diff --git a/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/Fortran/HomothetyF.for b/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/Fortran/HomothetyF.for
deleted file mode 100755
index e35fa0648..000000000
--- a/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/Fortran/HomothetyF.for
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-C Copyright 2013-2024 Onera.
-C This file is part of Cassiopee.
-C Cassiopee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-C it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-C the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-C (at your option) any later version.
-C Cassiopee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-C but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-C GNU General Public License for more details.
-C You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-C along with Cassiopee. If not, see .
-C ============================================================================
- SUBROUTINE k6homothety( npts, x, y, z,
- & xc, yc, zc,
- & alpha,
- & xo, yo, zo)
- INTEGER_E npts ! mesh size
- REAL_E x(1:npts) ! mesh coordinates
- REAL_E y(1:npts)
- REAL_E z(1:npts)
- REAL_E xc,yc,zc ! center of homothety
- REAL_E alpha ! factor
- REAL_E xo(1:npts) ! rotated mesh
- REAL_E yo(1:npts)
- REAL_E zo(1:npts)
- REAL_E rx, ry, rz
-!$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(ind, rx, ry, rz)
- DO ind = 1, npts
- rx = x(ind)-xc
- ry = y(ind)-yc
- rz = z(ind)-zc
- xo(ind) = xc + alpha*rx
- yo(ind) = yc + alpha*ry
- zo(ind) = zc + alpha*rz
diff --git a/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/Fortran/RotateF.for b/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/Fortran/RotateF.for
deleted file mode 100755
index dc11bfcce..000000000
--- a/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/Fortran/RotateF.for
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-C Copyright 2013-2024 Onera.
-C This file is part of Cassiopee.
-C Cassiopee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-C it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-C the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-C (at your option) any later version.
-C Cassiopee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-C but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-C GNU General Public License for more details.
-C You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-C along with Cassiopee. If not, see .
-C ============================================================================
- SUBROUTINE k6rotate(npts, x, y, z,
- & xc, yc, zc, nx, ny, nz,
- & teta,
- & xo, yo, zo)
- INTEGER_E npts ! mesh size
- REAL_E x(1:npts) ! mesh coordinates
- REAL_E y(1:npts)
- REAL_E z(1:npts)
- REAL_E xc,yc,zc ! center of rotation
- REAL_E nx,ny,nz ! rotation vector
- REAL_E teta ! angle
- REAL_E xo(1:npts) ! rotated mesh
- REAL_E yo(1:npts)
- REAL_E zo(1:npts)
- REAL_E unx, uny, unz
- REAL_E norm
- REAL_E px, py, pz
- REAL_E rx, ry, rz
- REAL_E e0, e1, e2, e3
- REAL_E a1, a2, sinteta, sinteta5
-C nx,ny,nz must be unit vector
- norm = nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz
- IF (norm.LE.1.e-12) THEN
- WRITE(*,*) 'Error: rotate: nx,ny,nz has null norm.'
- norm = 1.D0/SQRT(norm)
- unx = nx*norm
- uny = ny*norm
- unz = nz*norm
- sinteta = sin(teta)
- sinteta5 = sin(teta*0.5D0)
-C quaternion
- e0 = cos(teta*0.5D0)
- e1 = -unx*sinteta5
- e2 = -uny*sinteta5
- e3 = -unz*sinteta5
- a1 = e0*e0-e1*e1-e2*e2-e3*e3
-!$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(ind, rx, ry, rz, a2, px, py, pz)
- DO ind = 1, npts
- rx = x(ind)-xc
- ry = y(ind)-yc
- rz = z(ind)-zc
- a2 = e1*rx+e2*ry+e3*rz
- px = a1*rx+2*e1*a2-(ry*unz-rz*uny)*sinteta
- py = a1*ry+2*e2*a2-(rz*unx-rx*unz)*sinteta
- pz = a1*rz+2*e3*a2-(rx*uny-ry*unx)*sinteta
- xo(ind) = xc+px
- yo(ind) = yc+py
- zo(ind) = zc+pz
diff --git a/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/Fortran/TranslateF.for b/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/Fortran/TranslateF.for
deleted file mode 100755
index 68e5b34e1..000000000
--- a/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/Fortran/TranslateF.for
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-C Copyright 2013-2024 Onera.
