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File metadata and controls

190 lines (120 loc) · 5.09 KB


TraceProv database offers persistence and provenance tracking for objects that might come from foreign servers and over which we might have little control over.

Foreign objects

Foreign objects can be:

a) simple json taken from webservice. There might be available some schema (as jsonschema) b) Mutable Java classes taken with Java client c) Mutable Java interfaces taken with Java client d) Immutable Java classes

Objects may be related to other objects.

Database implementation

TODO very messy

Database implementation is abstracted by class TraceDb, and services read/write into it.

graph TD;
    EntityService -->|I/O| OdrDb;
    CkanService -->|I/O| OdrDb;

In particular, OdrDb manages Store objects which are simple key value tables mapped to disk:

	participant DatiTrentino
	participant CkanService
    participant OdrDb
  	CkanService->>OdrDb: ask dataset-store
 	OdrDb->>CkanService: give dataset-store
	CkanService->>DatiTrentino: ask pharmacies dataset
    DatiTrentino->>CkanService: send pharmacies
	CkanService->>OdrDb: put <, datasetUrl, Pharmacies object> into dataset-store
|creates| dataset-store;
CkanService -->|I/O| dataset-store;


CRUD operations

TODO very messy

Foreign objects read with services are wrapped in a Controller.


TODO very messy

An TraceProv Controller is a wrapper for a foreign object. The controller

Simple scenario

TODO very messy

Happens when a repository only contains urls of entities internal to it.

originUrl object url dataset title status Farmacccie UNTOUCHED Farmacie MODIFIED

After commit, we will only have

originUrl object url dataset title status Farmacie UNTOUCHED
Hard scenario

TODO very messy

Happens when a repository contains urls of entities external to it. Here having a view id helps:

derives from view: can be lazily computed from subvalues

|view id|originUrl|object url|name|province|residents|version|derives from view|creation timestamp| |---------|---|------|---|--|--|--|--|--|-----------| |1|ep|dbp:andalo|Rogereto||100|a1|-|11 nov 2014| |2|odr|dbp:andalo|Rovereto|Trento|100|a2|1, 3 |-| |3|dbp|dbp:andalo|Rovereto|||b1|-|13 nov 2014|

Here view 2 is a modification of view 1, while view 3 cannot be compared to other views (it's sort of on another branch)

Same-as table 1

This table holds unrolled cliques for fast retrieval.

viewid sameas view ids
1 {2, 3}
2 {1, 3}
3 {1, 2}

Upon commit on 1st Dec, the table transitions to

view originUrl object url dataset title version derives from last synched status
1 ep dbp:andalo Farmacie a1 - 1st dec 2014 UNTOUCHED
3 dbp dbp:andalo Farmazie b1 - 15 nov 2014 UNTOUCHED
Same-as table 2
odrid sameas urls
1 {2}
3 {1}

IMPORTANT: There shouldn't be the need to delete unreferenced stuff.


TODO very messy

The read operation:

  • looks for locally modified versions of the foreign object
  • looks local cached data
  • reads from service set by user in his preferences
  • renews cache
  • always return an immutable controller

Example for Ckan catalog:

CkanCatalog datiTrentino = Catalogs.of().getCkanService().readCatalog("");

Example for entity:

Entity entityCtr = Ekb.of().getEntityService().read("http://.../Andalo");


TODO very messy

  • reads from service set by user in his preferences (TODO probably will use Refine PreferenceStore)
  • renews cache
  • always return an immutable controller
CkanCatalog datiTrentino = Catalogs.of().getCkanService().fetchCatalog("")

reads Ckan dataset and creates an immutable controller out of it. In scripting, we would disallow getting original CkanDataset. The read uses cached result.

CkanDatasetCtr hospitals = Catalogs.of().getCkanService().readDataset("");
CkanDatasetCtr hospitals = Catalogs.of().getCkanService().fetchDataset("");

Synch issues

  1. we read hospitals, say h to get controller h1
  2. we modify h1 in local so to create controller h2, with status MODIFIED
  3. User orders refresh of h for some reason, so we fetch h again, which was changed in the meanwhile by somebody. So what we get is controller h3.
    • Since fetch is forced the system tries to substitute original h1 with h3
    • System discovers there is a modified version, and complains we have a conflict.

If we keep reading local cache no problem should arise