- Python >= 3.7 (rpm: python3)
- jinja2 (rpm: python3-jinja2)
- pyyaml (rpm: python3-pyyaml)
- primary: opens block for Ignition data
- device: name for the bonding device
- kernel_options: bonding kernel module parameters
- phy_devices: array listing the physical devices composing the bond
- vlans: array listing the VLAN IDs and their network configuration details
- secondary: opens block for NMState data
- device: name for the bonding device
- config: opens block for bonding kernel module parameters
- mode: bonding mode (active-backup, balance-rr, ...)
- options: dictionary holding key/value parameters (e.g. miimon: 140)
- phy_devices: array listing the physical devices composing the bond
- vlans: array listing the VLAN IDs and their network configuration details
- routes: opens block for routes configuration
- dst: route destination
- metric: route metric
- gw: route gateway
- iface: route interface
- table: routing table ID
- dns: opens block for DNS resolver data
- search: array listing DNS domain names for looking up short host names
- nameservers: array listing IP addresses to be used as DNS servers
The parameters file uses two sections,
to define Ignition settings and NMState details respectively -
The script can generate, both Ignition and NMState configuration files at the same time using
or independently, using-i|--ignition
. It does all by default. -
Using the parameters example as follows:
$ scripts/bonding.py -f examples/parameters.yaml.sample -t templates -o /tmp/out -a $ ls -la /tmp/out total 8 drwxrwxr-x. 2 sjr sjr 80 Dec 4 12:28 . drwxrwxrwt. 117 root root 2700 Dec 4 12:28 .. -rw-rw-r--. 1 sjr sjr 899 Dec 4 12:28 2160-nmstate-bonding-manifest.yaml -rw-rw-r--. 1 sjr sjr 1562 Dec 4 12:28 8847-ignition-bond.ign
At this point the two files can be used to inject the configuration into the nodes.