-C This file is part of Cassiopee.
-C Cassiopee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-C it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-C the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-C (at your option) any later version.
-C Cassiopee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-C but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-C GNU General Public License for more details.
-C You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-C along with Cassiopee. If not, see .
-C ============================================================================
- SUBROUTINE k6translate(npts, x, y, z,
- & v1,v2,v3,
- & xo, yo, zo)
- INTEGER_E npts ! mesh size
- REAL_E x(1:npts) ! mesh coordinates
- REAL_E y(1:npts)
- REAL_E z(1:npts)
- REAL_E v1,v2,v3 ! translation vector
- REAL_E xo(1:npts) ! translated mesh
- REAL_E yo(1:npts)
- REAL_E zo(1:npts)
- DO ind = 1, npts
- xo(ind) = x(ind)+v1
- yo(ind) = y(ind)+v2
- zo(ind) = z(ind)+v3
diff --git a/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/coordTransform.cpp b/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/coordTransform.cpp
index 020deb89b..c4c3d22dc 100644
--- a/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/coordTransform.cpp
+++ b/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/coordTransform.cpp
@@ -39,56 +39,6 @@ extern "C"
const E_Int& ni, const E_Int& nj, const E_Int& nk,
E_Float* x, E_Float* y, E_Float* z);
-// ============================================================================
-/* Homothety from an array describing a mesh */
-// ============================================================================
-PyObject* K_TRANSFORM::homothety(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
- E_Float xc, yc, zc;
- E_Float alpha;
- PyObject* array;
- if (!PYPARSETUPLE_(args, O_ TRRR_ R_,
- &array, &xc, &yc, &zc, &alpha))
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- // Check array
- E_Int nil, njl, nkl;
- FldArrayF* f; FldArrayI* cn;
- char* varString; char* eltType;
- E_Int res =
- K_ARRAY::getFromArray3(array, varString, f, nil, njl, nkl, cn, eltType);
- if (res != 1 && res != 2)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "homothety: not a valid array.");
- return NULL;
- }
- E_Int posx = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateXPresent(varString);
- E_Int posy = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateYPresent(varString);
- E_Int posz = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateZPresent(varString);
- if (posx == -1 || posy == -1 || posz == -1)
- {
- RELEASESHAREDB(res, array, f, cn);
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "homothety: can't find coordinates in array.");
- return NULL;
- }
- posx++; posy++; posz++;
- E_Int npts = f->getSize();
- // Homothety
- k6homothety_(npts,
- f->begin(posx), f->begin(posy), f->begin(posz),
- xc, yc, zc, alpha,
- f->begin(posx), f->begin(posy), f->begin(posz));
- RELEASESHAREDB(res, array, f, cn);
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
// ============================================================================
/* Contract python array describing a mesh */
diff --git a/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/homothety.cpp b/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/homothety.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c10a780a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/homothety.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ Copyright 2013-2024 Onera.
+ This file is part of Cassiopee.
+ Cassiopee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Cassiopee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Cassiopee. If not, see .
