Assuming a head model represented by the geometry file :input:`head.geom` and the conductivity file :input:`head.cond` and EEG sensors detailed in a file :input:`head.eegsensors`.
Computing the EEG gain matrix for sources distributed on a surface mesh represented by the file :input:`sources.tri` is done via the following set of commands:
om_assemble -HM head.geom head.cond om_assemble -SSM head.geom head.cond sources.tri head.ssm om_assemble -h2em head.geom head.cond head.eegsensors head.h2em om_minverser head.hm_inv om_gain -EEG head.hm_inv head.ssm head.h2em head.gain
Considering now isolated dipolar sources detailed in the file :input:`sources.dip` with MEG sensors depicted in the file :input:`head.squids`. Using the same head model, the MEG gain matrix is obtained via the following set of commands:
om_assemble -HeadMat head.geom head.cond om_assemble -DSM head.geom head.cond sources.dip head.dsm Brain om_assemble -h2mm head.geom head.cond head.squids head.h2mm om_assemble -ds2mm sources.dip head.squids head.ds2mm om_minverser head.hm_inv om_gain -MEG head.hm_inv head.dsm head.h2mm head.ds2mm head.gain