diff --git a/grad_clip_value_zh.html b/grad_clip_value_zh.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79ff015 --- /dev/null +++ b/grad_clip_value_zh.html @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ + +
梯度裁剪函数的实现,即 grad_clip_value Related Link
该函数在 loss 反向传播后使用,它会将网络参数的所有梯度剪裁 (clip) 到一个固定范围 [-clip_value, clip_value] 之间。
from typing import Union, Iterable
+import torch
+_tensor_or_tensors = Union[torch.Tensor, Iterable[torch.Tensor]]
+def grad_clip_value(parameters: _tensor_or_tensors, clip_value: float) -> None:
if isinstance(parameters, torch.Tensor):
+ parameters = [parameters]
+ grads = [p.grad for p in parameters if p.grad is not None]
将原始 clip_value 转换为 float 类型。
clip_value = float(clip_value)
将梯度原地剪裁到 [-clip_value, Clip_value]。
for grad in grads:
+ grad.data.clamp_(min=-clip_value, max=clip_value)
def test_grad_clip_value():
准备超参数, batch size=4, action=32
B, N = 4, 32
设置 clip_value 为 1e-3
clip_value = 1e-3
生成回归的 logit 值和标签,在实际应用中, logit 值是整个网络的输出,并需要梯度计算。
logit = torch.randn(B, N).requires_grad_(True)
+ label = torch.randn(B, N)
定义标准并计算 loss。
criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
+ output = criterion(logit, label)
进行 loss 的反向传播并计算梯度。
grad_clip_value(logit, clip_value)
assert isinstance(logit.grad, torch.Tensor)
+ for g in logit.grad:
+ assert (g <= clip_value).all()
+ assert (g >= -clip_value).all()
如果读者关于本文档有任何问题和建议,可以在 GitHub 提 issue 或是直接发邮件给我们 (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn) 。
作为 PPO × Family 决策智能入门公开课的“算法-代码”注解文档,力求发掘 PPO 算法的每一个细节,帮助读者快速掌握设计决策人工智能的万能钥匙。
如果读者关于本文档有任何问题和建议,可以在 GitHub 提 issue 或是直接发邮件给我们 (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn) 。
需要复制 chapter1_overview 中 ppo 的实现到当前目录
from ppo import ppo_policy_data, ppo_policy_error
需要复制 chapter7_tricks 中 gae 的实现到当前目录
from gae import gae
这是关于 CTDE MAPPO 算法训练过程的核心函数。
首先,定义一些超参数,神经网络和优化器,然后生成构造的测试数据并计算演员-评论家损失 (Actor-Critic loss)。
注意在本文件中,策略网络指的是演员 (Actor),价值网络指的是评论家 (Critic)。
def mappo_training_opeator() -> None:
batch_size, agent_num, local_state_shape, agent_specific_global_state_shape, action_shape = 4, 5, 10, 25, 6
entropy_weight = 0.001
value_weight = 0.5
discount_factor = 0.99
根据运行环境设置 tensor 设备为 cuda 或者 cpu。
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = CTDEActorCriticNetwork(agent_num, local_state_shape, agent_specific_global_state_shape, action_shape)
+ model.to(device)
Adam 是深度强化学习中最常用的优化器。 如果你想添加权重衰减机制,应该使用 torch.optim.AdamW 。
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)
注意,数据应该与网络保持相同的计算设备 (device)。
为简单起见,这里我们将整个批次数据视为一个完整的 episode。
在实际应用中,训练批次是多个 episode 的组合。我们通常使用 done 变量来划分不同的 episode 。
local_state = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num, local_state_shape).to(device)
+ agent_specific_global_state = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num, agent_specific_global_state_shape).to(device)
+ logit_old = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num, action_shape).to(device)
+ value_old = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num).to(device)
+ done = torch.zeros(batch_size).to(device)
+ done[-1] = 1
+ action = torch.randint(0, action_shape, (batch_size, agent_num)).to(device)
+ reward = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num).to(device)
还可以使用广义优势估计 (GAE) 法、n-step TD 方法等等。
return_ = torch.zeros_like(reward)
+ for i in reversed(range(batch_size)):
+ return_[i] = reward[i] + (discount_factor * return_[i + 1] if i + 1 < batch_size else 0)
Actor-Critic 网络前向传播。
output = model(local_state, agent_specific_global_state)
squeeze 操作将 shape 从 $$(B, A, 1)$$ 转化为 $$(B, A)$$.