+# include "transform.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace K_FUNC;
+using namespace K_FLD;
+// ============================================================================
+// Homothety array2/3 - in place
+PyObject* K_TRANSFORM::homothety(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
+ E_Float xc, yc, zc, alpha;
+ PyObject* array;
+ if (!PYPARSETUPLE_(args, O_ TRRR_ R_,
+ &array, &xc, &yc, &zc, &alpha))
+ return NULL;
+ // Check array
+ E_Int nil, njl, nkl;
+ FldArrayF* f; FldArrayI* cn;
+ char* varString; char* eltType;
+ E_Int res = K_ARRAY::getFromArray3(array, varString, f, nil, njl, nkl,
+ cn, eltType);
+ if (res != 1 && res != 2)
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "homothety: invalid array.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ E_Int posx = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateXPresent(varString);
+ E_Int posy = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateYPresent(varString);
+ E_Int posz = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateZPresent(varString);
+ if (posx == -1 || posy == -1 || posz == -1)
+ {
+ RELEASESHAREDB(res, array, f, cn);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "homothety: can't find coordinates in array.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ posx++; posy++; posz++;
+ E_Int npts = f->getSize();
+ E_Float* xt = f->begin(posx);
+ E_Float* yt = f->begin(posy);
+ E_Float* zt = f->begin(posz);
+ #pragma omp parallel default(shared)
+ {
+ E_Float rx, ry, rz;
+#pragma omp for
+ for (E_Int ind = 0; ind < npts; ind++)
+ {
+ rx = xt[ind]-xc;
+ ry = yt[ind]-yc;
+ rz = zt[ind]-zc;
+ xt[ind] = xc + alpha*rx;
+ yt[ind] = yc + alpha*ry;
+ zt[ind] = zc + alpha*rz;
+ }
+ }
+ RELEASESHAREDB(res, array, f, cn);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
diff --git a/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/rotate.cpp b/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/rotate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7824a9269..000000000
--- a/Cassiopee/Transform/Transform/rotate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2013-2024 Onera.
- This file is part of Cassiopee.
- Cassiopee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Cassiopee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Cassiopee. If not, see .
-// Rotate functions - code obsolete -> voir rotate2
-# include "transform.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace K_FUNC;
-using namespace K_FLD;
-extern "C"
- void k6rotate_(const E_Int& npts,
- const E_Float* x, const E_Float* y, const E_Float* z,
- const E_Float& xc, const E_Float& yc, const E_Float& zc,
- const E_Float& nx, const E_Float& ny, const E_Float& nz,
- const E_Float& teta,
- E_Float* xo, E_Float* yo, E_Float* zo);
-// ============================================================================
-/* Rotate an array describing a mesh */
-// ============================================================================
-PyObject* K_TRANSFORM::rotateA1(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
- PyObject* array;
- PyObject* listOfFieldVectors;
- E_Float xc, yc, zc;
- E_Float nx, ny, nz, teta;
