diff --git a/agendas/2024/sprint-kickoff/2024-08-02-Flow-Sprint-Kickoff.md b/agendas/2024/sprint-kickoff/2024-08-02-Flow-Sprint-Kickoff.md
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+# Overview
+### Team Wins 🎉
+- Successfully tested new Flow bridge UI, testing bridging axlUSDC from base to polygon
+- Stopped ours and partner Consensus nodes from going OOM by adding a new config flag (`GOMEMLIMIT=12GiB`)
+- Completed diffing of transaction re-execution on inlined vs non-inlined state and validated there are no unexpected changes.
+- Cadence 1.0 feature branch with Atree register inlining support merged to flow-go master.
+- Implementation for handling of broken contracts (FLIP 282) deployed on Migration testnet.
+### General updates
+### OOO
+- [Full List](https://www.notion.so/flowfoundation/de89aa4e79364216a665888335a1cdee?v=4de18b26f60d4bae8f62724dddcce260)
+### Mainnet Uptime - Last 14 days (07/19/24 to 08/01/24) \[Vishal]
+| | Target | Current Score | Error budget used |
+| Collection Finalization | 99.9% | 100% | 0% |
+| Block Finalization | 99.9% | 100% | 0% |
+| Transaction Execution | 99.9% | 100% | 0% |
+| Block Sealing | 99.9% | 100% | 0% |
+| Access API Liveness | 99.9% | 99.833% | 167% |
+[SLO dashboards](https://flowfoundation.grafana.net/d/hgW3l-m4k/slo-dashboard?orgId=1&from=now-2w&to=now)
+[YTD SLA: 99.922%](https://app.metrika.co/flow/dashboard/slas?tr=YTD)
+## Incidents
+### Mainnet
+- Sev 4 - 07/18: Consensus nodes crashed intermittently due to OOM. [Slack thread](https://flow-foundation.slack.com/archives/CUU2KQL4A/p1721310960751829)
+(Sev [definition](https://www.notion.so/flowfoundation/Incident-Priorities-Severity-Levels-1-e811b352feff4928b69a7e99df724c6a))
+### Key Release Dates & Breaking Changes
+- Next Mainnet/Testnet network upgrade (spork):
+ - Testnet: Aug 14th 8:00 AM PT (3:00 PM UTC). Duration: 6 hours
+ - Mainnet: Sept 4th **5:00 AM PT** (12:00 PM UTC). Duration: 6 hours
+### FLIPs Tracker \[Kshitij]
+| | Application | Cadence | Governance | Protocol | Total |
+| Drafted | 8 | 8 (-1) | 0 | 7 | **23** (-1) |
+| Proposed | 1 | 2 | 3 (+1) | 0 | **6** (+1) |
+| Accepted | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 (+1) | **7** (+1) |
+| Rejected | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | **1** |
+| Implemented | 3 | 24 (+2) | 1 | 0 | **28** |
+| Released | 4 | 0 | 4 (+1) | 6 | **14** (+1) |
+| Total | **18** (+1) | **35** (+1) | **11** (+1) | **15** | **79** (+3) |
+* Crescendo Network Upgrade - proposed
+* Changing import statement semantics - accepted
+* Import of pre-Cadence 1.0 Programs - proposed and accepted
+# Working Group Updates
+### **Cadence and Virtual Machine** \[Jan]
+Cycle Objective(s):
+1) Upgrade Mainnet to Crescendo Release with minimal impact on developers, to lower the barrier for cross chain liquidity on Flow
+2) Calibrate Transaction fees so that they accurately reflect resource usage during execution and deploy as part of Crescendo to avoid future disruption.
+3) Analyze execution runtime trends and risks to plan next set of scalability OKRs.
+* Stretch-goals:
+4) Expand testing capability of storehouse so that we can validate execution correctness and benchmark performance on Mainnet data
+5) Design a new Trie to improve performance of update operation, reduce memory usage and size of proofs and to support more flexible proof queries.
+6) Enable Concurrent Execution on one EN on Mainnet to validate correctness of the implementation (Detect execution forks)
+7) Improve execution performance to mitigate the impact of adding metadata to token standards
+**Done last sprint**
+**State migration for Crescendo release**
+- [Merge atree inlining cadence v1.0](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6275)
+- [Handle broken contracts](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/issues/3480)
+- [Add migration to setup EVM heartbeat resource](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6251)
+- Improvemnts:
+ - [Migrate capability values targeting storage paths](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/pull/3503) - covers a new edge case discovered recently.
