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File metadata and controls

212 lines (188 loc) · 7.69 KB


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This gem offers a Ruby implementation of the ProFormA XML standard, an XML exchange format for programming exercises. This gem includes a datastructure and XML-(de)serializer.


Add these lines to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'proformaxml'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Note: Removing support for ancient Ruby or Rails versions will not result in a new major. Please be extra careful when using ancient Ruby or Rails versions and updating gems.


Create Task

task = 'title')

Call Exporter to serialize to XML. task).perform

It returns a StringIO of a zip-file which includes the XML and any external files (TaskFiles will be saved in the XML up to a size of 50kb, anything larger will be its own file in the zip) ProformaXML::Exporter has the following optional parameters:

  • custom_namespaces: expects an array with hashes with the following attributes:
    • prefix
    • uri
  • version: sets the ProFormA version of the generated XML

Call Importer to deserialize from XML

result = zip_file).perform
task = result[:task]
custom_namespaces = result[:custom_namespaces]

the zip_file has to be openable by zip.path), otherwise ProformaXML::InvalidZip will be raised ProformaXML::Importer has the following optional parameter:

  • expected_version: if the version of the XML doesn't match this value ProformaXML::InvalidZip will be raised

  title: 'title',
  description: 'description',
  internal_description: 'internal_description',
  proglang: {name: 'proglang_name', version: '123'},
  meta_data: {
    CodeOcean: {
      meta_data_key: 'meta_data_content',
      secrets: {
        server_key: 'the key',
        other_key: 'another key'
  files: [
      id: 'file_id_1',
      content: 'public static fileContent(){}',
      filename: '',
      used_by_grader: false,
      visible: 'delayed',
      usage_by_lms: 'edit',
      binary: false,
      internal_description: 'internal_description',
      mimetype: 'text/plain'
      id: 'file_id_2',
      content: 'BINARY IMAGE CONTENT',
      filename: 'image.jpg',
      used_by_grader: false,
      visible: 'yes',
      usage_by_lms: 'display',
      binary: true,
      internal_description: 'internal_description',
      mimetype: 'image/jpeg'
  tests: [
      id: 'test_id_1',
      title: 'test title',
      files: [
          id: 'test_file_1',
          content: 'public static assert123(){}',
          filename: 'junit/',
          used_by_grader: true,
          visible: 'no',
          binary: false,
          internal_description: 'internal_description',
      meta_data: {
        CodeOcean: {
          entry_point: 'junit/'
  uuid: '2c8ee23e-fa98-4ea9-b6a5-9a0066ebac1f',
  parent_uuid: 'abf097f5-0df0-468d-8ce4-13460c34cd3b',
  language: 'de',
  model_solutions: [
      id: 'model_solution_id_1',
      files: [
          id: 'model_solution_test_id_1',
          content: 'public static fileContent(){ syso("A"); }',
          filename: '',
          used_by_grader: false,
          usage_by_lms: 'display',
          visible: 'delayed',
          binary: false,
          internal_description: 'internal_description'

Generated XML from task above with custom_namespaces: [{prefix: 'CodeOcean', uri: ''}]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<task xmlns="urn:proforma:v2.0.1" xmlns:CodeOcean="" uuid="2c8ee23e-fa98-4ea9-b6a5-9a0066ebac1f" lang="de" parent-uuid="abf097f5-0df0-468d-8ce4-13460c34cd3b">
  <proglang version="123">proglang_name</proglang>
    <file id="file_id_1" used-by-grader="false" visible="delayed" usage-by-lms="edit" mimetype="text/plain">
      <embedded-txt-file filename="">public static fileContent(){}</embedded-txt-file>
    <file id="file_id_2" used-by-grader="false" visible="yes" usage-by-lms="display" mimetype="image/jpeg">
      <embedded-bin-file filename="image.jpg">QklOQVJZIElNQUdFIENPTlRFTlQ=
    <file id="model_solution_test_id_1" used-by-grader="false" visible="delayed" usage-by-lms="display">
      <embedded-txt-file filename="">public static fileContent(){ syso("A"); }</embedded-txt-file>
    <file id="test_file_1" used-by-grader="true" visible="no">
      <embedded-txt-file filename="junit/">public static assert123(){}</embedded-txt-file>
    <model-solution id="model_solution_id_1">
        <fileref refid="model_solution_test_id_1"/>
    <test id="test_id_1">
      <title>test title</title>
          <fileref refid="test_file_1"/>
      <CodeOcean:server_key>the key</CodeOcean:server_key>
      <CodeOcean:other_key>another key</CodeOcean:other_key>


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rspec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in this project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.