- if (!PYPARSETUPLE_(args, O_ TRRR_ TRRR_ R_ O_,
- &array, &xc, &yc, &zc, &nx, &ny, &nz, &teta, &listOfFieldVectors))
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- // Check array
- E_Int nil, njl, nkl;
- FldArrayF* f; FldArrayI* cn;
- char* varString; char* eltType;
- E_Int res;
- // Preliminary check
- if (K_FUNC::fEqualZero(nx) == true &&
- K_FUNC::fEqualZero(ny) == true &&
- K_FUNC::fEqualZero(nz) == true)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
- "rotate: vector has null norm.");
- return NULL;
- }
- res = K_ARRAY::getFromArray(array, varString, f, nil, njl, nkl,
- cn, eltType, true);
- if (res != 1 && res != 2)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "rotate: invalid array.");
- return NULL;
- }
- E_Int posx = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateXPresent(varString);
- E_Int posy = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateYPresent(varString);
- E_Int posz = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateZPresent(varString);
- posx++; posy++; posz++;
- vector posvx; vector posvy; vector posvz;
- E_Int ok = extractVectorComponents(varString, listOfFieldVectors, posvx, posvy, posvz);
- if (ok == -1)
- {
- RELEASESHAREDB(res, array, f, cn);
- return NULL;
- }
- // Transformation en radians
- E_Float pi = 4*atan(1.);
- teta = teta*pi/180.;
- E_Int npts = f->getSize();
- E_Int nfld = f->getNfld();
- // Construit l'array resultat et l'initialise par copie
- PyObject* tpl;
- if (res == 1) //structured
- {
- tpl = K_ARRAY::buildArray(nfld, varString,
- nil, njl, nkl);
- }
- else //unstructured
- {
- E_Int csize = cn->getSize()*cn->getNfld();
- tpl = K_ARRAY::buildArray(nfld, varString,
- npts, cn->getSize(),
- -1, eltType, false, csize);
- }
- E_Float* fnp = K_ARRAY::getFieldPtr(tpl);
- FldArrayF fn(npts, nfld, fnp, true);
- fn.setAllValuesAt(*f);
- if (res == 2)
- {
- E_Int* cnnp = K_ARRAY::getConnectPtr(tpl);
- K_KCORE::memcpy__(cnnp, cn->begin(), cn->getSize()*cn->getNfld());
- }
- // rotate
- E_Int nvect = posvx.size();
- if (posx>0 && posy>0 && posz>0) //coord + champs
- {
- k6rotate_(npts, f->begin(posx), f->begin(posy), f->begin(posz),
- xc, yc, zc, nx, ny, nz, teta,
- fn.begin(posx), fn.begin(posy), fn.begin(posz));
- }
- for (E_Int nov = 0; nov < nvect; nov++)
- {
- posx = posvx[nov]; posy = posvy[nov]; posz = posvz[nov];
- k6rotate_(npts, f->begin(posx), f->begin(posy), f->begin(posz),
- 0., 0., 0., nx, ny, nz, teta,
- fn.begin(posx), fn.begin(posy), fn.begin(posz));
- }
- RELEASESHAREDB(res, array, f, cn);
- return tpl;
-// ============================================================================
-/* Rotate an array describing a mesh, input is two frames */
-// ============================================================================
-PyObject* K_TRANSFORM::rotateA2(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
- PyObject* array;
- E_Float xc, yc, zc;
- E_Float e1x, e1y, e1z, e2x, e2y, e2z, e3x, e3y, e3z;
- E_Float f1x, f1y, f1z, f2x, f2y, f2z, f3x, f3y, f3z;
- PyObject* listOfFieldVectors;
- if (!PYPARSETUPLE_(args, O_ TRRR_ "(" TRRR_ TRRR_ TRRR_ ")" "(" TRRR_ TRRR_ TRRR_ ")" O_,
- &array,
- &xc, &yc, &zc,
- &e1x, &e1y, &e1z,
- &e2x, &e2y, &e2z,