+ - [Always report checking errors for system contracts](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6280)
+ - [Improve reporting of cyclic link migration errors](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6279)
+ - [Fix non-determinism in contract code and contract names cleanup migration](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6276)
+ - [Add stack traces back to unexpected errors](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/pull/3492)
+ - [Bring back members of path capability value](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/pull/3486)
+ - [Improve EVM contract migration](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6249)
+- Bugfix:
+ - [Fix execution state extraction](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6242)
+- tooling:
+ - [Add command to run a script](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6231) - using payloads file or trie + state commitment
+**Cadence Language**
+- Improvements:
+ - [Return user error when CCF encodes attachment field](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/pull/3494)
+ - [Add an empty implementation of runtime.Interface](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/pull/3485)
+ - [Improve intersected type error message](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/pull/3483)
+- Bugfixes:
+ - [Data race for empty strings](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/issues/3477)
+ - [Problems loading values and @AnyResource](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/issues/3491)
+- Testing:
+ - [Add checker tests for nil-coalesce type inference](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/pull/3495)
+**Cadence Execution**
+- Improvement:
+ - [Use Cadence's empty and test runtime.Interface implementations](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6258)
+**EVM Core**
+- Feature:
+ - [Extending block hash lookup range to the last 256 with minimum storage overhead](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6226)
+- Improvements:
+ - [Improve event emission](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6224)
+ - [Skip tx debug tracing operation if unsafe](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6262)
+ - [technical debt removal - part1](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6243)
+ - [Refactoring precompiled contract call tracker](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6232)
+ - [Adding metrics to the EVM](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6233)
+- Bugfixes:
+ - [Trace supplied with invalid error](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6268)
+ - [fix the issue with the new Geth tracing](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6261)
+**EVM Gateway**
+- Breaking change:
+ - [Fixes required for flow-go breaking changes](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/383)
+- Bugfixes:
+ - [Single bloom decoding ](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/403)
+ - [Bugfix to avoid decoding empty blooms](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/399)
+ - [Return storage copy of data](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/397)
+ - [Bugfix nil value in log](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/379)
+ - [Update check for empty `RemoteAddr` in `rateLimit` function](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/392)
+ - [Match behavior regarding JSON-RPC APIs with default block parameter](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/issues/398)
+ - [eth_getBlockByNumber() not responsive to 'earliest' flag](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/issues/371)
+ - [Include the transactionsRoot hash in block response](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/issues/389)
+ - [Calculate size field on JSON-RPC calls that return block info](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/issues/375)
+ - [Update eth_syncing call to match JSON-RPC API specification](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/issues/376)
+ - [Calculate properly the CumulativeGasUsed field for transaction receipts](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/issues/357)
+ - [Populate the LogsBloom field, even for blocks without any transactions](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/issues/372)
+- Improvements:
+ - [Update CadenceEvents.Empty() function to avoid decoding EVM blocks twice](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/368)
+ - [Add support for `EVM.heartbeat` resource on system chunk transaction](https://github.com/onflow/flow-emulator/pull/717)
+ - [Handle custom block numbers in eth_estimateGas endpoint](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/issues/380)
+ - Improved transaction error formatting
+ - [Use different error wrapping](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/413)
+ - [Improve error reporting](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/issues/350)
+ - [Improve API error handling](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/370)
+ - [Improve error wrapping](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/issues/70)
+ - [Use past block decoder](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/395)
+ - [Pending transaction event from pool](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/374)
+ - [Event broadcasting improvements](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/334)
+- Testing:
+ - [Add an example test case for utilizing the `Multicall3` contract](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/pull/369)
+**This sprint**
+ - Objective 1, KR4: Testnet Upgrade to Crescendo Release
+ - Continue: [Provide immutable settings for each CCF format](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/issues/3448)
+ - Investigate / Fix any security report incoming from bug bounty.
