- An ideal personal renderfarm is cheap to maintain when idle and scalable to extreme compute cpu/gpu resources when needed.
git clone -b "v0.5" https://github.com/oomer/oomerfarm.git
cd oomerfarm
bash becomesecure.sh
From folder oomerfarm/.oomer/keysencrypted
- upload to Google Drive
- hub.keys.encrypted
- worker.keys.encrypted
- Share both using Anyone with link
- Use Copy Link, and paste when asked for URL in bootstraphub.sh and bootstrapworker.sh
While a hub server can be spun up as needed, just like workers, the hub's compute resources needed are minimal that running it 24/7 is a low cost option.
[hub] Spin up a cloud computer with Alma/Rocky 8.x Linux or get Linux on an old computer1 core is enough
sudo dnf -y install git
git clone -b "v0.5" https://github.com/oomer/oomerfarm.git
cd oomerfarm
sudo bash bootstraphub.sh
- instead of "i_agree_this_is_unsafe" type "hub"
- Use google drive URL to hub.keys.encrypted
- [worker(s)] Rent 1+ servers with LOTSATM cores
sudo dnf -y install git
git clone -b "v0.5" https://github.com/oomer/oomerfarm.git
cd oomerfarm
sudo bash bootstrapworker.sh
- instead of "i_agree_this_is_unsafe" type "hub"
- Use your google drive url to worker.keys.encrypted
- assign unique id 1-9999 to each node
- From Linux/MacOS shell or git-bash Win
bash bridgeoomerfarm.sh
- On Windows, right-click bridgeoomerfarm.bat, run as administrator
Finder: ( smb://hub.oomer.org )
Explorer: ( \\hub.oomer.org )
- mount DeadineRepository10 and oomerfarm
- [user] oomerfarm
- [password] oomerfarm
- Drag a Bella scene file (.bzx) to
- //hub.oomer.org/oomerfarm/bella windows
- /Volumes/oomerfarm/bella mac
- /mnt/oomerfarm/bella linux
- Download installer
- Optionally Win CLI guide
- Optionally MacOS CLI guide
- Launch Deadline Monitor, Menu->Submission->BellaRender