- &e3x, &e3y, &e3z,
- &f1x, &f1y, &f1z,
- &f2x, &f2y, &f2z,
- &f3x, &f3y, &f3z,
- &listOfFieldVectors))
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- // Check array
- E_Int nil, njl, nkl;
- FldArrayF* f; FldArrayI* cn;
- char* varString; char* eltType;
- E_Int res;
- // Make unity
- E_Float e1 = sqrt(e1x*e1x+e1y*e1y+e1z*e1z);
- E_Float e2 = sqrt(e2x*e2x+e2y*e2y+e2z*e2z);
- E_Float e3 = sqrt(e3x*e3x+e3y*e3y+e3z*e3z);
- E_Float f1 = sqrt(f1x*f1x+f1y*f1y+f1z*f1z);
- E_Float f2 = sqrt(f2x*f2x+f2y*f2y+f2z*f2z);
- E_Float f3 = sqrt(f3x*f3x+f3y*f3y+f3z*f3z);
- if (K_FUNC::fEqualZero(e1) == true ||
- K_FUNC::fEqualZero(e2) == true ||
- K_FUNC::fEqualZero(e3) == true ||
- K_FUNC::fEqualZero(f1) == true ||
- K_FUNC::fEqualZero(f2) == true ||
- K_FUNC::fEqualZero(f3) == true)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
- "rotate: frame vectors must have non null norm.");
- return NULL;
- }
- e1 = 1./e1; e2 = 1./e2; e3 = 1./e3;
- f1 = 1./f1; f2 = 1./f2; f3 = 1./f3;
- e1x = e1x * e1; e1y = e1y * e1; e1z = e1z * e1;
- e2x = e2x * e2; e2y = e2y * e2; e2z = e2z * e2;
- e3x = e3x * e3; e3y = e3y * e3; e3z = e3z * e3;
- f1x = f1x * f1; f1y = f1y * f1; f1z = f1z * f1;
- f2x = f2x * f2; f2y = f2y * f2; f2z = f2z * f2;
- f3x = f3x * f3; f3y = f3y * f3; f3z = f3z * f3;
- res = K_ARRAY::getFromArray(array, varString, f, nil, njl, nkl,
- cn, eltType, true);
- if (res != 1 && res != 2)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "rotate: invalid array.");
- return NULL;
- }
- E_Int posx = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateXPresent(varString);
- E_Int posy = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateYPresent(varString);
- E_Int posz = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateZPresent(varString);
- posx++; posy++; posz++;
- vector posvx; vector posvy; vector posvz;
- E_Int ok = extractVectorComponents(varString, listOfFieldVectors, posvx, posvy, posvz);
- if (ok == -1)
- {
- RELEASESHAREDB(res, array, f, cn);
- return NULL;
- }
- E_Int npts = f->getSize();
- E_Int nfld = f->getNfld();
- // Construit l'array resultat et l'initialise par copie
- PyObject* tpl;
- if (res == 1) //structured
- {
- tpl = K_ARRAY::buildArray(nfld, varString,
- nil, njl, nkl);
- }
- else //unstructured
- {
- E_Int csize = cn->getSize()*cn->getNfld();
- tpl = K_ARRAY::buildArray(nfld, varString,
- npts, cn->getSize(),
- -1, eltType, false, csize);
- }
- E_Float* fnp = K_ARRAY::getFieldPtr(tpl);
- FldArrayF fn(npts, nfld, fnp, true);
- fn.setAllValuesAt(*f);
- if (res == 2)
- {
- E_Int* cnnp = K_ARRAY::getConnectPtr(tpl);
- K_KCORE::memcpy__(cnnp, cn->begin(), cn->getSize()*cn->getNfld());
- }
- // rotate
- E_Float m11 = f1x*e1x+f2x*e2x+f3x*e3x;
- E_Float m21 = f1y*e1x+f2y*e2x+f3y*e3x;
- E_Float m31 = f1z*e1x+f2z*e2x+f3z*e3x;
- E_Float m12 = f1x*e1y+f2x*e2y+f3x*e3y;
- E_Float m22 = f1y*e1y+f2y*e2y+f3y*e3y;
- E_Float m32 = f1z*e1y+f2z*e2y+f3z*e3y;
- E_Float m13 = f1x*e1z+f2x*e2z+f3x*e3z;
- E_Float m23 = f1y*e1z+f2y*e2z+f3y*e3z;
- E_Float m33 = f1z*e1z+f2z*e2z+f3z*e3z;
- if (posx>0 && posy>0 && posz>0) //coord + champs
- {
- E_Float* xt = f->begin(posx);
- E_Float* yt = f->begin(posy);
- E_Float* zt = f->begin(posz);