+ - Upgrade TN to Crescendo release
+ - Objective 2, KR 1: Update transaction fees weights for the execution operations on TN and MN
+ - Continue work on [Execution Effort Calibration](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/5598)
+- EVM
+ - Continue testing EVM GW stability
+ - KROK
+ - EVM Gateway benchmarking
+**Completed OKRs**
+ * Objective 1, KR1: Enable Developers and the Flow Foundation to simulate Cadence 1.0 Contract upgrades
+ * All breaking released in a new CLI: v1.18.0-cadence-v1.0.0-preview.26
+ * Objective 4, KR1: Execution node handles restart from spork root block reguardless of how many blocks it is behind
+ * Completed refactoring of Ingestion engine to [prevent EN entering crash loop](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/5298)
+**On Hold**
+ - Objective 3: Analyze execution runtime trends and risks to plan next set of scalability OKRs
+ * Continue work on making [Make TPS loader input more flexible](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/5490) for better analysis and tracking of performance data.
+- Other
+ * Start Atree optimization: [Adding support for lazy decoding of registers](https://github.com/onflow/atree/issues/341)
+ * Evaluate fixing [Random beacon history taking more space on chain than expected](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/5550)
+### **Core Protocol** \[Jerome]
+Cycle Objective(s):
+* Provide developers secure and non-rate limited way to access all of chain data (transactions, blocks, account balance, events, account balance etc) by locally running an access or an observer node [IN PROGRESS]
+* Reduce CPU usage on Execution node by 30% [DONE]
+* Translate crypto performance improvements to consensus block rate increase [DONE]
+* Continue design and implementation of Sporkless Epoch Fallback Recovery solution [DONE]
+**Done last Sprint:**
+* Data Availability:
+ - KROK Team
+ - Implement VersionControl module ([PR #5984](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/5984))
+ - Improve execution data db pruning ([PR #6217](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6217))
+ - Add support for storing exec data using pebble db ([PR #6180](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6180))
+ - Add REST endpoints for getting account keys and balance ([PR #6218](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6218), [PR #6253](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6253))
+* EFM Recovery
+ - [Epoch Extensions Benchnet Testing](https://www.notion.so/flowfoundation/EFM-Recovery-Benchnet-Testing-Crescendo-Release-1bbd4eabe1ee41688b51ee7487c84822?pvs=4)
+ - Merged EFM Recovery feature branch for Crescendo release
+ - This includes epoch extension and protocol state machine recovery logic
+ - Excludes smart contract changes
+ - EFM Recovery Process
+ - [Integration Testing](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/6164) - test full recovery happy path
+ - [Smart contract changes](https://github.com/onflow/flow-core-contracts/pull/440)
+ - Adding EFM Recovery parameters to KVStore ([1](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6272), [2](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6209), [3](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6229))
+* Cryptography
+ - java-SDK
+ - hashing clean up and new algos support ([merged](https://github.com/onflow/flow-jvm-sdk/pull/52))
+ - refactor ECDSA signing and support the SEC curve ([merged](https://github.com/onflow/flow-jvm-sdk/pull/71))
+ - looking at vector commitments papers for state proof optimizations ([summary](https://www.notion.so/flowfoundation/State-proofs-with-vector-commitments-b02d962a88b349d0be52e57eee3f6695))
+**This sprint**
+* EFM Recovery
+ - EFM Recovery Process (cont.)
+ - [Integration Test](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/6164) - test failure cases
+ - [Smart contract changes](https://github.com/onflow/flow-core-contracts/pull/440)
+ - [DKG Data Model](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/6214)
+ - Modifying data model for DKG outputs to support DKG committee != consenssu committee
+* Data Availability:
+ - ProtocolDB pruning design
+ - Testing ChunkDataPack DB pruning PoC
+ - KROK Team
+ - Add support for version beacon events to control script execution ([Issue #5789](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/5789) - In review, [Issue #5790](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/5790))
+ - Add support pruning pebble exec data db ([Issue #6260](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/6260))
+ - Add REST endpoints for getting account keys and balance ([Issue #6228](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/6228) - in review)
+ - Expand on payer balance checks ([Issue #6128](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/6128), [Issue #6129](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/6129), [Issue #6139](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/6139))
+ - Start registers db pruning ([Issue #6066](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/6066), [Issue #6068](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/issues/6068))
+* Cryptography:
+ - java-SDK: more tests on transaction signing and prepare for a release
+ - crypto module: integrate the new BLST release
+ - back to SPoCK aggregation if possible: contine with BLS aggregation security proofs
+* Rosetta:
+ - KROK:
+ - Rosetta Cadence updates for Crescendo ([Issue #52](https://github.com/onflow/rosetta/issues/52), [Issue #54](https://github.com/onflow/rosetta/issues/54) - PRs in review)
+* Protocol misc
+ - Preparing for Testnet Spork
+ - [Consensus Timing Changes]([url](https://flowfoundation.notion.site/Cruise-Control-headroom-for-speedups-46dc17e07ae14462b03341e4432a907d?pvs=4))
+**On Hold**
+* Implement BFT mitigations to enable 20 permissionless ANs
+### **DeFi** \[Jerome]
+Cycle Objective(s):
+- Resolving Circle's existing engineering improvements for USDC on Flow
+- Cadence 1.0 DEX Prep - IncrementFi
+- EVM partner onboarding
+- Deliver Axelar bridge [PAUSED]
+**Done last sprint**
+**This sprint**
+ * Review [Add missing Access API subscription endpoints to JVM SDK](https://github.com/onflow/flow-jvm-sdk/pull/58)
+ * Complete [Add missing Access API endpoints](https://github.com/onflow/flow-jvm-sdk/pull/63)
+ * Review signature and hash update PRs, [1](https://github.com/onflow/flow-jvm-sdk/pull/53) & [2](https://github.com/onflow/flow-jvm-sdk/pull/52)
+ * Merge: [Migrate SDK examples repo to improved project structure](https://github.com/onflow/flow-jvm-sdk/pull/62)
+ * [Update Cadence to 1.0](https://github.com/onflow/flow-jvm-sdk/issues/60)
+ * Partner support
+ * Install Ethereum Attestion Service (EAS) on Previewnet (Credora requirement)
+**On Hold**
+**Active Epics**
+- Establish Defi/Liquidity infrastructure for Cadence 1.0 update
+- Ensure Flow has best-in-class on- and off-ramps for USDC liquidity across DeFi ecosystem
+- Expand Flow DeFi ecosystem primitives and protocols
+### **User Experience** \[Greg]
+Cycle Objective(s):
+- Bring Cadence 1.0 to market as part of the Crescendo release to minimize customer impact and developer effort
+- Bring EVM on Flow to Market as part of the Crescendo release to increase liquidity and bring top-tier developer platforms to our network
+- Use the Crescendo Release grow Flow's developer base and network activity
+**Done last sprint**
+**[Crescendo Rewards Contracts](https://github.com/orgs/onflow/projects/13/views/85?pane=issue&itemId=66448908)**
+- Update Accrual & DistributionModel setters + fix _claimDistribution
+- Add minimum lockup field + setter
+- Reach +80% test coverage
+- Add tests and docs
+- Add relevant traits to NFT
+- Rename nonce to sequence
+- Update getPaginatedRegistry interface for finer control over return size
+- Add paginated Overview functionality
+**[Crescendo Rewards Backend](https://github.com/onflow/crescendo-rewards-be/issues/1)**
+- Trigger activity creation from job results
+- Hook up mock summaries script/job to db
+- Use mock script to get account reward summaries
+- Mock account API with multiple rewards summaries
+- Change leaderboard to resource model
+- Switch total locked from accounts to stats in db
+- Update schema to match new data structure
+- Run tests in CI
+- Add logger
+**[Crescendo Rewards Frontend](https://github.com/onflow/crescendo-rewards/issues/1)**
+- Create step boxes and container components
+- Create progress bar component
+- Create new partner card
+- Make page header
+- Add Flow logo and trophy icon to leaderboard
+- Update “days until” distribution card with progress, button, and time countdown
+- Update header layout and add disconnect dropdown
+- Add logo vis icon option to TVL card
+- Create NFT carousel section on rewards page
+- Hook up to account API
+- Change leaderboard to resource model
+- Move activities section to below metric cards
+- Hook up recent activity component to API
+- Switch activity API example data to new data format
+- Improve UI around account proof slowness
+- Add Dapper Wallet as a login option
+**Hybrid Custody Contracts**
+- [DEPLOYMENT] Deploy to Previewnet and update deployment details
+- Migration Contract Staging Contract
+- [BUG] Running into event limits on staging for long contracts
+**FCL Discovery**
+- [Revamp Milestone 1 - Collapsed View](https://github.com/onflow/fcl-discovery/issues/193)
+ - Add "Get Wallet" Page
+ - Combine mobile/extension wallets of same provider
+ - Add "Connect Wallet" Page where users select desired platform
+ - Fix Sentry issues
+ - Convert frontend to use `/api/wallets` route
+**VS Code Extension**
+- `textDocument/documentSymbol` failed keeps showing
+**This sprint**
+**Sprint goal focusing on: Flow Cross VM Bridge, FCL x Discovery Revamp, Crescendo Rewards**
+- wUSDC Swap UI (Flow Port)
+- [wUSDC Contract](https://github.com/onflow/bridged-usdc)
+- [EPIC] Crescendo Rewards Portal
+ - [FE](https://github.com/onflow/crescendo-rewards/issues/1 )
+ - [BE](https://github.com/onflow/crescendo-rewards-be/issues/1)
+ - [SC](https://github.com/onflow/crescendo-rewards-sc/issues/7)
+- [EPIC FCL WalletConnect + Discovery Improvements](https://github.com/onflow/fcl-js/issues/1872)
+- [EPIC Solving Initialization/Storage Issues - Lost and Found FLIP and Port integration](https://github.com/onflow/flow-port/issues/292)
+- [EPIC - EVM Bridge - bridge.flow.com](https://github.com/onflow/flow-bridge-app/issues/1)
+**On Hold**
+### **Wallet** \[Jeff]
+Cycle Objective(s):
+- Ensure there exists a wallet ecosystem supports FlowEVM
+ - Release version 2.2 of Flow Wallet which supports FlowEVM
+ - Support Authn / Authz / User Sign with Web3.js and WalletConnect
+ - Support FT and NFT management cross VMs
+ - FlowEVM onboarding and COA creation
+ - Ensure commitments from key EVM wallet providers to support FlowEVM
+ - Secure FlowEVM as an option in the network selector list for MetaMask.
+ - Reach out to Coinbase wallet for a commitment to support FlowEVM
+ - Ensure commitments from key EVM wallet providers to support FlowEVM
+ - Reach out to Privy for a commitment to support FlowEVM
+ - Reach out to Bastion for a commitment to support FlowEVM
+ - Ensure awareness for existing Cadence aware wallet (aside from Flow Wallet) to support FlowEVM
+ - Provide a design document outlining the steps existing Cadence aware wallets can take to support FlowEVM.
+ - Reach out to Blocto for a commitment to support FlowEVM
+ - Reach out to Shadow wallet for a commitment to support FlowEVM
+ - Reach out to Magic for a commitment to support FlowEVM
+- Promote safe, human readable transaction authorization on Flow
+ - Secure a partnership with Blockaid to integrate their transaction simulation and security platform with FlowEVM.
+ - Ensure the existing MetaMask Blockaid integration is compatible with FlowEVM.
+- Modernize and improve FCL Discovery
+ - Create a PRD and associated community bounty/grant for UI/UX improvements and analytics additions to FCL Discovery.
+**Done last sprint**
+**This sprint**
+- Continue & Ship Account Linking UI/UX and functionality
+- Continue to best support Secure Enclave
+ - User migration from Extension (seed phrase) to mobile (secure enclave) wallet security
+ - Explaining differences between seed phrase / SE wallets
+ - Profile account recovery - one backup to a users multiple primary accounts
+**On Hold**
+- N/A
+**Active Epics**
+- TBD
+### **Infra - JP**
+Cycle Objective(s):
+- Migrate CloudFlare zones to new account
+- Prepare for Crescendo TN spork
+- Assist with EVM GW monitoring & preparation
+**Done last sprint**
+**CloudFlare Migration**
+- [Create DNS records & zones](https://github.com/dapperlabs/terraform/pull/4297)
+- [Create duplicate BN2 records](https://github.com/dapperlabs/flow-benchnet-automation-infrastructure/pull/49)
+- [Create duplicate DevEx records](https://github.com/dapperlabs/flow-devex-infrastructure/pull/186)
+- Migration cadencelang.dev zone
+- Migrate cadence-lang.org zone
+- Migrate cast.fyi zone
+**Node Hosting**
+- [Create Secondary Bucket for EVM traces on Previewnet](https://github.com/dapperlabs/terraform/pull/4313)
+- [Create Previewnet 2 network](https://github.com/dapperlabs/terraform/pull/4314)
+- [Create Previewnet2 Ansible configuration](https://github.com/dapperlabs/dapper-flow-hosting/pull/1547)
+- [Scale down Previewnet1](https://github.com/dapperlabs/terraform/pull/4315)
+- [Update Memory on Mainnet SNs](https://github.com/dapperlabs/terraform/pull/4307)
+- [Define systemd configuration for running AN binary](https://www.notion.so/flowfoundation/Access-Node-with-Binary-ca06681fb8334e9289451c93e71bc482)
+**System Performance**
+- Evaluate GOMEMLIMIT & kernel parameter impact on VM stability
+- Enable GOMEMLIMIT on DL & FF Collection Nodes to limit churn
+- [Evaluate long-lived network with increased disk space](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/pull/6256)
+**This Sprint**
+- Continue Migrating CloudFlare zones
+- Prepare EVM Gateway for TN Network Upgrade
+- Prepare Infra & configuration for TN Network upgrade
+- Assist with EVM Gateway Monitoring & Alerting
+### **Governance and Tokenomics** \[Kshitij]
+Cycle Objective(s): Transaction fees on EVM, increasing transaction fees and inflation reduction plan.