value = output.value.squeeze(-1)
使用广义优势估计(Generalized Advantage Estimation,简称GAE)方法来计算优势(Advantage)。
优势是策略损失的一种“权重”,因此它被包含在 torch.no_grad() 中,表示不进行梯度计算。
done 是回合结束的标志。``traj_flag 是轨迹(trajectory)的标志。
在这里,我们将整个批次数据视为一个完整的回合,所以 done 和 traj_flag 是相同的。
with torch.no_grad():
+ traj_flag = done
+ gae_data = (value, value_old, reward, done, traj_flag)
+ adv = gae(gae_data, discount_factor, 0.95)
为 PPO policy loss 计算准备数据.
data = ppo_policy_data(output.logit, logit_old, action, adv, None)
计算 PPO policy loss.
loss, info = ppo_policy_error(data)
计算 value loss.
value_loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(value, return_)
策略损失 (PPO policy loss)、价值损失 (value loss) 和熵损失 (entropy_loss) 的加权和。
total_loss = loss.policy_loss + value_weight * value_loss - entropy_weight * loss.entropy_loss
PyTorch loss 反向传播和优化器更新。
+ total_loss.backward()
+ optimizer.step()
+ 'total_loss: {:.4f}, policy_loss: {:.4f}, value_loss: {:.4f}, entropy_loss: {:.4f}'.format(
+ total_loss, loss.policy_loss, value_loss, loss.entropy_loss
+ )
+ )
+ print('approximate_kl_divergence: {:.4f}, clip_fraction: {:.4f}'.format(info.approx_kl, info.clipfrac))
+ print('mappo_training_opeator is ok')
如果读者关于本文档有任何问题和建议,可以在 GitHub 提 issue 或是直接发邮件给我们 (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn) 。
A function to reduce the scale of the action-value function. For extensive reading, please refer to: Achieving Consistent Performance on Atari Related Link
Given the input tensor x , this function will return the normalized tensor.
The argument eps is a hyper-parameter that controls the additive regularization term to ensure the corresponding inverse operation is Lipschitz continuous.
import torch
+def value_transform(x: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-2) -> torch.Tensor:
Core implementation.
The formula of the normalization is: $$h(x) = sign(x)(\sqrt{(|x|+1)} - 1) + \epsilon * x$$
return torch.sign(x) * (torch.sqrt(torch.abs(x) + 1) - 1) + eps * x
The inverse form of value transform. Given the input tensor x , this function will return the unnormalized tensor.
def value_inv_transform(x: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-2) -> torch.Tensor:
The formula of the unnormalization is: $$h^{-1}(x) = sign(x)({(\frac{\sqrt{1+4\epsilon(|x|+1+\epsilon)}-1}{2\epsilon})}^2-1)$$
return torch.sign(x) * (((torch.sqrt(1 + 4 * eps * (torch.abs(x) + 1 + eps)) - 1) / (2 * eps)) ** 2 - 1)
A function to normalize the targets. For extensive reading, please refer to: Mastering Diverse Domains through World Models Related Link
Given the input tensor x , this function will return the normalized tensor.
def symlog(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
The formula of the normalization is: $$symlog(x) = sign(x)(\ln{|x|+1})$$
return torch.sign(x) * (torch.log(torch.abs(x) + 1))
The inverse form of symlog. Given the input tensor x , this function will return the unnormalized tensor.
def inv_symlog(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
The formula of the unnormalization is: $$symexp(x) = sign(x)(\exp{|x|}-1)$$
return torch.sign(x) * (torch.exp(torch.abs(x)) - 1)
Generate fake data and test the value_transform and value_inv_transform functions.
def test_value_transform():
Generate fake data.
test_x = torch.randn(10)
Normalize the generated data.
normalized_x = value_transform(test_x)
+ assert normalized_x.shape == (10,)
Unnormalize the data.
unnormalized_x = value_inv_transform(normalized_x)
Test whether the data before and after the transformation is the same.
assert torch.sum(torch.abs(test_x - unnormalized_x)) < 1e-3
Generate fake data and test the symlog and inv_symlog functions.
def test_symlog():
Generate fake data.
test_x = torch.randn(10)
Normalize the generated data.
normalized_x = symlog(test_x)
+ assert normalized_x.shape == (10,)
Unnormalize the data.
unnormalized_x = inv_symlog(normalized_x)
Test whether the data before and after the transformation is the same.
assert torch.sum(torch.abs(test_x - unnormalized_x)) < 1e-3
If you have any questions or advices about this documation, you can raise issues in GitHub (https://github.com/opendilab/PPOxFamily) or email us (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn).