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Module bimbots

This module provides tools to communicate with BIMbots services, and a FreeCAD GUI, that autoruns if this module is executed as a FreeCAD macro or simply imported from the FreeCAD Python console. If run from the command line, it prints a summary of available (and reachable) BIMbots services.

See also the GUI documentation for GUI usage inside FreeCAD


authenticate_step_1(register_url) : Sends an authentication request to the given server. Returns the result json as a dict

authenticate_step_2(authorization_url, client_id, service_name) : Opens the authorization url in an external browser. Returns True if successful, the authorization URL to be shown if not.

beautyprint(data) : Beautifies (prints with indents) and prints a given dictionary or json string

delete_custom_provider(list_url) : Removes a custom provider from the config file. Returns nothing.

get_config_value(value) : Returns the given config value from the config file, or defaults to the default value if existing

get_custom_providers() : Returns custom providers from the config file

get_plugin_info() : Returns a dict with info about this plugin, usable for ex. by FreeCAD

get_service_config(provider_url, service_id) : Returns the service associated with the given provider url and service id if it has already been authenticated

get_service_providers(autodiscover=True, url=None) : Returns a list of dicts {name,desciption,listUrl} of BIMbots services obtained from the stored config and, if autodiscover is True, from the given service list url (or from the default one if none is given).

get_services(list_url) : Returns a list of dicts of service plugins available from a given service provider list url

launch_ui() : Opens the BIMbots task panel in FreeCAD

print_services() : Prints a list of available (and reachable) services

read_config() : Reads the config file, if found, and returns a dict of its contents

save_authentication(provider_url, service_id, service_name, service_url, token) : Saved the given service authentication data to the config file. Returns nothing.

save_config(config) : Saves the given dict to the config file. Overwrites everything, be careful! Returns nothing.

save_custom_provider(name, list_url) : Saves a custom services provider to the config file. Returns nothing.

save_default_config() : Saves the default settings to the config file. Returns nothing

send_ifc_payload(provider_url, service_id, file_path) : Sends a given IFC file to the given service. Returns the json response as a dict

send_test_payload(provider_url, service_id) : Sends a test IFC file to the given service. Returns the json response as a dict

tostr(something) : a convenience function to unify py2/py3 conversion to string


bimbots_panel : This is the interface panel implementation of bimbots.ui. It is meant to run inside FreeCAD. It is launched by the launch_ui() function

### Methods

:   Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

`fill_item(self, item, value, link=False)`
:   fills a QtreeWidget or QtreeWidgetItem with a dict, list or text/number value. If link is true, paints in link color. Returns nothing

:   The list of buttons to show above the task panel. Returns a Close button only.

:   Sets the state of different widgets from previously saved state. Return nothing

:   Notifies FreeCAD that this panel needs max height. Returns True

:   Adds a custom service provider and its services and updates the Available Services list. Returns nothing

:   Opens a browser window to authenticate. Returns nothing

:   Cancels the current operation by setting the running flag to False. Returns nothing

`on_click_help(self, arg=None)`
:   Opens a browser to show the BIMbots help page. Arg not used. Returns nothing

`on_click_results(self, item, column)`
:   Selects associated objects in document when an item is clicked. Returns nothing

`on_list_click(self, arg1=None, arg2=None)`
:   Checks which items are selected and what options should be enabled. Args not used. Returns nothing

:   Removes a custom service provider from the config. Returns nothing

:   Runs the selected service. Returns nothing

:   Authenticates with the selected service and updates the Available Services list. Returns nothing

:   Scans for providers and services and updates the Available Services list. Returns nothing

:   Called when the "Close" button of the task dialog is pressed, closes the panel. Returns nothing

`save_defaults(self, arg=None)`
:   Save the state of different widgets. Arg not used. Returns nothing

`save_ifc(self, objectslist)`
:   Saves an IFC file with the given objects to a temporary location. Returns the file path.

`validate_fields(self, arg=None)`
:   Validates the editable fields, turn buttons on/off as needed. Arg not used. Returns nothing