+**Done last sprint**
+- EN operator contract for lease
+- Work with Dete on future fee on Flow (not be launched with Crescendo launch)
+**This sprint**
+- Get the execution node live
+- Continue supporting rewards platform team on Tokenomics related analysis
+- Model stable state economics, throughput, fees and inflation
+- Draft research doc that explains the vision
+- Organize monthly GWG
+**On Hold**
+**Active Epics**
+- N/A
diff --git a/sporks.json b/sporks.json
index 99dbaeca5..8935dab0c 100644
--- a/sporks.json
+++ b/sporks.json
@@ -1262,9 +1262,48 @@
"testnet": {
+ "testnet50": {
+ "id": 50,
+ "live": true,
+ "name": "Testnet50",
+ "sporkTime": "2024-05-20T08:00:00Z",
+ "rootHeight": "185185854",
+ "rootParentId": "6a0ae7bf43660e813ee9c2d654f00476ac1bdc357ff47ad11f0e52fc1700d62f",
+ "rootStateCommitment": "e10d3c53608a1f195b7969fbc06763285281f64595be491630a1e1bdfbe69161",
+ "gitCommitHash": "0585789483c4f5ea423bb11afcfe862c9a99711e",
+ "stateArtefacts": {
+ "gcp": {
+ "rootCheckpointFile": "https://storage.googleapis.com/flow-genesis-bootstrap/testnet-50-execution/public-root-information/root.checkpoint",
+ "rootProtocolStateSnapshot": "https://storage.googleapis.com/flow-genesis-bootstrap/testnet-50/public-root-information/root-protocol-state-snapshot.json",
+ "rootProtocolStateSnapshotSignature": "https://storage.googleapis.com/flow-genesis-bootstrap/testnet-50/public-root-information/root-protocol-state-snapshot.json.asc",
+ "nodeInfo": "https://storage.googleapis.com/flow-genesis-bootstrap/testnet-50/public-root-information/node-infos.pub.json"
+ },
+ "s3": {
+ "rootCheckpointFile": "",
+ "rootProtocolStateSnapshot": "",
+ "nodeInfo": "",
+ "executionStateBucket": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "tags": {
+ "flow-go-tag": "v0.33.23-failure-mode-revert-patch",
+ "flow-dps-tag": "v0.33.23-failure-mode-revert-patch",
+ "cadence-tag": "v0.33.23-failure-mode-revert-patch",
+ "docker-tag": "v0.33.23-failure-mode-revert-patch"
+ },
+ "accessNodes": [
+ "access.devnet.nodes.onflow.org:9000"
+ ],
+ "seedNodes": [
+ {
+ "address": "access-003.devnet50.nodes.onflow.org:3570",
+ "key": "b662102f4184fc1caeb2933cf87bba75cdd37758926584c0ce8a90549bb12ee0f9115111bbbb6acc2b889461208533369a91e8321eaf6bcb871a788ddd6bfbf7"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
"testnet49": {
"id": 49,
- "live": true,
+ "live": false,
"name": "Testnet49",
"sporkTime": "2023-11-02T08:00:00Z",
"rootHeight": "129578013",