- E_Float* xp = fn.begin(posx);
- E_Float* yp = fn.begin(posy);
- E_Float* zp = fn.begin(posz);
-#pragma omp parallel shared (npts, xt, yt, zt, xp, yp, zp, xc, yc, zc, m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33) if (npts > 100)
- {
- E_Float x, y, z;
-#pragma omp for nowait
- for (E_Int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
- {
- x = (xt[i]-xc);
- y = (yt[i]-yc);
- z = (zt[i]-zc);
- xp[i] = xc + m11*x + m12*y + m13*z;
- yp[i] = yc + m21*x + m22*y + m23*z;
- zp[i] = zc + m31*x + m32*y + m33*z;
- }
- }
- }
- E_Int nvect = posvx.size();
- for (E_Int nov = 0; nov < nvect; nov++)
- {
- E_Int posx = posvx[nov];
- E_Int posy = posvy[nov];
- E_Int posz = posvz[nov];
- E_Float* fxt = f->begin(posx);
- E_Float* fyt = f->begin(posy);
- E_Float* fzt = f->begin(posz);
- E_Float* fxp = fn.begin(posx);
- E_Float* fyp = fn.begin(posy);
- E_Float* fzp = fn.begin(posz);
-#pragma omp parallel shared (npts, fxt, fyt, fzt, fxp, fyp, fzp, m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33) if (npts > 100)
- {
-#pragma omp for nowait
- for (E_Int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
- {
- fxp[i] = m11*fxt[i] + m12*fyt[i] + m13*fzt[i];
- fyp[i] = m21*fxt[i] + m22*fyt[i] + m23*fzt[i];
- fzp[i] = m31*fxt[i] + m32*fyt[i] + m33*fzt[i];
- }
- }
- }
- RELEASESHAREDB(res, array, f, cn);
- return tpl;
-// ============================================================================
-/* Rotate an array describing a mesh */
-// ============================================================================
-PyObject* K_TRANSFORM::rotateA3(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
- PyObject* array;
- E_Float xc, yc, zc;
- E_Float alpha, beta, gamma;
- PyObject* listOfFieldVectors;
- if (!PYPARSETUPLE_(args, O_ TRRR_ TRRR_ O_,
- &array, &xc, &yc, &zc, &alpha, &beta, &gamma, &listOfFieldVectors))
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- // Check array
- E_Int nil, njl, nkl;
- FldArrayF* f; FldArrayI* cn;
- char* varString; char* eltType;
- E_Int res;
- res = K_ARRAY::getFromArray(array, varString, f, nil, njl, nkl,
- cn, eltType, true);
- if (res != 1 && res != 2)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "rotate: invalid array.");
- return NULL;
- }
- E_Int posx = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateXPresent(varString);
- E_Int posy = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateYPresent(varString);
- E_Int posz = K_ARRAY::isCoordinateZPresent(varString);
- posx++; posy++; posz++;
- vector posvx; vector posvy; vector posvz;
- E_Int ok = extractVectorComponents(varString, listOfFieldVectors, posvx, posvy, posvz);
- if (ok == -1)
- {
- RELEASESHAREDB(res, array, f, cn);
- return NULL;
- }
- // Transformation en radians
- E_Float pi = 4*atan(1.);
- alpha = alpha*pi/180.;
- beta = beta*pi/180.;
- gamma = gamma*pi/180.;
- E_Int npts = f->getSize();
- E_Int nfld = f->getNfld();
- // Construit l'array resultat et l'initialise par copie
- PyObject* tpl;
- if (res == 1) //structured
- {
- tpl = K_ARRAY::buildArray(nfld, varString,
- nil, njl, nkl);
- }
- else //unstructured
- {
- E_Int csize = cn->getSize()*cn->getNfld();
- tpl = K_ARRAY::buildArray(nfld, varString,
