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pytest_parallel extends PyTest to support parallel testing using mpi4py.

Python 3 CI workflow Linux OK macOS OK Windows OK License-MPL


import pytest_parallel

def test_fail_one_rank(comm):
  assert comm.Get_size()==2
  if comm.Get_rank()==0: assert True
  if comm.Get_rank()==1: assert False

Here a test that should run on two processes is declared. When the test suite is run, the test will execute on two MPI processes. The comm fixture is an mpi4py communicator that is private to the test.

The test can be run on two processes, e.g. with:

mpirun -np 2 pytest --color=yes

And the following output will be produced:

example failing test

If there is not enough MPI processes to run the test, it will be skipped. For instance, the following launching command:

mpirun -np 1 pytest --color=yes

would lead to:

example skipped test

The comm fixture

The comm fixture that you get when decorating your test with pytest_parallel.mark.parallel is a sub-communicator of MPI.COMM_WORLD that is unique to each test.

The parallel decorator

The pytest_parallel.mark.parallel(n_procs) decorator takes one argument, n_procs.

n_procs is generally an integer that specifies the size of the communicator that will be given to the test through the comm fixture.

n_procs can also be a list of integers to parametrize the test. For instance, the following test

def test_param(comm):

will run two times: once with comm being a communicator of size 2, once with comm being a communicator of size 4.


pytest_parallel comes with three kind of schedulers. To understand how they work, let's take the following example:

import pytest_parallel

def test_A(comm):
  if comm.Get_rank()==1: assert False

def test_B():
  assert True

def test_C(comm):
  assert comm.Get_size() == 3

def test_D():
  assert False

Let's also fix the number of workers that we will be using to 4. This means that the test is launched with:

mpirun -np 4 pytest

Sequential scheduler

The sequential scheduler just takes each test in order, one by one, and executes it on as many processes as it needs. The other processes are sleeping. On our example, this would result on the following sequence diagram:

sequential scheduler sequence diagram

While it is not optimized for performance, the sequential scheduler is very useful when you get unrecoverable errors (e.g. segfault) because then your PyTest report may be incomplete. Running tests sequentially allows at least to find which test is at fault.

The sequential scheduler is the default one. To enable it explicitly, you can pass the --scheduler=sequential option to PyTest.

Static scheduler

The static scheduler tries to distribute tests to minimize the number of idle processes. The process is static, that is, after test collection, it determines which process will execute which test, and in which order. On our example, it will result in the following scheduling: static scheduler sequence diagram

The scheduler works by steps. Each step has n_worker slots (n_worker being the number of processes that PyTest was launched with). Each test will try to find a step with enough slots and will consume n_proc slots on the step. If no step is found, a new one is created, until each test has a step.

While this scheduler is more optimized, since it gives an a priori scheduling, it is not optimal depending on the duration of the tests. Let's look again at our example, but let's say test_B takes much longer than the others. We will then have the following sequence:

static scheduler sequence diagram - bad case

We see that processes 0,1 and 2 wait at the first step for process 3 to finish.

Dynamic scheduler

The dynamic scheduler spawns a new MPI process which acts as the master scheduler and sends work to the original processes. The scheduler tries to schedule tests requiring the most processes first. The scheduler tries to send work to idle process until all the processes are busy executing one test, or when not enough processes are ready to accept a test. It then waits for a signal that workers have finished their test to schedule further work.

Example: static scheduler sequence diagram - bad case

Design alternative

Instead of spawning a new MPI process, it would have been possible to spawn a new thread on process 0. However, it would then require to use MPI_thread_init with a value of at least MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED, and in practice, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE to ease the implementation of self-communication on rank 0. Here, no thread level is required (i.e. MPI_THREAD_SINGLE is fine).


pytest_parallel is a pure PyTest plugin. It depends on mpi4py and Numpy

Plugin compatibility

pytest_parallel is known to work with the pytest-html plugin. It is also compatible with the xml built-in plugin.

No other plugin has been tested.

Implementation notes

We use PyTest hooks to schedule tests and gather report information from remote processes. That is, mainly:

  • either pytest_collection_modifyitems or pytest_runtestloop to schedule tests
  • pytest_runtest_logreport to gather test reports
  • pytest_pyfunc_call to prevent the actual test code to be executed when it is actually executed on the other process

PyTest expects its complete "pipeline" to be executed for all messages to be reported correctly, so we have to trick it:

  • make it think that every test was run on the master rank.
  • de-activate logging on other ranks

Performance detail

For the static and dynamic schedulers, on the master process, we must execute the test protocol, while not really running the test if it was scheduled on a remote process.

This can be done by hooking pytest_runtest_setup/call/teardown. However, we observed it was greatly degrading performance (x5 !), so instead we just copy-pasted the _pytest/runner/pytest_runtest_protocol and hard-coded the execution shortcut.


  • Binding of MPI processes
  • Schedule a test not only if enought procs are available, but also if the procs belong to some common NUMA domain (cluster, CPU, node...)
  • Reserve more procs than declared in the test. Useful for loading and scaling performance tests. Possible API:
@pytest_parallel.mark.parallel(4, exclusive_numa_domain='cpu')
  • Dynamic scheduler: more asynchrony (send -> isend)