To support sustainable practices within and beyond NIME as outlined in the NIME Conference Environmental Statement, we have created this repository of information and green resources for environmental issues in NIME research. The repository is regularly updated with new entries, ideas, and suggestions for how we can lessen the ecological footprint of our individual and institutional practices. It is softly curated by the environmental officers, and we highly encourage everyone to submit requests for additions and edits. We hope that this will become a resource, not only for evaluating our own environmental impact, but also to spawn new ideas, designs, sonic works, and collaborations, with the potential for impact beyond the boundaries of NIME research as well.
- Chat and collaboration (Slack alternatives)
- Machine learning
- Music streaming [English] [Italian]
- Video conferencing (Zoom alternatives)
- Web hosting
- 3D printing with PLA
- Related Projects
- Projeto: Cerrado - Anésio Neto [English] [Portuguese]
- Project: Aeolis - Lior Arbel [English] [Hebrew]
- Call for Submissions: DACA 2022
Questions and comments can be directed to the NIME environmental officers: