+ Build, test and explore with live API data +
+ <%# TODO: Fill out numbers automatically %> ++ Enjoy up to 500 requests a day (returning up to a total of 50,000 applications per day) for 14 days. +
+ <%= image_tag "illustration/key.svg", alt: "", size: "237x155", class: "my-8" %> + <%# TODO: Do something different when you're logged in %> + <% if current_user %> + <%= pa_button_to "Create API key", api_keys_path, method: :post %> + <% else %> ++ To get an instant API key simply + <%= pa_link_to "create an account", new_user_registration_path %> + or + <%= pa_link_to "sign in", new_user_session_path %>. +
+ <% end %> +