Each challenge is a stand-alone, self-guided tutorial that includes a README.md
file to walk you through the content. The first challenge is to complete Access_Ascent_and_Clone_Repo, which will show you how to clone this repository on Ascent.
You are welcome to try all the challenges but the first 8 will give you a basic introduction to HPC.
- Access_Ascent_and_Clone_Repo
- Basic_Unix_Vim (Only do this one if you have no experience with Unix or a text editor)
- Basic_Workflow
- jsrun_Job_Launcher
- MPI_Basics
- Parallel_Scaling_Performance
- GPU_Data_Transfers
- Python_Pytorch_Basics -this challenge asks you to work with a Convolutional Neural network
After completing these challenges, feel free to "choose your own adventure" by completing the rest of the challenges in any order you prefer.