- npts, cn->getSize(),
- -1, eltType, false, csize);
- }
- E_Float* fnp = K_ARRAY::getFieldPtr(tpl);
- FldArrayF fn(npts, nfld, fnp, true);
- fn.setAllValuesAt(*f);
- if (res == 2)
- {
- E_Int* cnnp = K_ARRAY::getConnectPtr(tpl);
- K_KCORE::memcpy__(cnnp, cn->begin(), cn->getSize()*cn->getNfld());
- }
- // rotate
- E_Float calpha = cos(alpha);
- E_Float salpha = sin(alpha);
- E_Float cbeta = cos(beta);
- E_Float sbeta = sin(beta);
- E_Float cgamma = cos(gamma);
- E_Float sgamma = sin(gamma);
- if (posx>0 && posy>0 && posz>0) //coord + champs
- {
- E_Float* xp = fn.begin(posx);
- E_Float* yp = fn.begin(posy);
- E_Float* zp = fn.begin(posz);
- E_Float* x = f->begin(posx);
- E_Float* y = f->begin(posy);
- E_Float* z = f->begin(posz);
-#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
- {
- E_Float dx, dy, dz;
- E_Float x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
-#pragma omp for
- for (E_Int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
- {
- // Rotation autour de Oz (Ox->Ox1, Oy->Oy1, Oz->Oz)
- dx = x[i]-xc; dy = y[i]-yc; dz = z[i]-zc;
- x1 = xc + cgamma*dx - sgamma*dy;
- y1 = yc + sgamma*dx + cgamma*dy;
- z1 = zc + dz;
- // Rotation autour de Oy1 (Ox1->Ox2, Oy1->Oy1, Oz1->Oz2)
- dx = x1-xc; dy = y1-yc; dz = z1-zc;
- x2 = xc + cbeta*dx - sbeta*dz;
- y2 = yc + dy;
- z2 = zc + sbeta*dx + cbeta*dz;
- // Rotation autour de Oz2 (Ox2->Ox3, Oy2->Oy3, Oz2->Oz2)
- dx = x2-xc; dy = y2-yc; dz = z2-zc;
- xp[i] = xc + dx;
- yp[i] = yc + calpha*dy - salpha*dz;
- zp[i] = zc + salpha*dy + calpha*dz;
- }
- }
- }
- E_Int nvect = posvx.size();
- for (E_Int nov = 0; nov < nvect; nov++)
- {
- E_Int posx = posvx[nov];
- E_Int posy = posvy[nov];
- E_Int posz = posvz[nov];
- E_Float* fxt = f->begin(posx);
- E_Float* fyt = f->begin(posy);
- E_Float* fzt = f->begin(posz);
- E_Float* fxp = fn.begin(posx);
- E_Float* fyp = fn.begin(posy);
- E_Float* fzp = fn.begin(posz);
-//#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
- {
- E_Float dx, dy, dz;
- E_Float x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
-//#pragma omp for
- for (E_Int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
- {
- // Rotation autour de Oz (Ox->Ox1, Oy->Oy1, Oz->Oz)
- dx = fxt[i]; dy = fyt[i]; dz = fzt[i];
- x1 = cgamma*dx - sgamma*dy;
- y1 = sgamma*dx + cgamma*dy;
- z1 = dz;
- // Rotation autour de Oy1 (Ox1->Ox2, Oy1->Oy1, Oz1->Oz2)
- dx = x1; dy = y1; dz = z1;
- x2 = cbeta*dx - sbeta*dz;
- y2 = dy;
- z2 = sbeta*dx + cbeta*dz;
- // Rotation autour de Oz2 (Ox2->Ox3, Oy2->Oy3, Oz2->Oz2)
- dx = x2; dy = y2; dz = z2;
- fxp[i] = dx;
- fyp[i] = calpha*dy - salpha*dz;
- fzp[i] = salpha*dy + calpha*dz;
- }
- }
- }
- RELEASESHAREDB(res, array, f, cn);
- return tpl;
diff --git a/Cassiopee/Transform/srcs.py b/Cassiopee/Transform/srcs.py
index 21d307731..bb85c81a9 100644
--- a/Cassiopee/Transform/srcs.py
+++ b/Cassiopee/Transform/srcs.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
- #"Transform/rotate.cpp",
+ "Transform/homothety.cpp",
@@ -58,6 +58,4 @@
# Fichiers fortran
-for_srcs = ['Transform/Fortran/RotateF.for',
- 'Transform/Fortran/HomothetyF.for',
- 'Transform/Fortran/DeformF.for' ]
+for_srcs = [ 'Transform/Fortran/DeformF.for' ]