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jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.


Adding jQuery to Your Web Pages

There are several ways to start using jQuery on your web site. You can:

1. Download the jQuery library from

The jQuery library is a single JavaScript file, and you reference it with the HTML <script> tag (notice that the <script> tag should be inside the <head> section):

<script src="jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>

Tip: Place the downloaded file in the same directory as the pages where you wish to use it.

2. Include jQuery from a CDN, like Google

If you don't want to download and host jQuery yourself, you can include it from a CDN (Content Delivery Network).

Google is an example of someone who host jQuery:

Google CDN:
<script src=""></script>

jQuery Syntax

The jQuery syntax is tailor-made for selecting HTML elements and performing some action on the element(s).

Basic syntax is: $(selector).action()

i) A $ sign to define/access jQuery

ii) A (selector) to "query (or find)" HTML elements

iii) A jQuery action() to be performed on the element(s)

jQuery Selectors

jQuery selectors allow you to select and manipulate HTML element(s).

The element Selector

The jQuery element selector selects elements based on the element name. You can select all

elements on a page like this:$("p")


The #id Selector

The jQuery #id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML tag to find the specific element.

To find an element with a specific id, write a hash character, followed by the id of the HTML element: $("#test")


The .class Selector

The jQuery .class selector finds elements with a specific class.

To find elements with a specific class, write a period character, followed by the name of the class:$(".test")


More Examples of jQuery Selectors elements elements
Selector What it does?
$("*") Selects all elements
$(this) Selects the current HTML element
$("p.intro") Selects all

elements with class="intro"

$("p:first") Selects the first


$("ul li:first") Selects the first
  • element of the first
    • $("ul li:first-child") Selects the first
    • element of every
      • $("[href]") Selects all elements with an href attribute
        $("a[target='_blank']") Selects all elements with a target attribute value equal to "_blank"
        $("a[target!='_blank']") Selects all elements with a target attribute value NOT equal to "_blank"
        $(":button") Selects all elements and elements of type="button"
        $("tr:even") Selects all even
        $("tr:odd") Selects all odd

        jQuery Event Methods

        What are `Events`?

        All the different visitors' actions that a web page can respond to are called events.

        jQuery Syntax For Event Methods

        In jQuery, most DOM events have an equivalent jQuery method.

        To assign a click event to all paragraphs on a page, you can do this:$("p").click();

        The next step is to define what should happen when the event fires. You must pass a function to the event:

          // action goes here!!

        Event What it does?
        $(document).ready() allows us to execute a function when the document is fully loaded
        click() attaches an event handler function to an HTML element.The function is executed when the user clicks on the HTML element.
        dblclick() attaches an event handler function to an HTML element.The function is executed when the user double-clicks on the HTML element.
        mouseenter() attaches an event handler function to an HTML element.The function is executed when the mouse pointer enters the HTML element.
        mouseleave() attaches an event handler function to an HTML element.The function is executed when the mouse pointer leaves the HTML element.
        mousedown() attaches an event handler function to an HTML element.The function is executed, when the left, middle or right mouse button is pressed down, while the mouse is over the HTML element.
        mouseup() attaches an event handler function to an HTML element.The function is executed, when the left, middle or right mouse button is released, while the mouse is over the HTML element
        hover() takes two functions and is a combination of the mouseenter() and mouseleave() methods.The first function is executed when the mouse enters the HTML element, and the second function is executed when the mouse leaves the HTML element.
        focus() attaches an event handler function to an HTML form field.The function is executed when the form field gets focus.
        blur() attaches an event handler function to an HTML form field.The function is executed when the form field loses focus.
        The on() Method attaches one or more event handlers for the selected elements.Attach a click event to a


        jQuery - AJAX

        What is AJAX?

        AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. In short; AJAX is about loading data in the background and display it on the webpage, without reloading the whole page. Examples of applications using AJAX: Gmail, Google Maps, Youtube, and Facebook tabs.

        What About jQuery and AJAX?

        jQuery provides several methods for AJAX functionality.With the jQuery AJAX methods, you can request text, HTML, XML, or JSON from a remote server using both HTTP Get and HTTP Post - And you can load the external data directly into the selected HTML elements of your web page.

        jQuery load() Method

        The jQuery load() method is a simple, but powerful AJAX method.

        The load() method loads data from a server and puts the returned data into the selected element.


        jQuery - AJAX get() and post() Methods

        jQuery $.get() Method

        The $.get() method requests data from the server with an HTTP GET request.


        jQuery $.post() Method

        The $.post() method requests data from the server using an HTTP POST request.


        jQuery Effect Methods

        The following table lists all the jQuery methods for creating animation effects.

