v0.3.0 (2019-09-27)
Closed issues:
- Test code coverage submission to codecov fails for PRs (#51)
- Update the tutorials to Julia 1.0 (#49)
- Overload loadModel for new coupled model structure (#40)
Merged pull requests:
- Regular merge of develop (#56) (laurentheirendt)
- Fix deprecated syntax for Pkg.dir in docs and tests (#55) (laurentheirendt)
- Minor changes in tutorials (#54) (laurentheirendt)
- Fix matlab eval string in PALM.jl (#53) (laurentheirendt)
- Revised tutorial for julia 1.0+ (#52) (leejm516)
- change codes for julia 1.0+ (#46) (leejm516)
- Test ARTENOLIS trigger (#45) (laurentheirendt)
- Loading coupled models (#41) (laurentheirendt)
- Adding keyword to optionally use the CT in PALM (#39) (laurentheirendt)