cloud-sleuth call them at the right time.

In Brave 5.7, we expose several interfaces to customize configuration and use them in our spring-beans integration.

  • CurrentTraceContextCustomizer - called before invoking
  • ExtraFieldCustomizer - called before invoking
  • HttpTracingCustomizer - called before invoking
  • TracingCustomizer - called before invoking

HTTP abstraction overhaul

Before, we used an adapter model to parse a framework type, such as HttpServletRequest. This was a partial function, and aimed to eliminate an extra object allocation otherwise needed during parsing. This worked well until we started to see propagation integration.

For example, Netflix wanted to inspect the http path to make a secondary sampling decision. They could see the request type as a parameter of Extractor.extract(). However, this function had no access to the adapter which would provide means to parse the path. In other words, without a known http request type, secondary sampling could not be accomplished portably.

Through quite a lot of effort, we overhauled every http integration so that they directly use new types: brave.http.HttpClientRequest and brave.http.HttpServerRequest. This opens up new integration possibilities, not just secondary sampling, but also deciding at runtime which headers to use on a per-request basis.

Thanks @basvanbeek for the design help and @anuraaga @devinsba and @jeqo for review

External timestamps in HTTP client and server handling

Armeria supports RequestLog.responseEndTimeNanos() for more precise
timestamps, which line up with metrics. Our HTTP handlers now allow external timestamps, so that advanced frameworks can collaborate in timing decisions. Thanks for the help by @trustin and @kojilin


@lambcode noticed that FinishedSpanHandler instances were not called when data is orphaned by buggy instrumentation. While this is technically correct (the "finished" in FinishedSpanHandler is about the correct case), there are use cases to process orphaned data. You can now implement FinishedSpanHandler.supportsOrphans() to indicate handler desires all data, not just complete data. Thanks @lambcode for the code spike and @devinsba @anuraaga for review.

Brave 5.6.8

05 Jul 05:01
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Brave 5.6.8 includes a number of small improvements, mostly reported by the Spring Cloud Sleuth community. Here's a quick rundown!

Remote field redaction

ExtraFieldPropagation allows you to carry extra fields like correlation IDs along with trace identifiers. This works both in and out of process, meaning these fields are added to headers when outgoing requests are made.

You may wish to block certain fields from propagating further than the current process, and you now can. By setting a field name as redacted, it will be accepted from incoming headers, but never sent downstream eventhough it will be available in process. This will work regardless of how the data is set. For example, this can prevent people using OpenTracing's baggage feature from leaking sensitive fields into headers.

Many thanks to @alonbl for championing it, as well @devinsba and @anuraaga for the code review.

No more empty spans

Bugs in instrumentation can cause useless data to be collected. For example, allocating a span, but never using it is a bug. Brave has robust test suites for instrumentation, including unit tests, integration tests and also tests against multiple library versions. Even with all these tools, sometimes there are bugs we don't find or originating from 3rd party instrumentation. Instrumentation bugs found at runtime are very difficult to diagnose, so we have a troubleshooting section which helps. For example, it can log when data is abandoned.

One common type of bug is leaking spans. This can happen from poorly designed api abstractions, but it can also happen in earnest async instrumentation where side effects are not all known up front.

For example, if something does Tracer.nextSpan() and never uses that span.. it is definitely a bug: a span was allocated (trace ID etc), and the data associated with that would timeout and be flushed with the "brave.flush" annotation. Based on feedback from Sleuth users, reporting that data is not actionable, and moreover affects tracing system statistics. Via a new method MutableSpan.isEmpty(), Brave will now log a message (when debug is enabled) as opposed to reporting empty data.

Thanks to @marcingrzejszczak @devinsba and @kurtharriger for the design input. It is essential we continue focus on all data paths, not just the happy paths.

'sampled' flag is now a log correlation field

Most log correlation is tied to the traceId. When sampling is used, some trace IDs will be absent from the tracing system. Since at least 2015, some also added to their logging context a flag to help with query expressions around sampling. While we knew about this pattern, Brave's context integration opted out of synchronizing the sampled flag due to reasons overhead. Recently, the combination of demand and impact of not doing this tipped the tide.

Starting in Brave 5.6.8, you can add sampled in your log context expressions. The value is a literal true or false when present.

Here's an example in log4j syntax:

log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} [%X{traceId}/%X{spanId} - sampled=%X{sampled}] %-5p [%t] %C{2} (%F:%L) - %m%n

Thanks very much for the continued feedback and help. If you have more advice for us, please contact us on gitter or our mailing list