        Method Description
        animate() Runs a custom animation on the selected elements
        clearQueue() Removes all remaining queued functions from the selected elements
        delay() Sets a delay for all queued functions on the selected elements
        dequeue() Removes the next function from the queue, and then executes the function
        fadeIn() Fades in the selected elements
        fadeOut() Fades out the selected elements
        fadeTo() Fades in/out the selected elements to a given opacity
        fadeToggle() Toggles between the fadeIn() and fadeOut() methods
        finish() Stops, removes and completes all queued animations for the selected elements
        hide() Hides the selected elements
        queue() Shows the queued functions on the selected elements
        show() Shows the selected elements
        slideDown() Slides-down (shows) the selected elements
        slideToggle() Toggles between the slideUp() and slideDown() methods
        slideUp() Slides-up (hides) the selected elements
        stop() Stops the currently running animation for the selected elements
        toggle() Toggles between the hide() and show() methods

        jQuery HTML / CSS Methods

        The following table lists all the methods used to manipulate the HTML and CSS.

        The methods below work for both HTML and XML documents. Exception: the html() method.

        Method Description
        addClass() Adds one or more class names to selected elements
        after() Inserts content after selected elements
        append() Inserts content at the end of selected elements
        appendTo() Inserts HTML elements at the end of selected elements
        attr() Sets or returns attributes/values of selected elements
        before() Inserts content before selected elements
        clone() Makes a copy of selected elements
        css() Sets or returns one or more style properties for selected elements
        detach() Removes selected elements (keeps data and events)
        empty() Removes all child nodes and content from selected elements
        hasClass() Checks if any of the selected elements have a specified class name
        height() Sets or returns the height of selected elements
        html() Sets or returns the content of selected elements
        innerHeight() Returns the height of an element (includes padding, but not border)
        innerWidth() Returns the width of an element (includes padding, but not border)
        insertAfter() Inserts HTML elements after selected elements
        insertBefore() Inserts HTML elements before selected elements
        offset() Sets or returns the offset coordinates for selected elements (relative to the document)
        offsetParent() Returns the first positioned parent element
        outerHeight() Returns the height of an element (includes padding and border)
        outerWidth() Returns the width of an element (includes padding and border)
        position() Returns the position (relative to the parent element) of an element
        prepend() Inserts content at the beginning of selected elements
        prependTo() Inserts HTML elements at the beginning of selected elements
        prop() Sets or returns properties/values of selected elements
        remove() Removes the selected elements (including data and events)
        removeAttr() Removes one or more attributes from selected elements
        removeClass() Removes one or more classes from selected elements
        removeProp() Removes a property set by the prop() method
        replaceAll() Replaces selected elements with new HTML elements
        replaceWith() Replaces selected elements with new content
        scrollLeft() Sets or returns the horizontal scrollbar position of selected elements
        scrollTop() Sets or returns the vertical scrollbar position of selected elements
        text() Sets or returns the text content of selected elements
        toggleClass() Toggles between adding/removing one or more classes from selected elements
        unwrap() Removes the parent element of the selected elements
        val() Sets or returns the value attribute of the selected elements (for form elements)
        width() Sets or returns the width of selected elements
        wrap() Wraps HTML element(s) around each selected element
        wrapAll() Wraps HTML element(s) around all selected elements
        wrapInner() Wraps HTML element(s) around the content of each selected element

        jQuery Traversing

        jQuery traversing, which means "move through", are used to "find" (or select) HTML elements based on their relation to other elements. Start with one selection and move through that selection until you reach the elements you desire.

        Traversing the DOM

        jQuery provides a variety of methods that allow us to traverse the DOM. The largest category of traversal methods are tree-traversal.

        jQuery Traversing Methods

        Method Description
        add() Adds elements to the set of matched elements
        addBack() Adds the previous set of elements to the current set
        andSelf() Deprecated in version 1.8. An alias for addBack()
        children() Returns all direct children of the selected element
        closest() Returns the first ancestor of the selected element
        contents() Returns all direct children of the selected element (including text and comment nodes)
        each() Executes a function for each matched element
        end() Ends the most recent filtering operation in the current chain, and return the set of matched elements to its previous state
        eq() Returns an element with a specific index number of the selected elements
        filter() Reduce the set of matched elements to those that match the selector or pass the function's test
        find() Returns descendant elements of the selected element
        first() Returns the first element of the selected elements
        has() Returns all elements that have one or more elements inside of them
        is() Checks the set of matched elements against a selector/element/jQuery object, and return true if at least one of these elements matches the given arguments
        last() Returns the last element of the selected elements
        map() Passes each element in the matched set through a function, producing a new jQuery object containing the return values
        next() Returns the next sibling element of the selected element
        nextAll() Returns all next sibling elements of the selected element
        nextUntil() Returns all next sibling elements between two given arguments
        not() Returns elements that do not match a certain criteria
        offsetParent() Returns the first positioned parent element
        parent() Returns the direct parent element of the selected element
        parents() Returns all ancestor elements of the selected element
        parentsUntil() Returns all ancestor elements between two given arguments
        prev() Returns the previous sibling element of the selected element
        prevAll() Returns all previous sibling elements of the selected element
        prevUntil() Returns all previous sibling elements between two given arguments
        siblings() Returns all sibling elements of the selected element
        slice() Reduces the set of matched elements to a subset specified by a range of indices